Serena's picture



Prophets and Fortune Tellers

Not sure if this should have been posted under religion or here but here it is. Have any of you had "prophecies" said over you in church by "prophets" or gone to fortune tellers or palm readers? Did they come true or was it just entertainment?

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Terminalman90's picture



No. Don't believe in fortune tellers. Not as entertainment or otherwise. Don't believe in ghosts either. Or devils, demons, imps, leprechauns.

That being said, I DID look at my horoscope in the newspaper a couple of days ago.

I don't believe in lotteries either. Poor tax. VERY infrequently I will buy one because I am "feeling lucky". Fortunately for me, I never win anything.

I think that if I did, I would feel like a fortune teller and think I had mystical powers or something. Just as well I don't win. Or play for that matter.

jw's picture



To me, at any rate,, prophets and fortune tellers are VERY different things. A prophet is a person who actually speaks a God-message ... a fortune teller tries to tell the future.

I've looked at fortune tellers with a hard eye: Almost all are garbage, non-sense and at best, entertainment. Sadly, too many people seem to listen to them and hang on their every word. Look at the horoscopes .... YUCK!

Real prophets are rare and people DO NOT HANG ON THEIR WORD! Real prophets say things which are true and upset people: They do not predict the future, they state 'if there are not changes, then ...." The truth, unvarnished, is not all that pretty. The Church gets a real prophecy every decade or so, at least I think so: The Church also rejects the real prophet. (Using Church to mean the sum of Christianity.)

Mind you, every now and then a person does seem to get a brief glimpse into the future. This is why I do not totally trash the psychics. The skeptics are also wrong in that every few years, every rare now and then, someone does indeed appear to get a real glimpse of what will happen.

You may be familiar with Jung's overmind concept. There does, as I see it, appear to be something to it. What? I do not know.... Something.

daisy13's picture



I've been to a "fortune teller" twice. The first time was complete garbage and I'm sure the woman was just making things up. The second time things actually happened that were pretty specific. I'd like to go back to her for fun. I don't think that it is something that you should take too seriously though.

I do believe that most people who claim to be psychic for profit are most likely not real. I also believe that there are people that truly are psychic and have a gift or an ability to sense things. The TV show "medium" is based on a real woman, so there must be something that was there for them to base a whole show on it. She has a book out too. Perhaps they are using a part of their brain that we aren't seeing as we only use 10% of it.

Jeffery's picture



Some time ago, I had someone read taro cards for me. She said I would travel and at that moment, I pictured in my mind on a map a part of the world with which I was completely unfamiliar. She said that I shouldn't trust a dark haired older woman and a light haired younger man. Six months later, I saw an ad in a foreign country. I didn't know it at the time I applied, but it was EXACTLY where I had pictured in my head during the card reading. I got the job. My boss was a dark haired older woman and the guy I was replacing wa a light haired younger man -- they both made the job seem much better than it was. The experience was good, but I shouldn't have trusted the pair of them!

I think there is something to fortune telling. Something was working in the reader's mind and in mine. I think Christians should avoid it.

Prophecy is something different. I think Christians should be more open to it than we are.

sylviac's picture



Serena I think the Bible tells you if a prophet prophesies and it comes true, then he is a real prophet. If a self professed prophet tells you something and it doesnt come true. He is self deceived.

Witch's picture



Wow. I guess that I'm a propht then, according to Sylvia's criteria.

Serena's picture



Cool Witch. Can you give me a prophecy or are you going to start charging now.

Witch's picture



I knew you were going to say that.

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