Serena's picture



psychic abilities

I had two interesting dreams in the past couple of weeks.


1.  I dreamt my cousin and I ate all the ice cream at Dairy Queen and Dairy Queen closed down.  A few days later Dairy Queen actually did close down and it looks like it is permanent.


2.   I dreamt that one of my male friends grew long hair and braided it  and then when I saw this friend next he shaved his head.


Now if only I could use these powers for good. 



What weird dreams have any of you had that have come true?

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jesouhaite777's picture



Being chased by monsters that try to eat me

I'm always being chased by something but never something human

So yeah I'm hoping I don't get caught and they don't come true

Just before they snap their jaws I wake up


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Hi Jesou,

Try changing your avatar, it might help.

Might I suggest Pollyanna?   

Elanorgold's picture



Well, I dreamt I was killed by a vampire once, thank goodness that never came true! But it was symbolic of my broken heart when my first boyfriend dumped me! I can't remember if I had the dream before or after he dumped me though... it was a long time ago! The vampire looked like him.

Serena's picture



I had two dreams about snakes once.  This was years ago.   In each dream I saw the snake.  Then the snake disappeared.  Then later the snake caught me by surprise and bit me.  As the snake bit me I recognized the face of a person.  The next day that very person hurt someone that I loved.  These dreams were years apart.  It seemed that I should have been better prepared in real life except that I was actually feeling bad that I dreamed that person was a snake until that person actually did something quite dishonest and cruel.

Elanorgold's picture



It's good to pay attention to these dreams, just incase...


I remembered this morning that many years ago, when I was 19 or 20, after over a year of not seeing this guy I was hurting over and missing him badly, I dreamt I ran into him, then the very next day, I was at a movie with a girlfriend and ran into him! I gave him my phone number and we agreed to go out for lunch, but sadly, he never called. : (

trishcuit's picture



 I was going through a rough patch in life.  A sh***y marriage and a job I didn't like because my boss was a real piece of work and I was walking on eggshells in general.  Twice I dreamed of bears.   My friend suggested the bear was maybe my Spirit Guide but I did research and dreams of a bear charging or otherwise out to get you is to do with conflict.  (boss AND hubby. Enough already!) Sometimes I will dream of someone I haven't seen or heard of in ages and then I will hear news of them in passing, often the next day.

 Not to mention that I was walking around with a twitchy lower eyelid which is caused by fear of reprimand.


And let us not forget Women's Intuition.

chansen's picture



Serena wrote:

1.  I dreamt my cousin and I ate all the ice cream at Dairy Queen and Dairy Queen closed down.  A few days later Dairy Queen actually did close down and it looks like it is permanent.


Wait until May.  If you dream of it reopening, and it does, you'll know you really have something.

jesouhaite777's picture



Ha ha I'm paying that dude for extra protection LOL

Twitchy eyelids means your eyes are tired

Visine works wonders

Elanorgold's picture



Hmm, Fear of reprimand eh? I allways wondered what that meant when my eye was twitchy!


That's neet you've had those dreams of people you've not seen in ages too Trish. And the bears dreams. I had dreams of bears right before I set off on my backpacking adventure when i was 21. They weren't attacking, they were laying down and let me pass like a sister. I then bought myself a native bear design t-shirt and wore it backpacking, using the thought of the bears strength and independance to garner my confidence as I set out on my own.

trishcuit's picture




trishcuit's picture




one reason is listed as stress. That was just about it for me at the time.

Then a girlfriend and I took a weekender to Nelson BC and partied.  It was a great time, a real get away.  Upon coming home to my drinking hubby and his loser buddies and the job I didn't like, I was really bummed for about 24 hours. But OH what fun we had in Nelson!

Elanorgold's picture



And your eye stopped twitching right! I haven't had a twitchy eye in some time. I think mine was from fatigue mostly, mom too.


Nelson's a groovy place : ) Getting kinda big now though.

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