MistsOfSpring's picture



Another Update on Jim, cancer, surgery, etc.--Dec. 19th

Thank you all for so many warm wishes.  I know that people have asked for updates; I wish I had more to say.  Unfortunately, the process seems to drag on.


Jim had surgery on Dec. 5th and it went fairly well.  The lymph nodes in the left side of his groin and across his pelvis were removed.  He was up walking in the hospital the next day.  My parents came to look after Rachel while he was in the hospital.  He went to his dad's house in Burlington after he was released from the hospital on the grounds that it would be easier for him and he'd have less to do.  I brought Rachel there on the weekend, then came home alone last week while she stayed with him and her other grandparents.


They both came home on Thursday last week.  He was still sore, but seemed to be doing ok.  On Saturday the swelling/edema seemed to be increasing a great deal, though, which was causing him a lot of pain.  He went to the ER here in Georgetown and the doctor there wanted to drain the area, but called his doctor first (who actually was in that night and answered the phone!) and she said not to drain it.  His follow up appointment is tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully he'll get some relief then, as well as other answers.


That's all I know for now.  Thanks for thinking of us.

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chemgal's picture



Mists, glad to hear the surgery went well, but sorry to hear about the swelling!  It's nice that you have your parents close enough that they can help you guys out right now.  Hopefully things will be better soon so that you may have a bit more relaxed Christmas and Jim is feeling well enough to enjoy it.


Hugs to all of you and may the next year be healthier!

Tabitha's picture



I'm glad you are back together now. It would have been a tough week for you alone. Glad family could help out.

Here's hoping doctor visit goes well and swelling goes down for Jim.

Wishing you all a peaceful and joyous Christmas.

somegalfromcan's picture



Mists, like the others I am glad that the surgery went well and that you are all back together now. Hopefully the appointment tomorrow will bring comfort in all ways.

BethanyK's picture



Thank you for the update, I've been thinking of you and your family. I'm glad to hear the surgery went well and that Jim seems to be doing ok (minus the swelling and pain) hopefully the answers you get tomorrow are good ones!


Keeping your family in my prayers.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



Thinking of you, Jim and Rachel.

Take each day as it comes - and find hope and happiness in your loving heart.

Beloved's picture



Mists, thoughts are with you and all your family - wishing you an abundance of hope, peace, joy, and love.  Hopefully you will see improvement and healing from the surgery as each day passes. 


gecko46's picture



Hoping the appointment went well yesterday, and Jim received some relief from the swelling which must be very painful.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping your Christmas is a nice one.

stardust's picture




I'm sorry about all the trouble you're having. I join with the others in believing that Jim will be fine given time . Prayers that God will grant Jim strength, renewed energy, hope, patience, courage, love and good health through Christmas and into  the New Year.


Christmas blessings to yourself, the rest of the family  and the children as well.


When troubles come I often think of an old song : " It'll be all right in the morning...." and of course we know its darkest just before the dawn.

carolla's picture



I've been thinking about you all Mists - so thanks for the update.  Hopefully Jim's doctor had some good plans today to deal with the swelling - that is painful, and important to keep an eye on.   Keeping you all in my prayers.   

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