chemgal's picture



Pregnancy 'Joke'

Is anyone else disgusted by people pretending to be pregnant as a joke?


Luckily most of my FB friends are more mature than that, but not all.  Recently, someone tried to entice people to play a 'game' here that included joking about being pregnant.


I've seen one case where it was funny, and it was because it was a copycat after someone else, repeating almost everything but reversing the roles in the couple.


Typically, at best it's immature, attention seeking behaviour.  At it's worse, google April Fool's Day and pregnancy to get an idea if you're clueless as to why this is incredibly hurtful to some.

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RitaTG's picture



I am not comfortable with "jokes" like that at all...



crazyheart's picture



For me, it wouldn't be a joke, it would be a miracle.

chemgal's picture



Personally, I've never been directly hurt by any.  I can think of a few people in my life right now though who would have very mixed emotions if I announced I was pregnant.  The first time a joke was reveiled on my facebook newsfeed, I was surprised by the number of likes and positive comments, but many of the people weren't at the life stage of thinking about having babies.

Beloved's picture



Thinking of someone in my family who is struggling with fertility issues, I would say I wouldn't see it as a joke . . . nor do I think this person would either.


To me this isn't what I would call a joke, I would call it a lie.



RitaTG's picture



Here is a preganancy joke for you smiley

True story .... just this last Saturday .... at our church spaghetti supper....

A mom handed me her baby to hold while she dealt with getting herself and other small child ready to leave.

Some of the women in the church came up to me and joked "we had no idea you were preganant" smiley.      A comment was made about it having to be an immaculate conception to which one woman quipped ..... "more like an immaculate deception".

It brought the house down with laughter laugh



chemgal's picture



crazyheart wrote:

For me, it wouldn't be a joke, it would be a miracle.

I would probably assume that you mistyped and were excited about being a grandma once again, CH.


Rita, cute story :)  There are some good pregnancy-related jokes out there too.

Sterton's picture



Love the story Rita!

InannaWhimsey's picture



good news for mtf transsexuals & biowomen & others


"womb transplants into 9 swedish women successful"


i LOVE living in the future :3

RitaTG's picture



InnaWhimsey .... someday ... yes indeed!

And I can foresee the day when they will be able to grow those organs for us out of our very own tissue.

The future looks bright indeed!



InannaWhimsey's picture



RitaTG wrote:
InnaWhimsey .... someday ... yes indeed!

And I can foresee the day when they will be able to grow those organs for us out of our very own tissue.

The future looks bright indeed!




oh yeah, we'll be able to grow them


and since we'll be able to grow/print them, we'll be able to, i think, intentionally design them...perhaps to not worry aboot uti?  or i can imagine someone wanting a glowing vagina?  or one that can play music?


humanity has so much fun :3

RitaTG's picture



your vision far exceeds mine InannaWhimsy laugh



paradox3's picture



chemgal wrote:

Is anyone else disgusted by people pretending to be pregnant as a joke?



I wouldn't say "disgusted" Chemgal, but I find such a joke very distasteful. I am really not fond of this kind of humour. 

kaythecurler's picture



I'm not favorably impressed by preganany jokes except for the type Rita shared - LOL.


Actually I am finding FB quite repetitive and boring recently.  Way too many ads for diet pills, way too many people posting selfies and  recipes,   Trying to have a conversation is close to pointless.

seeler's picture



Making a joke about pretending to be pregnant?   I haven't done that since I was ten years old.   And now I run with a different crowd.  My friends are grandparents, or great grandparents.  We aren't likely to pretend to be pregnant.


For anyone past 10 years old, I don't see the point.  (Once upon a time a pretend pregnancy might trap a boy into agreeing to marry the girl.  I don't think that happens today.)


Alex's picture



kaythecurler wrote:


Actually I am finding FB quite repetitive and boring recently.  Way too many ads for diet pills, way too many people posting selfies and  recipes,   Trying to have a conversation is close to pointless.

Diet pill ads, I wish. i am getting ads for pardons services, hip replacement surgery, hair transplants, and French language books on how meet girls and trick them into going out wittth me :-(
i can not imagine why facebook thinks I need all these things,

But i suppose if I was heterosexual, and needed a pardon, a hip replacement and a hair transplant, i would likely need to trick women, to go out with me, and do it on French.

chemgal's picture



seeler wrote:

Making a joke about pretending to be pregnant?   I haven't done that since I was ten years old.   And now I run with a different crowd.  My friends are grandparents, or great grandparents.  We aren't likely to pretend to be pregnant.



What about your granddaughter (not that I think she would), or one of her friends?

seeler's picture



Admittedly I'm not in touch with my granddaughter's social life (other than occasionally driving her to a friend's house), but it is not something I imagine her doing.


Why would anybody pretend to be pregnant?   Where is the joke?  How does it happen? 


Do young people use it as an excuse not to drink?   (I remember my daughter would sometimes say about a friend "She wouldn't take a glass of wine.  I wonder if she's pregnant?")


Do they think it will get them attention?  


How long do they keep it up? 


I have heard of people experiencing false pregnancies where they actually believe that they are pregnant, but I don't believe it is a joke/


chemgal's picture



seeler wrote:


Why would anybody pretend to be pregnant?   Where is the joke?  How does it happen? 


Generally they do it on facebook.  People tend to announce pregnancies there (often after telling people they are close to personally first).  They just write something like we're expecting, going to be a mom, etc.  A picture may be involved, usually with the stomach being extended.  It usually lasts a day, maybe a few.  There are even sites where people can order gag positive pregnancy tests.


It has gotten to the point where announcing a pregnancy on April Fool's Day is often met with comments like, is this a joke?  Some people purposely announce real pregnancies on that day as they enjoy the questions it brings up.

paradox3's picture



Oh goodness, this is not a good advertisement for FB at all. 

chemgal's picture



paradox3 wrote:

Oh goodness, this is not a good advertisement for FB at all. 

On the other hand, I have seen some really awesome real pregnancy announcements by FB friends.

chemgal's picture



Taking this back to the WC game that failed before it really started, how many of you would think it was a joke if I started a thread saying I was pregnant, and how many would just feel manipulated (along with quite a few who just wouldn't care).

chemgal's picture



Here's an example from someone's blog that posted on April 1st their real pregnancy.  It isn't much different from the fakes:


Jake and I found out we were expecting way back in January and it has been SO hard to keep it a secret!! I almost wish I hadn’t found out until later so I wouldn’t have had to wait so long to share the happy news with the universe. But, because we wanted to be cautious and smart, we chose to wait until we were in the “safety zone” of the second trimester (we’re due Oct. 3rd, for now…) to announce that we had successfully created a human.


Well, it just so happened that the day we officially entered the “safety zone” was also April Fool’s Day. We contemplated announcing our pregnancy the day before, or the day after (both would’ve been completely acceptable), but because we are immature like that, we decided we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to confuse all of our friends by posting about our legitimate pregnancy on Facebook on April Fool’s Day – the day that suddenly everyone is pregnant. We had a really good time with it. I made a cute “Baby on Board” t-shirt for myself and we took some photos to post with our announcement.

60589_10151826378862729_585365560_n 524750_10151826378512729_1084791102_n 526398_10151826378792729_1173007313_n

I am glad I have at least a few friends who know me well enough to know that I wouldn’t stoop so low as to announce a fake pregnancy on Facebook on April Fool’s Day. Because really, that is dumb. I don’t find it funny, and there are many who find it offensive (that people joke about pregnancy when they, themselves have fertility complications, etc). I totally understand that, and we tried to be sensitive to that by telling the 100% truth, yet some people’s toes were stepped on, apparently. I guess it just hadn’t really occurred to me that anyone would be offended or otherwise bothered by me NOT playing a joke on them on April Fool’s.. I had no intention of hurting anyone’s feelings, Jake and I just really wanted to seize such an amazing, and hilarious, opportunity!

seeler's picture



I guess this is another reminder to me that I'm not in the target age range.


qwerty's picture



I suppose it could be worse.  They coulod be pretending to have cancer and running a trust fund.


chemgal's picture



qwerty wrote:

I suppose it could be worse.  They coulod be pretending to have cancer and running a trust fund.


Pretty sure that's just caused fraud :)


Seeler, I would like to think that I'm out of the target age for this type of thing too.  When it has happened with my FB friends, it started with someone who was younger from me.

Arminius's picture



In the mid-sixties, when I worked as welder in Australia, and Australia had just joined the USA in the Vietnam War effort, and Menzies was the Australian prime minister and LBJ the US president, and slogan in Australia was "All the way with LBJ!", an Aussie co-worker came into my welding booth and said: "Hey Herman, do you know Mrs. Menzies, the Prime Minister's wife?"


"Yes, I've heard of her," I answered.


"Well," the Aussie joker continued with a straight face, "she's pregnant. She went all the way with LBJ."


chemgal's picture



So far there is one pregnancy announcement on my newsfeed.  No one has mentioned that it's April 1st in the comments.

Kimmio's picture



They're a cute couple. Congrats. But it would have been better to announce it today or yesterday. Why would you want your real announcement clouded by doubts like that anyway? I would think they'd want people to share in their happy news without any doubt about whether it's a joke.

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