Ken Munro's picture

Ken Munro


Are We Connected?


Do our actions or, more importantly, our non actions in our present location affect what is going on half way around the world? Would we create a vacuum if we said no to life and became just an innocent bystander? Would the world miss us by our non-existence? We would be missed by family and close friends but the rest of the world?
English poet, Francis Thompson once wrote that “he could not pick a flower without troubling a star.”
And in his book “Personhood”, author Leo F. Buscaglia wrote “nothing occurs in the world that in some way does not affect us all. Even the most insignificant act we perform will have some effect upon the world.”
Dr. Buscagalia adds: “we are all dependent one upon the other. We can not escape moving together and affecting whatever we encounter. The collective actualization of the trip is put into jeopardy by even one person’s nonbeing.”
And, then, there is the “butterfly effect” similar to poet Francis Thompson’s idea. The theory comes from the belief that butterfly wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may alter the path of a tornado.
But it’s just a theory.
Does a person’s nonbeing really have a difference in the world?
Where is the evidence our non being matters?
I’m doing some research for an essay. I’m a volunteer writer for several publications and any information that I find enlightening, I’d like to share with my readers. 
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Arminius's picture



I think reality is not merely interdependent but in a state of synthesis where everything is connected with everthing else and everything influences everything else.


This wholistic intelligence is something we can't understand much less explain, but we can experience it in the pure, unconceptualized experience, for this is the real nature of things.

kaythecurler's picture



We are all part of the same body.

waterfall's picture



The movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" says it all for me.

Panentheism's picture



Read on the blog Rev James and more fran - it is not a theory for what is real is created by interrelationality and it is both objective, that is outside and inter subjective what is real is felt internally - intersubjectivity and intra subjectivity is the nature of reality.  CF Adventure of Ideas by AN Whitehead


The problem with non being  as a concept  it is a mistake in misplaced concreteness.  Becoming always becomes some real ontological reality - that is being - and it perishes into another moment of being - what is real is finite and a moment ( some moments last a life) The self is a becoming process and who we are at this moment is who we are builit out of the past, and other realties who subjectively impact us -  the past is one part of the relationship just as family and genetics and historical location.

stardust's picture



YES we are all connected definitely. I'm not sure what you mean by non being? Do you mean before one is born or would it matter if one had never been born?  Whew...tough question. It may depend on whether one believes in reincarnation or not?  Would the world miss one ordinary person? Yes and no....depending on the person's creativity and valuable input. An innocent bystander is also making a statement that he/she chooses not to participate fully  or he/she is saying "no" to life. I'm not sure there is any such person. Every person makes some kind of impact upon others whether he/she wishes to or not. Evidence that our non being matters I suppose we can only relate to upon someone's death . I believe we'd be missing out if our greatest   scientists,musicians,artists,intellectuals,writers,poets, holy people et cetera had never been born. Few people today  have original thoughts. We are all products of what we've been taught, what we've read and  learned from others. We may use different language to express ourselves and our ideas.


Right now I'm missing Leo Buscagalia. ((((((((((((((((HUGS TO ALL  ))))))))))))))))))))) in loving memory of Leo.



I'm sorry I lost the link but I'm quoting from David Wilcox who is asking these questions and he is giving the answer as YES. I'm not sure I can agree 100% with him since I've been studying and reading about  theories of this type  since sometime. It seems to me there is more or some mystery factor  involved. Our thoughts have power but not all power even collectively, something like that. Groups have experimented as an example in the field of healing attempting to heal ill people through positive thinking.  Its difficult to judge the success rate of something like this but  I know cases where it hasn't worked any better than Benny Hinn's faith healing.



P.S. This article  may be a little more than you bargained for but its interesting.



Imagine if there was a scientific case that could PROVE that the harm we do to others -- no matter how dehumanized we've made them in our own minds -- actually reflects directly back into our own lives?


Imagine if there was PROOF that we are not separate and isolated from each other -- that regardless of race, religion, culture or creed, by simply being alive on Earth, we are sharing each other's thoughts... just like we share the air we breathe?


Imagine if you had rock-solid evidence that your own conscious mind -- the most private, personal and secret part of you -- is actually receiving other people's thoughts all the time... and transmitting thoughts as well?





What would religionists or scientific fundamentalists do if they had PROOF that their own minds were filled with thoughts... from all over the planet... including those individuals and groups they have the most contempt for -- and believe themselves completely separate from?


What if your animal side has trained you to interpret these transmissions from the 'Mind Field' as if you created them all inside your own head... so as to avoid a sort of mass, collective schizophrenia... at least until we can learn to actually love each other, and find our shared Oneness?


If you don't BELIEVE in synchronicity, miracles, the Law of Attraction, the power of our interconnectedness, then how easy would it be to brush off any and all proof to the contrary as "just a coincidence?"



What if consciousness -- this supposedly private phenomenon in our own minds -- is actually the basic characteristic of energy throughout the entire Universe?


What if the very mind that you think with... as you read these words... is already totally plugged in to a collective Consciousness Field... which every person interacts with as if it were private and personal -- as if it were only their own thoughts they were thinking?


Whose thoughts are you thinking right now?


What feelings are you feeling right now?


Where are the highest, noblest and most wonderful thoughts and feelings coming from... ultimately?


What Intelligence are you tapping into -- and allowing it to BECOME your conscious mind -- when you think the most loving, radiant, peaceful thoughts?



What if your thoughts of love and peace were VASTLY more powerful than thoughts of hatred and fear?


What if simply clearing up the debris in your own mind -- getting all the clutter out that is caused by emotional pains, buried in your past -- has an immediate, positive impact... on the supposedly 'private' thoughts of everyone else?




This is not a fake. This is not speculation. This is not drooling New Age ignorance.


This is The Science of Peace.




What if there was a whole science to studying this energy of the Mind Field -- how it behaves, what it 'does,' how it can be harnessed, and how it is affecting our entire planet... nay, our solar system... at this time?


What if no matter how "right" we think we are, the Universe actually is a thinking, super-intelligent Being... trying to get us to lighten our rigid, fixed perspectives and take in new information?


How would the Universe go about teaching us something we may not want to know... something we absolutely refuse to believe... if ultimately this knowledge is far more important than anything else we will ever say, think or do in any number of human incarnations?


What if it is vital to our very survival that we realize we are creating our own reality, far more than we may ever believe? ... That government corruption, war, famine, terrorism and all manner of Earth Changes are a mirror reflection... of our own internal disharmony?


What if we already HAVE the answer to create Peace... a power that everyone can call upon and use, once we understand the fundamentals... and by putting the pieces together and studying them, we can share this knowledge with others -- and help turn things around?


What if the final answer to "save the world" is already known -- ever since the dawn of Time -- but the "Prime Directive" of the Universe is free will, so you still have to make up your own mind... you can never be force-fed information, no matter how vital it might be to your survival and ultimate spiritual growth?


Panentheism's picture



"Do our actions or, more importantly, our non actions in our present location affect what is going on half way around the world? Would we create a vacuum if we said no to life and became just an innocent bystander? Would the world miss us by our non-existence? We would be missed by family and close friends but the rest of the world?"

We cannot ever do non action for even it is an action from a buddhist position - we are related and influencing all life in this moment  and being influenced - it just how it is naturally.

airclean33's picture



I have to agree with all the above.airclean33

footprints165's picture



I think sometimes we take our ability to think way too far. This is one of those times.

spockis53's picture



Panentheism wrote:

"Do our actions or, more importantly, our non actions in our present location affect what is going on half way around the world? Would we create a vacuum if we said no to life and became just an innocent bystander? Would the world miss us by our non-existence? We would be missed by family and close friends but the rest of the world?"

We cannot ever do non action for even it is an action from a buddhist position - we are related and influencing all life in this moment  and being influenced - it just how it is naturally.


Not just life is connected. Every physical thing is connected. Where would I be if I didn't have a rock to stand on or air to breathe? Where would all life, future and past be if the universe did not unfold as it did?


As a non-believing atheist, I'm coming to grips with this concept that there is some necessary interconnectedness between all existing physical things. I call it spirit for lack of another word.




Panentheism's picture



I agree with the point that what is real is a product of relationships - check our paper on rev James blog on more franc

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