ManBearPig's picture



South Park.

dun dun DAAA.

What's your opinion on the show?
It's crude, it's violent, and it's politically incorrect in every way possible.

and yet, it's hilarious.

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RevJamesMurray's picture



I think the only great thing South Park has done was their animated contribution to Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. That and "Blame Canada".

Motheroffive's picture



I find it vulgar.

abpenny's picture



I love almost any kind of humor, but I walked into the room once when the "boys" were watching this...I walked right out again...adding "you guys are a bunch of pigs to watch this show!"

Serena's picture



I agree with M of 5. This show is vulgar. I would not let anyone in my house watch it.

Colleen's picture



I love South Park, sure it can be rude, crude, obscene etc. but the message that come out of it can be really interesting and really good...I would never let anyone younger then about 16 watch it though even then that is rather young for some. I know I saw the movie fisrt when I was abotu 16...I just love it!

Atheisto's picture



In a land of stifling political correctness I find it refreshing...

AceandGary's picture



Our favourite character is Big Gay Al


Birthstone's picture



horrible, vulgar, but we've watched our share. I like the irony of it spouting good satire & real messages in such a tasteless way. The reality is that many younger generation (Gen Xrs) love the cynicism that creates South park - that is part of what makes the messages of the show so effective.

However, all that said, my tolerance runs out quickly and I don't think it is very good for anyones SOUL! Music's pretty well done though.

Bill's picture



Hilarious. Especially the part about only Mormons go to heaven.

ManBearPig's picture



LOL i'm not sure i saw that one.

I find that south park does have very upfront images about things, like when the kids started playing World of Warcraft nonstop and grew morbidly obese.
that episode ruled too, by the way.
"that was such uber pwnage you guys."

sighsnootles's picture



i personally don't care for it, but the episodes i've seen have really dealt with some fundamental topics in a very interesting way.

and their homages to star wars are AWESOME!!!

Siksay's picture



South Park is vulgar, for sure. But it's famous for poking fun at EVERYTHING and I think society needs a few kick-starts like that. What a show like South Park really does is point out the absurdity and idiocy contained in nearly everything. South Park, for all its profanity and vulgarity, is an impressively intelligent TV show that merits viewing and discussion.

GospelCrazy's picture



RevJamesMurray: That animated bit in Bowling For Columbine wasn't actually them. I think it was horribly inappropriate for Moore to do an interview with Matt Stone followed by an animation in the Matt Stone style; I also believed that Matt had done the animation, because of 'proximity' and the stylistic similarities. I was really surprised when I learned otherwise, and that Matt Stone is/was really upset about that misappropriation. I guess that's one more item in the "Michael Moore is an irresponsible filmmaker" tally.

I love South Park. I 'get' those kids and the sense of humour speaks to my life and my way of looking at the world. Sometimes their view on the church and religion is a bit too pedestrian for me - their characters often "learn" that religion is 'just about being good people' and I disagree. At the same time I love it when the clergy are lampooned on the show. And I just find the characters endlessly delightful - particularly Butters.

BelieverOrNot's picture



Don't really like it, a few episodes are definately brilliant but overall I got bored of it fast. You want to know bad? I nominate Beavis and Butthead. I really hated that show.

nighthawk's picture



I laughed at a lot of it. I love it when they get really absurd, hate it when they get preachy.
The movie was awesome too. I really hated Team America though. I wonder what happened.

aotn's picture



It is definitely smart and a brilliant satire, but it relies far too heavily on swearing... it is definitely vulgar. I can't sit through an entire episode. I also don't like the animation style.

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