GordW's picture



Looking For a Book to Read?

THen I would recomend Reframing Hope.   I had a chance to read it for free in return for writing a review.  I quite liked it and recommend it to others.


My review can be found here:




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Panentheist's picture



Strongly recommended:

1) Bernard Haisch: The God Theory

2) Bernard Haisch: The Purpose-Driven Universe

3) Walter Starcke: It's All God


These should keep any reader going for quite a while, especially if they are interested in getting accquainted with a contemporary world view. The authors take the reader on an in depth view of the manner in which our universe is put together and functions. Easy material? No, but the authors are such capable communicators/educators that, with sufficient effort, one gets an introduction to the current scientific findings of our starry neighbourhood that makes the effort more than worth while. Exhilirating stuff!


And this is written by an author who has no background in physics. So, take heart!


All three Thought provoking!

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