WaterBuoy's picture



Does Love Exist?

Does Love exist? Is it a metaphor for an inderterminate emotions a class of characteristics of the soul that include:

  • fear,
  • anger
  • curiosity
  • joy
  • voyarism (scene)
  • judgement (emotional decision)

If you assigned these to the points of an asterisk or a pyramidal structure ... where would the warm caring emotion reside at full centre? The ancient evaluators of the mind called this Ba'th'She'Ba a weird complex that could scrrooge the thinking process. Romans hated people knowing what they were thinking so they destroyed as much knowledge (mis tick) as they could. Smooth move eh ... to impress an non thinking future generation of opposing emotion ... sadeist's progenerators of hate.

Do we we follow such idealisms, as if it were a "God" and not even think about it? It is the way the Dei was cast ... Biff'd out of heaven you could say!

If we say there is no God depending on the understanding of the amourphus metaphor ... do we really care or give a damn whether we or our children live or die. The answer in the paradigm seems obvious if we care not to deny it as a thought. Did some psychologist say we have always carried a suicidal fractal side?

"Odd" thing in the WEBSTER definition of odd as precurser to an idealism, a God! Now who would stir such a fabric as the cosmos?

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Elanorgold's picture



That's pretty deep Waterbuoy. Not sure I entirely fathom what you mean, but will say Love does certainly exist, because I feel it for several people, and for my life and my planet. Maybe love is made up of several other emotions, that when mixed together create love, but that wouldn't mean it doesn't exist. Love is the best, mate!

Witch's picture



Love is an outward inexpressibility of an inward alloverishness

SLJudds's picture



Love is when the well being of another is important to yours.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



Love exists. Like all emotions it makes more sense when we experience it - rather than analyse it!

So how do we know when we've experienced it? I agree with SLJudds, - "when the well being of another is important to yours."

Beloved's picture





I'm not sure about the points, asterik, pyramidal structure stuff, WaterBuoy, nor the points or questions in the latter part of your post.  But to answer the question of whether love exists . . . here goes . . .


I did take the time to look up the emotions you listed in The Living Webster dictionary.  All these emotions are listed as nouns.


While the word love is also listed as a noun, it is the only one of these words that is listed as a verb.  To me love is what we do, not what we feel.  Yes, there are those romantic "feelings" we get when we think we are falling in love. But love is what we do, even  when, or especially when, we don't feel like it.


Love exists, love is . . . .  We love not because it is convenient, but because it is what we are called to do.  We continue to love when those we love disappoint us, hurt us, do not act in the way we would like them to.  We love when those we love are unlovable.  We love, because it is what we choose to do, not what we feel.


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .


Serena's picture



I think love exists.  I am not sure being in love exists.

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