Actually's picture



The Year of Living Biblically - Anyone else read this book?

I have recently read this book,

The Year of living Biblically.  by A.J. jacobs.

It's a book about a man who examines the bible, and tries to live it as literally as possible within New York city for a full year.

( over 100 versions of the bible including the idiots guide to the bible and a hip-hop version in chich Psalms 23rd reads 'the lord is all that' -I'm serious)

This book talks about many views on how to interpret the bibles scripture from various religious leaders and is loosely done.  

The book includes scenes such as a sacrifice with Jewish leaders, throwing stones at an elderly man who openly admitted that he is an adulterer, and restraining from being in physical contact with any female who may be menstrating.   It hits on real bible stories that are unconventional, seldomly examined and some surprising to those who have not read the full bible themselves.  

Other rules include not mixing fibres of ones clothes, the specific ingredients bread must be made from and how to cook it (on your back as youre walking).   The fact that you must walk with a staff, and wear a skirt, write scripture at your doorposts (preferably with blood from a sacrifice), my mother actually does the scripture thing at the door, but only in paper, not blood.

I'm not asking who agrees with the bible, or disagrees, just wondering who has read the book, maybe some thoughts that came from reading it, and if you're in or around Halifax and haven't read it,... I'll let you borrow my copy.

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The_Omnissiah's picture



I heard about the guy who did this, I didn't know he wrote a book.


I think the whole idea is pretty neat.


As-salaamu alaikum


paradox3's picture



Yes, I have read it, and enjoyed it.  I have also seen Jacobs on video talking about the experience.  It was interesting that he came to appreciate the bible so much, although he remained an agnostic.

lastpointe's picture



One of the interesting things he has said since then ( and yes I read the book too) was that he appreciated the idea of a Sabath.  A time to reflect, recoop, reenergise with yoru family.


Realistically we will never go back to one day off and as a nurse i never got the sunday off but the idea of taking a day for reflection is a good one.  I just dont' do it anymore.  I shop or golf, or work, or .....

Actually's picture



Yes, exactly.   I'm pleased to find others who read the book too!  I like how he hit on the sabbath while being locked in his bathroom and 'forced' to slow down. 

carolla's picture



Yes, actually, that bathroom incident was pretty cool ... shall we say God works in mysterious ways?    I'm still reading it ... finding it interesting, easy read and I enjoy his humour writing style.  I'm nowhere near a biblical scholar so I'm reading lots of stuff that seems interesting, but without all the context, I'm not taking it too terribly seriously.

Erin1579's picture



I'm in the middle of reading that one right now! It find it totally hilarious! I love it. I also loved when he was locked in the bathroom but I really thought it was funny when he was in Central park and some grumpy old man comes up to him and asks him what he is doing and he's like, "Stoning Adulterers." and then the old guy is like, "I'm an adulterer, are you going to stone me?" and then when he realizes A.J is just holding pebbles he picks them up and throws them at A.J and then A.J whips one back at him. I love how he said it felt good to throw a "stone" at someone who derserves it. Sometimes I wish I could do that, HAHA!

As a side note, since reading about his interview with Rosario Dawson, I have a lot less respect for her than I did before...which wasn't much to begin with.


Namaste's picture



I've read it and I'm re-reading it now. It's such a fabulous book!

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