rishi's picture



Help! (with kids in church)

Does anyone know of any really good websites for finding stories, activities, ideas, etc. for young kids in Sunday school?  and for teenagers?


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RevMatt's picture



Less my forte, and in my experience most of this kind of stuff is not free.  However, you can check out the UCC magazine Gathering.  Some of it is available for free at this site:




The current edition is not available at all, however if you go back in time three years, you will get the same parts of the lectionary from last time 'round.  Gathering is not only about/for kids, but it often has some good starter ideas.

spiritbear's picture




I don't know why you say the current edition of Gathering isn't available - you'll find it on the UCC web site at http://www.united-church.ca/sales/magazines/gathering/2009/lep  You'll find the link highlighted about half-way down under Sunday by Sunday Lectionary


Summer edition should be at http://www.united-church.ca/sales/magazines/gathering/2009/sa


In general, you should go to the Worship & Renewal tab on the UCC site. It's generally on that page somewhere, although it's annoying that you always have to hunt to find it - not good web design.

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