unsafe's picture



1 Timothy 6 :17-18 Don't Place Confidence In The Riches Of This World


This is a Sermon by Charles Stanley ---How to be a Blessing to others and who the Blessing is for -----Note we ourselves have to be Blessed to be a Blessing ----


1 Timothy 6:17-18

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)


17 Tell those who have the riches of this world not to be arrogant and not to place their confidence in anything as uncertain as riches. Instead, they should place their confidence in God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. 18 Tell them to do good, to do a lot of good things, to be generous, and to share.



Sunday, May 04, 2014


Passing On God’s Blessings

In these tough times, how should believers act? Thankfully, Christ left us with a clear answer. In Passing on God's Blessing, Dr. Stanley shares with us the truth behind the principle Jesus showed us here on earth, "God blesses us so that we might bless others."





Sermon Notes ----http://www.intouch.org/Content/50431/SN100919.pdf



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kaythecurler's picture



unsafe - please post your won thoughts about 1 Timothy 6:  17-18.  If I wanted to read th words of someone who isn't a member of WC I am quite capable of Googling for them.   

unsafe's picture




Hi kaythecurler    your quote-----  please post your won thoughts about 1 Timothy 6:  17-18.  If I wanted to read th words of someone who isn't a member of WC I am quite capable of Googling for them.   


I post what I want the same as all others on here ---no one is forced to read my posts ---you can do as you wish --that is your choice to Google whatever you want to ----but Please don't tell me what I should do with my thoughts ---you worry about you and what you do with your own thoughts like criticizing another poster for posting what they want to ----I am sure you can Google this scripture on your own as well and interpret it in your own words -----the same as I can ------


Matthew 7:5

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)


You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye. Then you will see clearly to remove the piece of sawdust from another believer’s eye.


Peace to you kaythecurler and have a great day smiley






RitaTG's picture



kaythecurler ..... it is best to just ignore these threads.

There is no useful dialogue to be had here.




unsafe's picture




Hi RitaTG


Thanks for your kind words ----


Peace to you RitaTG and have a great day smiley



kaythecurler's picture



True enough RitaTG - but what a waste of space it is to copy and paste words in their entirety instead of just a clickable link.  I am heartened that unsafe recognised that your words were kind.

Neo's picture



unsafe wrote:


Hi Neo    your quote    Hell is a metaphor for this world. We, as human souls are caught up in a cycle of death and rebirth. The only true hell is ( or least can be ) right here on Earth.


Again you state a sentence like it is a fact ----again you would have to have been there when the bible was written to state a fact like that and you would have had to seen that the writers actually used this word Hell it was in fact used as a metaphor and and you would have to have been ----Omniscient ---Omnipresent ---and Omnipotent ----to know this ----God is the only one who are these things ---but you claim to be God and that you know all things ----again even though you deny being these things you continue to make factual statements like you know for sure ------This is the only truth Neo ---God will decide where you His creation will go and His word is very --very Clear ---no sin can enter His Space as He is Holy ----His Son can cleanse you of your sin so you can be in His space if you choose to reject His Son ---then and only then Neo will you know if Hell is a metaphor or a real place for torment ---

Peace to you----

Ahhh... yea, right back at cha. You claim that hell is an eternal non-resting place as if you were there when the Bible was written. You too would too would have to be omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent to "know" such a thing.

The problem with the Bible and your beliefs is that nothing is "very, --very clear" on this subject. The Bible is clear in that it says that God is love, yet you say if I don't accept a doctrine of ever lasting torment then suddenly God is not so much love any more, God becomes regevengful and full of wrath and jealously. Why? Very few Christians accept this doctrine any more.

Also, you worship the Bible like Monty Python's holy hand grenade, (google it, it's hilarious). The Bible is a collection of scriptures that was assembled and crafted, especially the New Testament, in such a way as to portray a message of hope and good will. The stories of the Bible are not unique, and this has been proven over and over again. But you and your ilk deny such facts as trickery and manipulation. Your misconception that "the Word" is manifested as the Bible is what's preventing you from seeing the greater truth. The Bible is a collection of books that was assembled and canonized by a politically appointed Church. They left many of the potential candidate books on the "cutting room floor", to use a modern metaphor and then they took what they had and edited them into what it is today, (to-wit Mark 16: 9-20, which was never part of the original scripture of Mark yet somehow ended up as part of the Bible, and the apparent removal of concepts they didn't like, such as reincarnation). Centuries later, during the Middle Ages, the Church began to spread the doctrine of hell as a means of fear and control.

What I say here is a matter of provable fact. I didn't have to be there to understand history. I realize that it's difficult for you to accept any of this from me, but I'm pretty sure that I've summed it up correctly, and hopefully you can find this out on your own.

One of your biggest accusations against me is that I claim to "be God". First of all, if you read what I actually say, I've always claimed to be "part and parcel" of the Universe and only "potentially" aware of the God within. As are you and every other living thing is. This is the very same thing that the people who were stoning Jesus accused him of, claiming it was blasphemy to call himself a son of God. "Is it not written that you are all gods?", He said to them , in reference to Psalms 82:6 where we are described as "sons of the most high". (The difference between Jesus and us, of course, is that He was "aware" of His divinity, whereas we (some of us) only "believe" in our divinity.

The bottom line here is that, as Airclean continuously reminds me of,
you are within you rights to believe whatever you want, but to spread a gospel of fear and hell to those who don't believe what you believe is wrong and simply irresponsible on your account. The world has enough real fear to contend with, your hell doctrine should have been left in medieval ages where it originated.

airclean33's picture



RitaTG wrote:

kaythecurler ..... it is best to just ignore these threads.

There is no useful dialogue to be had here.




HA HA--Just as you do hay RitaTG.

unsafe's picture




Hi Neo ---I think you put this in the wrong thread -----I will answer you on the right one ---



unsafe's picture




Hi Neo ---my answer is there on the other thread -----

chansen's picture



unsafe wrote:

Matthew 7:5

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)


You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye. Then you will see clearly to remove the piece of sawdust from another believer’s eye.


Peace to you kaythecurler and have a great day smiley

Every time unsafe posts Matthew 7:5, everybody take a drink!


This will soon be the happiest place on the web.

dreamerman's picture



unsafe wrote:


This is a Sermon by Charles Stanley ---How to be a Blessing to others and who the Blessing is for -----Note we ourselves have to be Blessed to be a Blessing ----


1 Timothy 6:17-18

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)


17 Tell those who have the riches of this world not to be arrogant and not to place their confidence in anything as uncertain as riches. Instead, they should place their confidence in God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. 18 Tell them to do good, to do a lot of good things, to be generous, and to share.



Sunday, May 04, 2014


Passing On God’s Blessings

In these tough times, how should believers act? Thankfully, Christ left us with a clear answer. In Passing on God's Blessing, Dr. Stanley shares with us the truth behind the principle Jesus showed us here on earth, "God blesses us so that we might bless others."





Sermon Notes ----http://www.intouch.org/Content/50431/SN100919.pdf



Unsafe you have posted several sermons by Charles Stanley in the past few months so I am wondering if he is paying you to advertse for him? If he or his ministry is not paying you to advertise for him has he become your new holy spirit? What ever happened to Creflo Dollar? Is he  now not the go to guy for your religious truths?

chansen's picture



*crosses fingers for another Matt 7:5 reference*


unsafe's picture




Hi dreamerman


I post what I want to ---I owe no one any explanation as to why I posted Charles instead of Creflo ---or why I posted this subject ---Period


You have a choice to view the post or not to -----your interest in this post is nil for information or to learn from Charles Stanley a spiritual message so your posting is of no interest to me ----  and that is another Period with a  Plus ----


Peace to you dreamerman smiley

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


unsafe wrote:


I post what I want to ---I owe no one any explanation as to why I posted Charles instead of Creflo ---or why I posted this subject ---Period


Hi unsafe, you're right, you owe no one an explanation. On the other hand, you might choose to discuss your choice, considering that this is a discussion forum.

unsafe's picture




Hi Don.Jae      your quote     you might choose to discuss your choice, considering that this is a discussion forum.


You are right there this is a discussion form -----and I believe Charles Stanley has done a fine Job of discussing his topic all on his own using God's word So I have nothing to add -you either get his sermon and agree or you don't ----I get it ----and I agree --end of my discussion -----


If you read the posts above they are all about telling the poster what they should be doing and one post telling other to ignor the poster and the posts from the poster ---not one post on topic ----- Neo who posted on the wrong thread ----and your post is the same not one word about the post --just you telling me this is a discussion form and what I might choose to do ---


So I say this to you  ---read or watch the subject matter then comment on that not me ----- and just maybe I will choose to engage in a discussion ----breaking the code of conduct that states very clearly ---comment on the subject not the person is not a great way to choose to engage the other person in any discussion -----Period Plus  


Peace to you smileyenlightened

dreamerman's picture



unsafe wrote:


Hi dreamerman


I post what I want to ---I owe no one any explanation as to why I posted Charles instead of Creflo ---or why I posted this subject ---Period


You have a choice to view the post or not to -----your interest in this post is nil for information or to learn from Charles Stanley a spiritual message so your posting is of no interest to me ----  and that is another Period with a  Plus ----


Peace to you dreamerman smiley

 No problem unsafe. I didn't say you couldn't post whatever you wanted. As long as it is within the rules of the WC code of conduct I see no problem. I am not the admin for the site nor would I want the job. I just I saw a pattern with some of your topics and thought I would bring attention to it. If you don't want to answer my questions is no skin off of my nose. If you don't want me to respond to anything you post just say the word and your wish will be granted. It won't be easy but I think I can manage it.

Peace to you unsafe.cheeky

dreamerman's picture



Okay so good old Charles Stanley starts off his video by quoting scripture that says don't let the sun go down on your anger. Did you miss the beginning of his sermon unsafe? Do you still have time before the sun sets to let your anger go? I may be wrong and I will be the first to admit that but your last reply to me gave me the impression that your anger was about to peak. The peace that you gave me at the end didn't seem to nullify said anger.

unsafe's picture




Hi dreamerman


If you think what I posted to you expresses anger than that is your perception ---and you are entitled to that ----God knows my heart ----so God knows if I was angry or not and to me He is the one who counts ---you can think what you like -----  



paradox3's picture



Dcn. Jae wrote:

On the other hand, you might choose to discuss your choice, considering that this is a discussion forum.


Good point, Jae!


laugh (Funny bone has been tickled!)

Neo's picture



unsafe wrote:


Hi Neo ---my answer is there on the other thread -----

I was wondering what happened to my post thus morning

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


paradox3 wrote:

Dcn. Jae wrote:

On the other hand, you might choose to discuss your choice, considering that this is a discussion forum.


Good point, Jae!


laugh (Funny bone has been tickled!)


Thanks paradox3. smiley      

dreamerman's picture



unsafe wrote:


Hi dreamerman


If you think what I posted to you expresses anger than that is your perception ---and you are entitled to that ----God knows my heart ----so God knows if I was angry or not and to me He is the one who counts ---you can think what you like -----  



 Well thank you for telling me that I can think what I like. I like to get permission before i take up that task.wink  I would also like to thank you for telling me that I don't count that one really says more about you than it does about me.

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