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Jobs Available for Prison Chaplains- Training Provided

Posted by Stardust -  reference to Derevus post and request for help.


I'm bringing this forward from another thread posted  by somegalfrom canada in order to make it more accessible. Hopefully there will be some responses to Derevus.

derevus's picture

Kairos Pneuma Chaplaincy Inc., a Presbytery Recognized Ministry (Chignecto) in an Organizational Employer Relationship with the United Church of Canada is actively seeking qualified candidates for two positions in the Prairie Region: Site Based Chaplain at Edmonton Institution and Site Based Chaplain at Saskatchewan Pennitentiary in Saskatoon. 



Both positions are full-time and are open to qualified and authorized individuals of any of Canada's recognized faith community. 



Kairos Pneuma Chaplaincy Inc. will offer orientation and training to the successful candidate as well as a competitive salary and benefits package (UCC pension and benefits).


 For more information visit our website ( or


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