gabriel's picture



Jesus Camp and Evangelism

First, go watch this movie trailer. .

What are your thoughts on this? Is it abusive to mould children in this way? Or is this acceptable religious upbringing?

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TheMostlyRevMike's picture



I think it frightens me a little bit.

gabriel's picture



If you don't have Quicktime, you can also view the trailer here:

See video
kayleigh83's picture



I have a very mixed reaction to this one!

On one hand, to see somebody of any age so devoted to Jesus is inspiring and beautiful. But when I see this, it seems to me like more often than not these children are not being focused on the true word of God, but being used as tools by irresponsible, selfish adults. It's very, very wrong to give children passionate belief in the Lord only so that you can use them as political tools.

I'm not sure how to feel about this - I guess sorry for the children in some ways. Jesus didn't want us to be warriors.

Excavator's picture



I saw the trailer and it's very frightening. Other voices need to be raised against the abuse this kind of film generates - both in children and adults ... not to mention the adults in these children's lives who see this a benefical - I'm worried about their parenting abilities.

mammas's picture



It frightens me a lot. But I have always had a problem with any kind of radical thinking. Watching something like this reminds me of the news programs showing the terrorist groups brainwashing the young boys into becoming suicide bombers. Will we end up dividing the world into two opposing camps with no room left for the moderates? There must be room for all on this poor hurting earth. Jesus is love and for me that has to mean acceptance of all.

alwm's picture



This is Christian Fundamentalism. It is just as damaging as Muslim Fundamentalism or any other type of fundamentalism. My opinion is that this type of religious "training" is no different than what we see coming Muslim fundamnetalist where they train their children for Jihad. It is the same thing, just dressed up differently.

It seperates humans and creates divison. Why do humans feel the need to do this? Can't we just help each other? Do we always have to be right? And, how do we even know we are right?

I believe in God. I think religion is the road that you use to get to him and there are many different ways to get to him. So, why not respect these different ways? Why not, instead of sending our kids to bible camp and teaching them how to win others to Christ and how to be "warriors for God", we teach them to do unto others has we would have them do to us?

My 2 cents,

Suval's picture



Two phrases jumped out at me:

"God's Army"


"This means war".

I am not this kind of Christian and I just don't understand it.

sylviac's picture



Suval The Bible does say we are in a spiritual warfare. Where the forces of evil are gathered against the saints and all who believe that Christ is Lord.

Linden16's picture



As far as evangelism goes, I can understand the denominations who are evangelical - if you truly believe you've found God, and that those who don't know God are risking eternal damnation, then by all means, it makes sense to follow "The Great Commission", and start knocking on doors.

To a degree, it makes me wonder about Christians who claim to be believers, yet DON'T evangelize - are they ashamed, or are they not sure of what they believe? If they think they've found something that's life-changing, then what's stopping them from sharing this "Good News"?

sighsnootles's picture



but we DO share the 'good news', linden!!

i'd say that wondercafe itself is a way of 'sharing the good news', actually!!

for some people, though, they share the good news by LIVING. rather than standing on a street corner and loudly proclaiming it, they just live it. my minister calls them the 'people of the way'.

THAT is how i share the 'good news'. watch me live, and just see if you don't see jesus peeking through all the time!!!

Linden16's picture



Fair 'nuff. "Lifestyle evangelism" seems reasonable enough, but does it work? Do people nowadays actually care enough or have time enough to really notice how their neighbour is living, and let it impact on their lives?

Seems to me that the more "in your face" approach, while potentially hazardous, at least potentially ensures that the message is being transmitted, right?

As "Devil's Advocate" didn't Jesus spend his ministry going around and preaching, and didn't he encourage his followers to do the same - "The Great Commission"? If "lifestyle evangelism" was sufficient, wouldn't Jesus and his followers simply just went out and tried to live the good life in public, and avoided preaching/teaching/evangelism?

sighsnootles's picture



ahh, the old 'devils advocate' arguement, eh??

should i bite or not??

ohhh, alright.

how is what i'm doing NOT 'in your face evangelizing'???

Linden16's picture



Well, I'm assuming that you're "just" going about your daily routine, living a perfectly good, righteous life, right? That's great. Really. Good for you.

BUT, how much of an impact does your (or my, or anyone's) daily life have on our co-workers, neighbours, friends, etc.? Maybe your experience is waaay different than mine, but I suspect my life isn't really noticed by the vast majority of the people around me. Just like the lives of those around me aren't really all that impactful on my life.

We just go around, trying to work hard enough to make ends meet, keep our spouses, kids and ourselves happy. That pretty much consumes my entire waking experience. We just all seem too busy to get beyond, "How 'bout those mighty Vancouver Canucks?", "What about that rain?", "How much did YOU pay for gas?" etc, to really get to the meaningful discussions at the water cooler.

sighsnootles's picture



--- origionally posted by linden ---

We just go around, trying to work hard enough to make ends meet, keep our spouses, kids and ourselves happy. That pretty much consumes my entire waking experience. We just all seem too busy to get beyond, "How 'bout those mighty Vancouver Canucks?", "What about that rain?", "How much did YOU pay for gas?" etc, to really get to the meaningful discussions at the water cooler.

well, thats not at all what i do.

sure, i keep the kids happy, do my bit for the spouse, and root for the sens, but at the same time, i foster unwanted children, and boy oh boy do i talk THAT up. jesus is in those kids, man. she's upstairs right now eating grapes by the tv and enjoying giseles big backyard. so i'm ALWAYS talking about jesus, you see???

i also volunteer at the seniors home, with a lady who has no family other than mine, her 'surrogate' family. she comes over for easter, thanksgiving, all that. so yeah, jesus is always welcome here in my home. and i'm ALWAYS talking that up, looking for others who want to share my experiences of jesus....

so, you see, i AM 'evangelizing' all the time... but i talk about the LIVING jesus.

see what i mean???

Linden16's picture



I'd dare say you're more active in the lives of others than most people are. Good for you, too!

I like the "Red" and "One" campaigns to fight poverty and disease in Africa. If someone asks me about a wristband, or a t-shirt, I'll gladly tell them, but most people could simply care less.

Linden16's picture



Perhaps, one of the things working against evangelism is our modern society's love of political correctness and well, tolerance.

If religion is something that polite people don't discuss in public, or if one person's lifestyle choices or religion is just as valid as another's, then evangelism becomes just that much more difficult, right?

sighsnootles's picture



well, i think that 'evangelism' comes in more ways than what people think, thats all.

when first united church in ottawa marches in the gay pride parade every year, THEY ARE EVANGELIZING. but for some reason, people don't see that.

Linden16's picture



Agreed. It's a fine line, though. I suspect many moderate Christians lothe the idea of the fundamentalists getting involved in social policy, but if you stay silent, then how will people know where you stand on something. If you don't get involved, it's likely too easy for people to ignore your cause.

sighsnootles's picture



how will people know where you stand??

if they ask you, YOU TELL THEM.

Linden16's picture



...but in such a politically-correct climate, what are the chances someone's going to ask you your opinion on any sort of religious matter?

sighsnootles's picture



don't look now, linden, but you just did!!!

Linden16's picture



Fair 'nuff, but chatting on the internet is different from a face to face conversation amongst peers at work, isn't it?

Here, we all make up usernames, and could be quite different from the identifying information we posted, right?

sighsnootles's picture



well, i'm just pointing out how easy it is for people to overlook the obvious questioning of my faith and beliefs that people do on a day to day basis.

you did it without even knowing it, and for me, that seems to be the way it goes... my faith and my relationship with jesus is revealed all the time, in all kinds of ways, every day of my life.

just because i'm not out on the streetcorner shouting 'FOLKS, SEEK THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD!!!' doesn't mean i'm not actively evangelizing, linden.

Linden16's picture



So, how's that working out for you? How many people have noticed your active Christian lifestyle, and started coming to church or devoted their lives to Christ as a result?

sighsnootles's picture




well dr phil, why do you ask??

you got a dog in this race?? cause you know, you can't eat at the chinese buffet if theres no duck sauce!!!

well, i've never really sat back and counted, but i'd have to humbly say that i have had more than a few people say that they see me as a role model for themselves and their children!!!

Linden16's picture



Well....good! Go home, and sleep well!

(I guess that dawg DOES hunt after all!)

sighsnootles's picture



i ditn't just fall off the turnip truck, y'know...

HoldenCaulfield's picture



I can't imagine that anyone would "come to Christ" or start attending Church because some sassy little girl like Rachael in this film came up to them in a bowling alley and asked them if they new Jesus.

How in gods green earth could someone be converted by something like that. If a little kid wandered up to me and asked me that I would ask them why they aren't with an adult.

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