Alex's picture



Something Strange & Unnatural comes to Ottawa - Again!

Ottawa is getting a CFL team.


This after we have hosted the two most losing teams in professional sports history, The Roughriders, and the Renegades.


They actually had to invent a new word for this team, the Redblacks.


And now for the "strange" part the logo. which is "balanced, dangerous, unstoppable,"


ROFLMAO. I am unable to write more because I am laughing hysterically at the logo. Sounds like the same guy involved with the names "progressive conservative" or new democrat"


 What do you think?


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Mendalla's picture



Well, it is Ottawa as you say. Wouldn't be the first strange and unnatural thing to come out of that town.


What the heck does Redblacks mean anyway? Renegades was a perfectly good name.


Of course, if you really want to capture the spirit of our capital city, you'd end up with something like the Ottawa Auditors, or the National Capital Expense Accounts or something. cheeky




Alex's picture



A good name for a CFL team from Ottawa would be the Costalots


"Divided, dangerous, delayed, "

revjohn's picture



Hi Alex,


Alex wrote:

 What do you think?


Redblacks?   Hmmmmmm two popular colours for ink on financial statements.


Probably should have named it the Allreds and started closing up shop right after announcing the existence of the franchise.


Still, what can go wrong this time around, all the mistakes have been made by previous franchises right.


Ironically this is Ottawa and nobody has figured out that changing the name and the colour of the uniform doesn't result in a new product.


Congratulations Ottawa CFL fans.


Grace and peace to you.

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