Neo's picture




... vis-à-vis the new age teachings. I know it's a long one but it's such a good read.

Evolution — Isms, ideologies and beliefs are essential stages in the life of every human being. They represent the ‘second nature’ of our lives. Evolution can only take place through them, and is in fact controlled by them. We should not tell people to abandon their beliefs and philosophies or trust and faith in them. Human beings are motivated by isms such as love, faith, trust and patriotism. It is important for survival in ‘second nature’ — in the world in which they live. The spark inside them has, one day, to be free from that nature and its illusions.

Even if, through meditation or spiritual awareness, you feel momentarily free of the world of the mind, spirit and body, you should not abandon it but continue to respect and honour it.

Every individual, every nation, is ruled by their ‘second nature’. The laws of evolution governed by this nature surround the Self and it is up to the Self to learn to master them with awareness. Awareness builds up a movement in life which creates evolutionary progress. But awareness must not be confused with freedom, for that is the ultimate destiny of the journey through life.

While each person is locked into his journey through evolution, dependent on his ‘second nature’, he should be taught the art of self-discipline and through this he gradually becomes aware of how to use the laws of evolution.

We are evolving in cycles of time, experiencing birth and death. Salvation is in the Supreme Being where there is no movement, only continuous awareness. This is the spiritual journey of one and all: to learn the art of Self-awareness.
Creation is an automatic process. Every ism is automated. It is like throwing a stone into the water, automatically creating ripples. So every action creates effects automatically to remind the Self that it is not free. Once the Self looks for that freedom, then the journey towards salvation begins.

When Jesus reached the point of Supreme Being on the cross, he asked: “Father, why have you left me?” His Father told him: “Look around you; everything that is happening is not freedom or salvation. These you can only find with Me.”

Jesus realized that all beings are created by God and that we are all reacting to the laws of nature.

Creation is a launching pad for freedom. Your mind, spirit and body are matter of creation evolving towards the Supreme Being — the freedom of complete awareness — so do not neglect them.

Look after your family. Remember it is the isms, beliefs and faiths that get us up in the morning and send us to work in order that we may pay the bills and care for our family. It is not a conscious thing. These isms are the ‘second nature’ which push us to perform our duties in life and thus be able to evolve. Awareness is the guiding force. The Self must respect the mind, spirit and body and learn to adopt honesty, sincerity and detachment.

Everyone is looking for a Messiah. It is our Self looking for guidance. Maitreya is a guiding force in creation, pointing towards our destiny of freedom. He is the helping hand needed by the majority of people. This pointing is nothing other than a realization of the forces of evolution around us. The moment you realize this, then this awareness becomes your guiding force.

But remember, Maitreya also obeys the laws of creation. He does not destroy them but points them out.

The new energy sweeping through the world is re-programming creation to make people aware of their mind, spirit and body. This awareness acts like water splashing away the mud of old beliefs and politics, bringing a new freshness to our lives.

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chansen's picture



So....skip the fabric softener?


Neo's picture



chansen wrote:

So....skip the fabric softener?


No, the fabric softener is good but you have to rinse.

InannaWhimsey's picture



who wrote that, Neo?

Neo's picture



InannaWhimsey wrote:

who wrote that, Neo?

From the book "Maitreya's Teachings, The Laws of Life".

Published by Benjamin Creme, but communicated by two journalists, Patricia Pitchon and Brian James, by a close "associate" of Maitreya. The communications occurred between 1988 and 1993.

Arminius's picture



All these "isms" are created by us, and are more or less necessary to navigate our way through life. They are the map by which we orientate ourselves, but we are the creators of this map, and the map is just a map. Moreover, the map is an arbitrary, conceptual creation. What's more, the reality on which the map is based is in a state of nonduality or synthesis, and thus beyond logical comprehension. But the real ontological reality can be experienced, and is being experienced, in the pure, undifferentiated experience of reality.


When we realize that, then we become arbitrary creators of our conceptual reality, with an almost limitless freedom to create. And when we delve deeply and frequently into the pure experience of the real, ontological reality, then our creations can't go too wrong.


There is some evidence that the arbitrary, conceptual reality we create has an influence on the real, ontological reality. If this is so, then we are not just creators of illusory "isms" or maps but real cosmic creators.yes



Neo's picture



Arminius wrote:

All these "isms" are created by us, and are more or less necessary to navigate our way through life. They are the map by which we orientate ourselves, but we are the creators of this map, and the map is just a map. Moreover, the map is an arbitrary, conceptual creation. What's more, the reality on which the map is based is in a state of nonduality or synthesis, and thus beyond logical comprehension. But the real ontological reality can be experienced, and is being experienced, in the pure, undifferentiated experience of reality.


When we realize that, then we become arbitrary creators of our conceptual reality, with an almost limitless freedom to create. And when we delve deeply and frequently into the pure experience of the real, ontological reality, then our creations can't go too wrong.


There is some evidence that the arbitrary, conceptual reality we create has an influence on the real, ontological reality. If this is so, then we are not just creators of illusory "isms" or maps but real cosmic creators.yes



Yes, we are the creators of these "maps" and the ones travelling them. We need to respect the maps but also know that they have their place in our lives. We can't simply ignore the ontological personality, we need to love it and nurture it, but in the end it must be placed on the alter.

Allowing the "lower self" to control our lives past its due date is what causes our suffering. Eventually, everyone will wash away the sins of the past and step into a whole new realm if awareness, one where there is no pain, no death, only light. This, I believe, is the destiny and the purpose of everyone.

Arminius's picture



Neo wrote:

Yes, we are the creators of these "maps" and the ones travelling them. We need to respect the maps but also know that they have their place in our lives. We can't simply ignore the ontological personality, we need to love it and nurture it, but in the end it must be placed on the alter.

Allowing the "lower self" to control our lives past its due date is what causes our suffering. Eventually, everyone will wash away the sins of the past and step into a whole new realm if awareness, one where there is no pain, no death, only light. This, I believe, is the destiny and the purpose of everyone.


Hi Neo:


Yes, everyone needs these maps early in life, and we should respect them for that purpose. But there comes a time in life when these maps need to be thrown away and we move up to a higher level of awareness. And yes, I too believe that this is our destiny and purpose.


Ideally, religion should facilitate this leap, but few religions do. Even in the religions of the Far East, where the attainment of enlightenment or Nirvana is the express purpose, few people get there.


I wonder why?



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