Jonas's picture



Was the Star of Bethleham a UFO?

When I first heard this theory, I though it was a little crazy?
A leading "Authority" on UFOs has suggested that the Star at Bethleham was actually a UFO. There is a lot of evidence of these craft and they do appear to glow and can be stationary. If Aliens are that advanced, maybe they would have wanted to be there. Perhaps this idea is not so crazy after all.
What do you think?

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Serena's picture



Maybe the angels were flying the UFO? Or beings from another planet who have not fallen into sin and came to watch.

willb's picture



Zecharia Sitchin has a very detailed theory / timeline involving Alien activity throughout ancient history...He has worked to reconcile all sorts of ancient texts, hieroglyphs, and myths...It is all detailed in his "The Earth Chronicles" series, and "Divine Encounters", his latest book, pays specific attention to events in the Bible...I'm not saying that I buy it all, but is is pretty fascinating in the way that he has been able to tie everything together...

Jonas's picture



If you ever read "The Day After Roswell" by Phillip Corso, you would know that the government knows alot about alien intelligence and why we stopped going to the Moon.

If I were an alien, I would want to be at the birth of the most important person in Human history, wouldn't you.

jolly_nick's picture



The star of Bethleham? A UFO? I've never heard of that theory before. It's an interesting one though. I don't know if I totally believe it, but I wouldn't discount it.

Inukshuk's picture



I think it was more likely a comet or dying supernova or a very bright planet Venus.

GodsCreator's picture



I can't say that I'd ever heard anyone suggest that the star was a UFO - but it makes perfect sense.

I'm not saying that the Jesus birth was the first by in-vitro fertilization, but it would make sense that the aliens would want to stay around to ensure that the birth went as planned. Besides, their presence there in the sky, as well as the proclamations that they made to those in the rural areas would indicate that they wanted this to be a high profile event. They were shaping the unfolding situation.

I do have to sit back and wonder if the events unfolded as planned. Did they intend that Jesus would be a martyr, or was he meant to live longer and be an actual ruling King. Was Christianity planned, or did it just arise. Have these groups continued to influence our cultures, to steer our development?

RedHeadGoddess's picture



GodsCreator - are you saying that Jesus was an alien?

GodsCreator's picture



I believe that Jesus was human - a brilliant human, and a human that consistently had help from above.

No one can look up into the clear night sky, at all those stars and galaxies and know for certain that god only made us. If there are aliens today then why couldn't there have been aliens two millennia ago, or four millennia ago, or ten millennia ago? And why wouldn't they help us along when we needed it - give us the leaders when we needed them, provide us with an understanding of our roots to help us move ahead?

Flitcraft's picture



I would love to discuss this, but after trying to make some arguments about a few other ... interesting historical claims and getting trashed for it, I think I will just go with the flow.

Yes, Jonas, of course the star of Bethlehem was a UFO. How could anyone think otherwise?

Blah's picture



It's about as believable as the rest of the story.

Audj's picture



Well I don't know about a UFO but the star certainly wasn't from God. It was from Satan.

Jonas's picture



Flintcraft, tell me your not losing your passion.
I too have been beat up on this website but that what makes it fun.
Don't be afraid to give you opinion. It is really a "out in left field idea" but Aliens probably do exist and if they are capable of space flight, must be intelligent. Why I am even bringing this up, is the way the Gospel describes the Star. Very few Stars I have seen, stand over towns, let alone people and Matthew clearly states the Star moved till "stood over where the young child was"

They seem to have alot of "Stars" over Phoenix and Mexico City lately.

RevMatt's picture



"It's about as believable as the rest of the story."

I KNEW I could count on you, Blah, to bring some perspective here :)

I don't think the star existed in reality, any more than I am prepared to say that the rest of Luke's story is actually true. Moving, inspiring, full of Truth, but not true. That said, I think the standard meteor theory is more likely.

Jonas's picture



Blah, you seem cynical and very anti religious about most topics.
Thanks fine, its a free Country. I am sure your anger is justified as most religions have screwed the World up.

I am curious though, do you think there is Alien life out there? Also, do you think there is life after death?
I am not a religious fanatic and I am not trying to be sarcastic...I would really like your opinion.

Magda's picture



I'm with you, Rev. Matt and Blah.


Flitcraft's picture



Jonas, you are a mensch. Ok, I will go for it.

The story is about the coming of hope into a darkened world. "People who live in darkness have seen a great light." The light is Christ ("I am the Light of the World") and the star is mythical star. Remember, at that time, various methods of divination, including astrology, were quite common. The idea that not only Isaiah foretold this, but that the very heavens point the way, was an important part of the story.

So, the star is a symbolic star, not a physical star, that draws us into the story of the coming of the Light of Christ into a darkened world.

Flitcraft's picture



RevMatt, Blah's comment is not a useful persepective but his standard refutation of all religious thought, period. It adds nothing to the discussion.

Jonas's picture



Flit- you are probably right in your accessment.
I would also like to ask you directly without scarasm, do you think intelligent life from another world is visiting us?

nighthawk's picture



Yes it was. All hail Xenu!

Flitcraft's picture



Jonas asked:

"I would also like to ask you directly without scarasm, do you think intelligent life from another world is visiting us?"

No, I don't.

Jonas's picture



Flit- that is very interesting point of view you write like a very intelligent person.
Knowing what science has discovered about the Universe, its size, age,number of Stars/ planets etc, it seems improbable that we are alone.

Humans are really like an ants trying to understand the Space Shuttle when it comes to Creation and the Creator. I wouldn't discount other life out there.
God probably would be smarter than relying on Humans as the only form of intelligent life. We are probably in many ways are one of his greatest achievments and also one of his biggest disappointments (re :Blah's attitude as an example).

Flitcraft's picture



jonas, I am not denying the very real possibility of intelligent life somewhere. I just don't think that they are visiting.

Beyond's picture



You're Next! You're Next!...

RevMatt's picture



"RevMatt, Blah's comment is not a useful persepective but his standard refutation of all religious thought, period. It adds nothing to the discussion."

In YOUR opinion. Clearly, I disagree. Perhaps you, too, need to learn to label your opinion?

It was Blah's comment that opened up the line of discussion about the general historical-ness of the story in general. I would call that a useful contribution. Why do you think it wasn't?

Atheisto's picture



what's all this about probing I hear? what's the big deal?

Blah's picture



Aliens are clearly gay, that's obviously the big deal.

StephenGordon's picture



*Stephen Gordon phones home*
I knew it the line is busy, they must be on the internet

CommanderBowman's picture



Greetings Earthlings....

Ah yes! Atheisto and Blah are next on the list.

Blah's picture



Bring it on, ET

DemonicGod's picture



You are all fools......the only "god" is the great Flying Spaghetti Monster. He was hovering over the manger to bring forth a feast of pasta in meat sauce to all those who were drawn to his noodley brightness. Embrace the Flying Spaghetti Monster and be touched by his noodley appendages.

Blah's picture



No, the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

nighthawk's picture



Ramen, DemonicGod.

Bill's picture



It has been suggested that the star of Bethlehem was actually Mars, as it entered Pisces (the constellation associated with Galilee and Judea) twice due to Mar's retrograde motion in around 6 BC.
This, for astrologers at the time, would have been a highly significant event.

Blah's picture



Mmmm, ramen....

Jonas's picture



Blah, Blah ,Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah......

Blah's picture



"Sorry I'm not here right now
I'm walking in a spider web
So leave a message and I'll
Call you back"

Beyond's picture



We are just a very large can of stew
on someone else's menu!! Your Next!
Your Next!!....

PKBC's picture



The Star of Bethleham was/is actually Hailey's comet. If you count back every 75 yrs (which is how often the comet appears) you end up around the time of Jesus' birth.

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