Alex's picture



It's GLBT Pride Day in Ottawa, and I have pics of First United Walking

It was Pride day in Ottawa, and as has been the case for several years now, First United Walked in the Parade.


I was dressed up as a Teddy Bear. I was going to bring a sign that said, "Meet Me on, Marry Me at First United"  


However I chickened out at the last second. It turned out to be a good thing too. If I had been holding a sign I would not have been able to hug so many people.


People kept asking for bear hugs, and I do not think I have ever hugged that many children and women in my life.


If you ever want to get a lot of attention from children, and women in their teens, and twenties and some older, wear a teddy bear outfit.


I also had a dozen or so people ask to pose with me while they took pictures.


Hopefully the costume brought some attention to the church, as we do not have a float or anything eye-catching.


Here is a couple of pictures from a cell phone camera as we were preparing to walk in the Parade.


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Tiger Lily's picture

Tiger Lily


Wow Alex.  It sounds like you had an amazing day.  And as a middle aged woman I have to say - yup you look extremely huggable.  Had I been there I'd have been lined up asking for a hug too :-)  Very cool that you went as a teddy bear and that people had such a great response.


Celebrating Ottawa pride with you. 



Eileenrl's picture



I wondered where you got to!!!!! I didn't realize that was you - well done.

crazyheart's picture



And if Eileenri thought you were good, so do I.

sighsnootles's picture





oh my gawd... i passed you in the parade, and i was going to give you a hug but i was handing out rainbow lollipops!!!   me and my kids were with the childrens aid society of ottawa group...


the parade was AMAZING!!  it is such an honour to march in the pride parade that goes by parliament hill.  just amazing.


the best part of the day was when i gave this one guy a lollipop and wished him a happy pride, and he said 'this is so wonderful.  i am from australia, and we aren't allowed to do anything like this.'  i didn't know what to say, so i gave him another lollipop, and a hug, and welcomed him to canada!!!

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


I always knew Pride Day was just an excuse for people to go around bear.


Actually, it looks like a fun event. It's about time gay bears got to march.


"According to University of Oslo zoologist Petter Böckman, about 1,500 animal species are known to practice same-sex coupling, including bears, gorillas, flamingos, owls, salmon and many others." (source:,2933,356639,00.html )

seeler's picture



I love a parade.  Alex, I'm still sorry that you didn't make it to the Five Oaks gathering in July.  I would love to meet you - with or without your bear costume.

YouthWorker's picture



It looks like you had a great time!  A friend of mine said that he had a great time at the parade -- so it must have been a good one.


Re: Sighsnootles...

The Australia comment confuses me.  Sydney has an annual pride parade that is absolutely huge -- of all the possible events or sights, the pride parade made the cover of Lonely Planet Sydney. 

abpenny's picture



Sounds like you had fun, Alex and I think your sign would have been perfect!  Thumbs up to you and your family, Sigh!

ninjafaery's picture




Thanks for the pix.

Sounds like it was amazing.


PS.  Does this mean that us single types could try wearing bear costumes to improve our odds? 

somegirl's picture



I didn't recognize you without the rainbow stripes.  Looks like you had a blast.  Glad it went well.

((bear Alex))

Kinst's picture



I'd hug you if I was from Ottawa

Alex's picture



Here is another pic someone else took after the parade was finished.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Alex wrote:

Here is another pic someone else took after the parade was finished.


Ha! We can see your bear-bum

Alex's picture



I found another one on flicker. Watch the whole parade at

ThePugster's picture



Hey Alex!  Great to see the pix, and you in the bear costume (lol!).  Wish I could have joined you all for the parade - but I had work to attend to up in my pastoral charge.  Big hugs, and hope to see you soon!  - R

stardust's picture




What a fun day . You look beary well. I bet you were sizzlin' hot though in that costume?


Let the good times roll.......

yvrguy's picture



That is cute!!  I have a buddy who wore a big white rabbit costume for Vancouver Pride... the stuffies are taking over, ahhhhhh!!

T. Rex's picture

T. Rex


What a sad waste of time and resources. 

chansen's picture



T. Rex wrote:

What a sad waste of time and resources. 


Ironically, "a sad waste of time and resources" is an excellent way to characterize the opposition to same-sex marriage.  Young people have already spoken, and they don't care.  Mostly, it's just a case of waiting for enough old people to die off before it is law on both sides of the border, despite any remaining religious-based opposition.

T. Rex's picture

T. Rex


Same sex marriage?  I don't care if people marry their pet dog, same sex or otherwise.  They can stick their croissant in their vichyssoise, for all I care.  Chansen, if you wish to marry your same sex partner, it's legal in Ontario at least.  Go for it, who cares what other people think.  Some day, you might be able to put a ring on your finger and marry yourself.  Just think, you'll be marrying someone of your own political and religious persuasions.  Talk about same sex

Azdgari's picture



Pure troll.

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