Elanorgold's picture



a video vignette of tragic love stories

Got this uploaded last night, my latest video: a song by Green Crown, featuring the stories of Romeo and Juliet, Robin and Marian, Guinevere and Lancelot, and others. Sad, and I hope, beautiful. Posting to share, hope you enjoy it.



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gecko46's picture



This is a beautiful and poignant video, Elanorgold.  Very evocative images of enduring love and the pain that sometimes accompanies great love and sacrifice.

Well done.

waterfall's picture



Beautiful Elanorgold! Is that Olivia Hussy as Juliet? One of my favourite versions from when I was younger myself. Keep sharing.

Elanorgold's picture



Aww thanks ladies. Yes that's Olivia Hussey. My favorite version.


This video means a lot to me, special to my heart. I cry each time I play it. Romeo and Juliet, that particular version, is one of my favorite films, as is Tristan and Isolde, which I loved at first viewing. The Doctor Who episode "Doomsday", made me cry more than anything else I'd seen in years. Absolutely heartwrenching. I really feel for Lancelot and Guinevere, forbidden, breaking the heart of someone they both love, so much so that he gives her up to Arthur, and departs to France, never to see her again. She ends up in a convent, and he ends up a poor hermit and dies alone and destitute many years later.


The tv one is called Children of the Dust, and I taped it nearly 20 years ago. I only just found out it was Billy Wirth as White Wolf, who played my favorite vampire in The Lost Boys. When I saw this film, I burst out crying at the scene I used, startling my film companions. I taped her scream after the canon blows him up (that's what happens, he is killed by KKK affiliated white government men, including her brother), on my special songs tape I took to England back in '96, which then freaked out the good man who put us up for the first month!


Thank you very much for watching.

gecko46's picture



I love that version of Romeo and Juliet as well.  It seemed to portray more realistically the teenage lovers Shakespeare intended.   I used to teach Romeo and Juliet in high school English classes.   Regretted I couldn't show this version to my students because of the nudity. 

Hey, Tristan and Isolde is one of my favourites as well.  Not really fond of opera but this is one I will happily watch.  Another opera love story I like is Lohengrin.  The music in both these works is wonderful.

Camelot and the Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot love triangle with tragic outcomes....a classic.

Some modern love stories aren't bad.  I did enjoy Titanic with Leonardo and Kate.


kaythecurler's picture



There are some nice portraits in this video - are they your own work or taken from movies?  I can't remember the last time I watched a movie - we don't have a theatre in town and at home we don't watch tv. 

Elanorgold's picture



Yeah Titanic was really good. I should see that again. I got to watch a cleaned up version of Romeo and Juliet in high school. The school had a library of school appropriate movies, the same versions I think, as were aired before 8 pm on tv. That's how I saw Clan of the Cave Bear and Conan, at home so young. But R & J had a big influence on me from the start.


Oh, I also saw Mel Gibson's Hamlet quite early on, which I also included in the clip. It took me longer to warm to that one, and to begin to understand the lingo, but man! Is he emotional in it, and likewise is Helena Bonham Carter dramatic in it. She was frightening at first. That funeral scene is really tense, and heartbreaking. Cause that's when the viewer realizes he really loved her. I have been fond of that film since I was maybe 20.


All the images are, from movies, tv shows or Victorian paintings. Children of the Dust I think was a made for tv movie. I photographed my tv screen to get those images, and did the same for the final two scenes from Tristan and Isolde, and some of the Robin Hood death shots.


The Robin and Marian stories are from the tv show Robin of Sherwood, an 80's show I saw when I was 15, and shaped my young mind considderably. The story of a green, pagan, wild living hero, in the English forest felt so familiar and right to me from the first. Robin Hood remains an important figure in my internal mythology. So his death on tv was a mighty blow to me. I couldn't believe they could do that, and I refused to watch the next season with a new Robin played by a different actor. And Judi Trott will forever be Marian in my mind.


They part twice. The first one is where she asks him to take her to Kirklees Abbey, where she intends to be a nun to save herself from having to marry the evil Baron de Beleme, because she isn't yet ready to commit to the life of an outlaw in the wilderness. Robin begs her to stay with him in the forest and says she will be his May Queen. She replies "And what will I be when winter comes?" "The fire in the cave's mouth" he replies, "I'll wrap you in furs and keep you warm." But she shakes her head, "Take me to Kirklees", she sais, and so he does that, and they bid a difficult farewell to the sound of a beautiful Clannad song, at the gates of the abbey... sigh~~

Kimmio's picture



Very beautiful images Elanor. I can feel their pain. I like the song too. I'm sorry I didn't watch this sooner.heart

Elanorgold's picture



HUG!  : )

Beloved's picture





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