Episteme's picture



How compatible is religion and personal exploration?

It seems as though every time I broaden my mind and accept the reality of things, whether I like that reality or not, the more at peace I become with who I am and the Universe I am a part of. For me, some of my most intimate connections with my God have come from honest exploration of my own nature.

On the other hand, I often find that religion places emphasis on prescriptive directives through ridged interpretation of parables and exclusionary proselytism, over nurturing the tools necessary for self-determined personal exploration and self-acceptance.

The fundamental need to feel a sense of acceptance by a community can result in keeping silent on understandings that challenge dogma, and leaves me feeling isolated.

So I'm left to wonder, how compatible is religion and personal exploration?

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drummerboy's picture



The times they are a changin, my friend. Emerging Spirit is cutting across all denominations binging with it a new post modern understanding of the religious or spiritual jounrney that not only allows but demands personal exploration.
Even evangelicals like Brian McLaren( American, no less) write about this in his little book A NEW KIND OF CHRISTIAN and A GENEROUS ORTHODOXY. Mind you, he has come under fire from many of his fellow evangelicals....but Bob was right...it's changin!

Zeina's picture



Great topic and you gave a wonderful response.

In Islam, there is a very well known saying : "Seek knowledge unto China". There is a lot of wisdom in this saying considering that China was a far away land for those who resided in europe, middle east or north africa 1400 years ago. Nowwadays airplanes cut down on travel time a lot more than 1400 years or so ago. This saying was revealed 1400 years ago where it must have taken a traveller months and months if not years to reach china by a Caravan, horse camel etc... yet, it was encouraged by Islam for individuals to travel and 'seek knowledge even unto China', this far away land, because only with travelling, seeing the world and EXPLORING will one truly reach a sense of realization about him/herself, god, spirituality, educaiton, knowledge and life as a whole. Unfortunately, nowadays not all religions preach travelling and as a matter of fact travel is seen as a "touristic thing" to do and not as cultural or educational enlightenment. I, as well, have reached a sense of realization about my ownself, life etc.. through travelling, not through religious books or worship places.

(excuse any spelling errors but i'm in a rush)

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