AHyde's picture



What do you think of the Observer?

If you're unaware, the United Church's main national magazine is the United Church Observer. What do you think of it? What are its accomplishments / shortcomings? I'm just interested in what people think.

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MadMonk's picture



I genuinely enjoy most of the articles

but the picture of the new editor has to go. I'm sure he's an excellent editor.

When I saw that I thought: We're trying to be hip, and it's not working

I'm sure they can get a better picture of him ...without the awkward pose :-) It reminds me of that pop commercial where the guy's jeans are too tight.




RevMatt's picture



It is at times wonderful, at times infuriating.

Much like the church, really.

WSchnauzer's picture



I generally like reading my Observer and have been getting it for 20 some years. I support it financially as well as subscribing to it. And in my opinion:

The Observer has some good points:
-its focused on the United Church
- it talks about United Church people
- it brings us news and information from United Church actions

The Observer has some not so good points:
- it seems focused on a very small part of the United Church.
- it seems to have a few people it talks about and few others.
- the news and information it brings seems out of date when we get it.

MadMonk's picture



Don't forget about the jeans.

MikePaterson's picture



Its deadlines are far too slack; the subbing is mediocre (like some of the writing) - but it's got better with a new editor... keep up the good work!

MadMonk's picture




My English professor refused to correct a paper with the word "got".

AHyde's picture



Gotten is rotten, but got is hot.

mrsanteater's picture



I wish it was more spiritual and would talk less about the regional "church suppers". I am missing articles from people who really have something to say, like Anthony Bailey.
I like the moderator's reflections. And the art was beautiful.
After reading five pages about church committee or counsel meetings , I find I still don't get the point- maybe because there wasn't any?
In one issue once was an article about who was doing what in the United church- this was an exellent idea (unfortunately I lost this issue). An article like that should be available for every newcomer to the united church.

MadMonk's picture



I especially enjoy the articles where 88 year old organists are highlighted as they retire from being church musicians and you just know everyone behind them in the picture is thinking, "THANK GOODNESS!"

Ok. Bring it on. I know that wasn't called for.

AHyde's picture



DANG! MadMonk, you're AWESOME!

EZed's picture



AHyde asked: "the United Church's main national magazine is the United Church Observer. What do you think of it?"

EZ Answer: I was wondering, AHyde, which would you say has the better youth writers:, The Observer or Fellowship Magazine?

revjohn's picture





EZed asked:

which would you say has the better youth writers:, The Observer or Fellowship Magazine?

While you are at it would you care to comment on which you think is the better periodical?

Grace and peace to you.


RevMatt's picture



Is that a serious question?

*shudder* Fellowship *shudder*

I LOVE how their definition of "renewal" so commonly means going back to pretending it's the 1950's.

MadMonk's picture



I like their glossy paper and all the pictures of ministers wearing collars and how many Rev. Drs they have. (Run on sentence.)

AHyde's picture



As for youth writers, it's pretty obvious where my preferences lie. I'd say Fellowship has the slightly better youth column, but that's likely only because the Observer doesn't actually have one! : D

Oh, Fellowship. What to say? I think they do fairly well for a publication that struggles to find the necessary resources. I think some poor decisions have been made in the course of that publication. I think it gives voice to a segment of the UCC that feels marginalized, and that unfortunately that voice has sometimes been reactionary when it could have been constructive.

Comparing the two magazines is tough - they're apples and oranges. I'm glad there is room for different voices in the UCC. Perhaps if the Observer's content were a bit more representative of the ENTIRE UCC, instead of primarily the liberal side of the church, maybe there wouldn't be a need for a magazine like Fellowship. Which would maybe be a good thing.

But then where would we get such thought provoking materials on the state of youth in the church? : D The Observer seems oblivious to the fact that there are youth in the church (personal pet peeve).

Birthstone's picture



I've been reading the Observer since I was a "Youth" and love it - for me, its the UCC through & through. It does a darn good job of being fair - quite often I'm totally wound up and slamming it shut, and I've only gotten to the letters section!

The other magazine mentioned - not going there.

I offer copies of Observer articles to people all the time, or send them links to the website. I'd like to see some intentional wondercafe / Emerging Spirit stuff worked into it for newcomers - that might be great!

WSchnauzer's picture



I have never seen an interview with a gay minister about what it means to be a homosexual working within the church in the Observer. Saw a detailed one in Fellowship Magazine a while back though. The minister (whose name escapes me at present) made some interesting theological points and the article was a fascinating read. As was the page of explanations on the ground rules both sides agreed to before the interview took place....

Flitcraft's picture



I read the Observer long before I joined the UCC and always liked it. I have never heard of Fellowship Magazine. What is it about?

MadMonk's picture




It's a magazine by United Church people who are interested in returning to the articles of faith as presented in the UCC manual. As RevMatt says, they are a renewal publication but they are interested in the orthodox approach to the United Church's beliefs.

They tend to be evangelical, and more conservative than Observer readers. (Though there are evangelical liberal Christians too.)

They focus on homosexuality a lot, but to give them credit they do tend have more "scholarly" articles (in that they actually are written by biblical scholars) whereas the Observer tends to find more spiritual people writing for them.

I've read it and I have been a bit steamed by the assumptions it makes but I have also found articles in it that have been interesting too.

It's not my cup of tea but I do read it when I see it on a table.

There is a lot of "authority" in it (hence my collars and Rev Dr comments - but I did notice last few issues they are cutting back on the formal wear.)

I don't know what else to say about it?

AHyde's picture



Don't forget the stellar youth column! ; D

Flitcraft's picture



monk says:

"I don't know what else to say about it?"

That was a very good introduction! Thanks very much. I will look into it. I am not anti-homosexual (despite what some folks here think), so that part might annoy me, unless that view is expressed in a such a way that one could engage it in argument. I do like scholarly articles, so I will definitely give it a look. Thanks again.

Roamincatholic's picture



Every second issue seems pointless. Fluff articles it feels like. Then the next one comes and gives me hope for the magazine. I like when there's at least one solid, meaningful article an issue.

They have an annoying habit of taking the good articles and cutting them short every time. You can just tell the whole thing isn't there.

J_Jo's picture



And for those who know nothing of it... is there a way of seeing a copy? Do you have to order a subscription?

AHyde's picture



For an online sampling, you can go to www.ucobserver.org. It won't give you the whole issue, but it'll give you the gist.

AHyde's picture



For Observer fans, who is your favourite writer for the Observer? Who can you count on to give you a good article each time? Let's give a little credit where credit is due.

Personally, I find Orville James' columns to be really good, practical writing from the perspective of the congregation. I also really dug Peter Short's writings when he was moderator. From the looks of it, I will also like the current moderator's writings too. Great communicators.

JustWonderin's picture



In my opinion, the Observer is the closest United Church venue to the discussions on this website. The major difference is that it seems older members are more involved in the Observer than they are here. Controversial discussions ensue, and different age groups seem to favour different formats. But I don't think the messages are all that different.
Vive la difference! (s'cuse my poor French)
We're not that far apart.

eileenlavigne's picture



I think the Observer is a good magazine - I enjoy reading mine each month - it gives good coverage to most events in the church - like General Council

greg's picture



I have read and financially supported the observor for years.
It is an interesting read but it seems that something is missing.I enjoy the letters page.However i am rather tired of reading stuff on world social issues in the phillipines,Tamil etc.There seems to be a lack of spirit in the magazine.In addition I wonder if it communicates activities within the various united churchs very well. It does not provide very much info on our sister churchs re catholic, anglican etc. It needs to praise God a bit more and challange the readers more.
In respest to fellowship. I enjoy it. It has several good points.
perhaps observor and fellowship together would make a better magazine.

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