crazyheart's picture



A discussion about politeness

Okay, here is the scenario on a message board like WC.


Someone has been rude on numerous occasions . Even to go as far as reporting to Admin. So what I was wondering if someone has Birthday Greetings posted or other threads that one would like to comment on but are afraid to because of the person snapping or reporting, what do you do?


Do you ignore the poster and the threads or do you forgive and forget?


Just wondering how you handle it?

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chemgal's picture



There are some posters here who have annoyed me at times, but I have no problem saying happy birthday.  There are others who I don't really care for, so would just ignore such a thread.


If my greeting is responded to in a negative way, I would just stay out of it.  Greeting threads should stay as happy, positive ones IMO.  If it is reported, Admin would just see that poster is being ridiculous.


For other, non-greeting types of threads, I write what I think for the most part.  Sometimes when I get annoyed about something I will state it, other times I just drop the thread.


CH, I will say this thread seems a little passive-aggressive.  If I was irrated enough to start a thread like this, I would just stay out of the birthday one.

crazyheart's picture



Yes, it has been bugging me for sometime. Being sick didnt help. Thanks Chemgal, it is probably passive aggressive.

chemgal's picture



CH I can be passive-aggressive at times too, especially when there are other factors that are building to my irritation like not feeling well.  Sometimes making that remark allows me to blow off the irritation and lead off on a better foot.  Hopefully you feel better now!


Also, get over your sickness!  You've had way too much of it.  I'll send you over some virtual tea :)


somegalfromcan's picture



I am usually a person who forgives but doesn't forget. Thus, I will wish someone a Happy Birthday but, five minutes later on another thread, may call them out their behaviour. 

SG's picture



I do not tend to head to such threads.


Growing up with the family I did, I learned that a Happy Birthday or well wishes can invite a rehash or be a diving board for who knows what. I learned to not feel that I had to subject myself to it simply because others did or because I worried what others might think of me.


I also learned that saying Happy B-Day to someone else in their presence could invite the same.



So, I avoid certain threads like the plague and if anyone who I do want to comment I can wondermail or something. If I don't and they ask why I did not comment, I can explain.

If someone, my own family included, that I do not want to comment to, tells me off for not saying Happy Birthday or Congrats, I am willing to express that reasoning also. They know that and they usually do not want to hear it and so they don't say anything.

Took me years and much couch time, but I got it.

revjohn's picture



Hi crazyheart,


crazyheart wrote:

Just wondering how you handle it?


Unless the individual has made a deliberate request that I not communicate with them I communicate as I feel comfortable.


If I feel like offering a birthday greeting I don't let what others might think about me doing so stop me.  If the persons I would offer holiday greetings to has told me to leave them alone then I will leave them alone.


As for threads, they aren't private property.  If the subject appeals to you feel free to weigh in.  If the poster who started the thread has told you to leave them alone then have conversation with others in the thread.


Grace and peace to you.


waterfall's picture



What is this grade school? It's just a chat forum for petes sake.

crazyheart's picture



Waterfall, do you not think that Good Manners should be used in Chatrooms as well as RL?

Meredith's picture



technically it isn't grade school but it gets grade schoolesque often.

revjohn's picture



Hi Waterfall,


waterfall wrote:

What is this grade school? It's just a chat forum for petes sake.


And as such it has days when it can only aspire to be grade school.


Grace and peace to you.


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