Alex's picture



The Most Important Religious Events of 2014

What was the most important religious event of the last year (2013)  for yourself.


WAs it the resignation of the Pope. Or something the new Pope did. Was it something  that happened in your community? Or something unnoticed by most?



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Alex's picture



I believe in general that the most important events happen with little notice and only later do they get recognised for what they are.  But here is my first nomination.


The resignation of Pope Ben. The first papal resignation of the modern era is important because it is a significant change for the largest church/religion in the world. The Roman Catholic Church not only has the largest membership, but it is also the religion most people who are not religious.


It may also mark the end of resistance to the biggest reform movement in the Catholic Church history. The reforms started by the Vatican 2 council.  This is still to be confirmed, but if the reforms started by the Vatican 2 council go forward, they could be much greater that the reforms envisioned  by Martin Luther, and unlike the Protestant Reformation of  Luther, which ultimately failed and resulted not only in the church splitting, with a minority adopting only some of his proposed reforms.  These reforms would rsult in the whole RC church adopting them.



revjohn's picture



Hi Alex,


Alex wrote:

What was the most important religious event of the last year (2013)  for yourself.


For myself?


The resignation of Benedict and the selection of Francis are interesting simply for the historicity of the event.  Beyond that?  Not being Roman Catholic it is of very little significance to me.


I am probably most impressed with the response of Egyptian Christians to the violence committed against them by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Here in the West some Christians have been sparked to outrage yet, there on the ground, in the midst of the real persecution those Christians offered forgiveness.


It is similar to the Amish response to the school shooting in 2006.


It takes absolutely no effort to find examples of Christians screwing up royally.  When some manage to live up to the calling it deserves at least as much attention as any screw up.


Grace and peace to you.


chansen's picture



John, I agree completely. There are moments when Christians rise up and do very honorable things, and they don't get the attention they deserve.

airclean33's picture



I believe one of the thinks that stood out in 2013. Was to hear Wondercafe would be done in June 2014. I wondered if money is the problem . Why not ask a fee once a mouth. I would be willing to pay. Or even donations may be even better as some can't aford.Anyway what will be will be. God Bless.

Alex's picture



Resistance  to evil takes many forms, as does evil. IT can be political and involve saying no to repression by the governement or relgious officials. Or They are all important.

it can also be  when an addict says no to a drug or a drink.


AS John pointed out Egypt was in the middle of it for most of last years.  Last year some  churches were being bombed and looted. Christians, MUslims and others stood up. There were many pictures of muslims surronding churches to protect them. Like this one.



Arminius's picture



To me, the most significant event of the year 2013 was the resignation of Pope Benedict and the ascension of Pope Francis to the Papal throne. Not because I am particularly sympathetic to Roman Catholicism, but because the RCC historically was, and for many people still is, the leading Christian Church.


The historical wrongs committed by the RCC are, I think, Christian wrongs that need to be acknowledged and addressed by all Christians. For Pope Francis to openly acknowledge the wrongs of his church, and express his deeply felt shame, is is an important first step, not only for RCs but for all Christians.


I also agree with revjohn, chansen, and others that some of the truly great things Christians have done were underreported.






chansen's picture



I do think that one of the reasons that the good works of Christianity are underreported, is that there hasn't been much repentance on the part of Christianity in general for the terrible things that have been done in its name and on its watch.


A lot of people are completely fed up with Christianity, in the form of the beliefs, their local church, the history, or just the general attitude of Christians where they have been the majority. Christianity has a massive PR problem, but it's largely of its own making. We need to see repentance for that, and real change in attitudes to something more resembling the humility Christianity claims to practice.


Christianity simply has a lot to apologize for before many will care what is says.


waterfall's picture



We can probably thank the religious right by getting overly involved with politics for some of that.

waterfall's picture



I'm trying to think what stands out for 2013 and I only come up with what Revjohn mentioned.

seeler's picture



For me personally the most important events of 2013  were:


Me getting involved in my church's outreach to the less fortunate in our city


My church's decision to begin the Affirm process.



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