ninjafaery's picture



Scrabble Anyone?

After years of loving everything about words, but struggling with scrabble (I'm the 3 letter queen), I have developed a serious addiction to the game. I play with a friend each week, and online every chance I get - several games at once. I still suck at it compared to hardcore players, but I'm improving. I dream of a chance to make a word like "haruspex".
Any other fans?

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paradox3's picture



Hi Ninjafaery,


We always played Scrabble in my family when I was growing up & we still pull out the board once in a while. I also like crossword puzzles and Boggle.


I have never played Scrabble online but I have the Hasbro version of the computer game, It's been a whlle since I have used it but it is great fun. You can go back over your game afterwards for an analysis of your moves. The program will show you what the best moves would have been each time.


And you can set the skill level you want the computer opponent to have.

crazyheart's picture



I love scrabble. It is a game we play in the family. It is also a game I play on line with many WonderCafe Folk.


I play two kinds. One where you hop into the game and play. This is good if you have only a little time. 


I also play full games. 


If you want to play I will send you an invite.

Pinga's picture



I love scrabble, and have had wonderful times with family playing scrabble.


I used to like playing it online, but, due to a frustration over a redesign of the game, and increasing concerns regarding the safety/security of games via facebook, I no longer play.  my loss, it was quite fun.


I will check out the hasbro purchase as that may meet my desires, Paradox3, thanks

ninjafaery's picture



There's a phone app called "words with friends" that I like. Nice features like a scrambler & dictionary. Easy to check a word. If anyone wants to play, just go to their site & download the app. Not sure what versions there are - maybe there are more choices. Wonder mail me for a game!

somegalfromcan's picture



I always enjoy a good game of Scrabble. If you don`t want to play the Facebook version, you can go to

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