Beloved's picture




Arminius asked "What Do Women Want"?  I thought we should also hear what men want.



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Elanorgold's picture



Good idea! Bring on the answers guys!

Arminius's picture



Men want women not to talk so much. And, if they talk, men want them to discuss important stuff like politics and philosophy. Let all women be philosophers!


I am, of course, joking. Women, in general, are better and more responsible people than most men.


This, I think, is because they fulfil their primary biological role as bearers and nurturers of our species as admirably as ever. I want little more from women other than being what they already are.


Our species is on the verge of self-destruction. The primary role of the male of our species is being the protector of the species. We men have wasted our masculinity playing games of power and of glory and forgotten to take good care of our species! As protectors of our species we have failed miserably!


As I said, I want nothing from women other than being what they already are. What I want from men, however, is becoming and being effective protectors of our species.


MikePaterson's picture



Men don't know what they want… isn't that obvious?



Arminius's picture



Hi Mike:


The lack of response to this thread seems to confirm your conclusion.

Elanorgold's picture



Not to talk so much, lol!! That's what women do! Women want men to talk more! Talk about their feelings : )  And I think what you said about women being women is a very woman appreciating comment, and I appreciate that.


Lol Mike!!  Maybe men want women to tell them what they want.  : )   I've actually witnissed that lots of times. Men want women who want them, too. They want a challenge and a chase at first, but they are kept close by female devotion. Men want a woman they can be successful in loving. I learned that from a book.

SG's picture



What I want is someone who I can trust and respect.... someone who understands the concept of honour and covenant.... someone with a killer sense of humour.... someone who finds joy in life and loves to laugh.... someone who understands "plans" for the day can be "whatever" and that car drives do not have to have a destination you put into a GPS...someone who isn't afraid to sing at the top of their lungs with me in the car... someone who could travel across the country with me and still love me (I wanted to type let me live....someone who is supportive and encourages and challenges me to do and be better... someone who is kind and gentle yet strong.... someone who knows how to be a friend and a lover... someone who will call to say "hi" and who does not think it odd that I text her at work "smile"....someone who smiles and brightens my day and lets me know mine does theirs... someone who knows sexy is a state of mind... and lastly, "someone who finds THIS <pointing to self> attractive"    (she is all that and more)

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Men want respect. Men want significance. Men want love.

And pie.

dreamerman's picture



Some of us are still waiting for women to tell us what we want.wink

InannaWhimsey's picture



"there are only two sexes -- men and mothers"


--Alice B Sheldon

Beloved's picture



I think most men want and need to be validated in their their ability to protect, provide, and meet the needs of their family.


Arminius's picture



Beloved wrote:

I think most men want and need to be validated in their their ability to protect, provide, and meet the needs of their family.



I agree. But I would extend "family" into community, species, and environment. In the sense that we all are family, and that everything is related. In the spirit of the benison of our indigenous people: "All My Relations."






ninjafaery's picture



dreamerman wrote:

Some of us are still waiting for women to tell us what we want.wink

This reminds me of my friend's Dad. She gave up asking him if there was anything in particular he'd like for his birthday because he would always answer, "Ask your Mother".

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


What this man needs is rest, however I have a big essay and presentation due this coming Thursday, so between now and then it'll be work, work, work. I may end up pulling an all-nighter on Wednesday.

BetteTheRed's picture



Beloved wrote:

I think most men want and need to be validated in their their ability to protect, provide, and meet the needs of their family.



Which explains some of the huge stress that men are under today, in that social structures and out of control economic systems can make all three of those very difficult.


I rather suspect "men" want the same as "women" do. To love and be loved, to have a companion on the journey of life.

Saul_now_Paul's picture



I want this pizza oven attachment for my bbq.

Beloved's picture



Ah yes . . . the way to a man's heart . . .


InannaWhimsey's picture







See video

Elanorgold's picture



Ahh, men want a good car and barbeque. Lol! Good ones guys!


Bette, yes indeed. The way things are makes it hard for men. Too many women doing the jobs men could ,or would like to do.



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