AHyde's picture



UCC in Canadian Literature

Does anyone know of any works of Canadian fiction that feature a / the United Church of Canada?

I seem to think there's a reference to the United Church in The Stone Angel. Also one of the stories in Stephen Leacock's "Arcadian Adventures of the Idle Rich" feature two congregations coming together to make the United Church Ltd.

Anyone know of any others?

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TLC's picture



I have this habit of picking up Canlit at used book sales, just because it's Canlit. Recently I picked up The Wise and Foolish Virgins by Don Hannah. Twelve lives collide, some of them wise, some of them foolish, some of them virgins, some of them I'd say are down-right creepy and criminal. One character is a pillar of the local UCC (on both the property and cemetary committee). UCC would more likely turn him over to the police than invite him to chair the board by the end of it. I've got a copy I'm selling used - I dont' need to read this one again.

Fionavar's picture



The Sin Buster of Smokey Burn,

As for Me and My House, Sinclair Ross (Denomination is possibly uncertain, but seems to be some appreciation as deriving from a UCC perspective)

The Greening of Ian Elliot (TV CBC)

WO Mitchell also has some references as well ... I hope this is of some use.


revjohn's picture





I think the UCCAN gets a plug in Robertson Davie's "Fifth Business."

But I'm not going to reread the thing so I can say for certain.


WV's picture



This has always been an interest of mine because the United Church is generally abused in Canadian literature, just as it is in the press. I was happy to see in Sarah Polley's new film Away From Her that she takes a lovely poke at the United Church. I wish I could repeat it, but it will stand out when you see the film.

Alice Munro is very nasty when it comes to the UCC. I've always wanted to ask her about that. In an early short story a UCC Minister actually participates in a sexual act on a train with a less than willing participant. I noted, however, in a recent interview in the Globe that she seems to have softened some.

Robertson Davies makes referance in Rebel Angels and compares us unfavorably to the Anglicans. Surprise. Surprise. See also Rex Murphy last Saturday. Closet Anglicans you can spot them a mile away.

I think what is more interesting is when Can Lit is simpathetic to spiritual issues. Take for example Carol Shields in her last novel Unless (is it?) A famous atheist and yet so sympathetic to the power of goodness. She could be United Church!

I love this quote from Yan Martel in The Life of Pi : "Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, as any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your probem with hard to believe?"

sighsnootles's picture





what dark act of necromancy brought THIS thread back from the vaults?!?!?


DKS's picture



Thread was spammed.

carolla's picture



Good eye sighsnootles!  I didn't notice the date.  And I must have missed the "spamming" - I saw LB post a spam video on another thread. 

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