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My Jesse Tree - Week 3

You are invited to follow along with my meditations.   Add your pictures, or your comments.



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Sunday, December 15th - I can't believe it's that close to Christmas - only ten more days.


David is again the subject of my meditation.  Yesterday we thought of him as the boy who slay Goliath with a slingshot. 


We often also think of him as the great King of the united Israel.


But today I'm thinking of him as the shepherd who loved music and who wrote many of the psalms.  I picture him out on the hills calming the sheep with his songs; then later as a fugitive from King Saul, hiding in caves, composing his laments or finding courage in his trust in God.  And later his psalms of praise and rejoicing.   The warrior king reveals his self in his music.


My symbol for today is a stringed instrument.


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Duplicate post - I'm having trouble with my computer lately, especially in WonderCafe.  Sometimes it just locks up.  I have to boot it and restart it.  Or, like now, it told me that I had lost a post.  So I recomposed it to the best of my memory, and then had two almost identical posts on the same topic.   Weird!




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Computer problems - I have to keep my posts short.  would anyone else elaborate on them?


Today's mediation is on the prophet Elijah, his problems with King Ahab and Queen Jezabel.  The symbol is the raven who fed Elijah in the wilderness.

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It strikes me that the raven is not a pretty bird - it was usually considered a pest, or something to be feared.  It was associated with death.  But this raven brought life.


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Tuesday, Dec. 17th - Today's reflection is on the story of Jonah - a tall tale of a man who tried to run away from a call from God and was swallowed up by a great fish (no mention of a whale - but perhaps there were no whales in that area at that time).  


A big fish, made as a church craft many years ago reminds me of the story of Jonah, and I wonder how many times I have been swallowed up by the busyness of my life when God has called to me.


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Wednesday, Dec. 15 - one week before Christmas.


We come to the passages in Isaiah that are traditionally read at this time of year.  The promises of hope for a discouraged people.

"Thepeople who walk in darkness have seen a great light; on those who live in a land of deep shadow a light has shone.  For unto you a child is born, a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace. 

The symbol for today is the sun (a great light).


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In my little corner of the world the great light - the sun - is shining brightly.  It is a cool, clear, crisp day.  It is wonderful to have the sunshine.  I know in a few hours it is going to be dark, dark, dark - especially as we get closer to the shortest day of sunlight of the year.


The sun warms us.  I like to watch a cat or a dog find a spot on the floor where the sun is shining through a window and cuddle up and have a nap.


I think of the sun as being a great light . . . I also think of God as being a great Light.  In my times of darkness and difficulty I believe God comes alongside me and says "I will show you the way - I will be your Light in this darkness".


I am thankful for the Light.




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Thank you Beloved.  It's nice to have others share their thoughts.


Thursday, Dec. 19th

Continuing with Isaiah - as may of the prophets he called the people into account and pointed out their short-comings, the times they had failed to live up to the covenant, the times they had failed to look after the widow and the orphan, the times they had oppressed the poor.  He promisedthat a new leader would arise among them.   The crown reminds us of this leader or King.

But when I think of the type of leader Jesus was, I don't think of a rich and powerful King with a gold crown, but rather as a servant king. 

I think that Pope Francis would agree.

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Friday, December 20th

Continuing with the book of Isaiah, but now in the latter part attributed to a different author and thought to be written much later, while the people were living in exile.  This 'Isaiah' encourages the people by telling them that God is still with them, that God is preparing a highway in the desert to bring them back home. 

In my desert times, when things look desolate, I remember the highway in the desert leading me home.


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Saturday, Dec. 21st - we are in the count down now. 

Reading - Isaiah 60: 1-2; 18-19    Symbol - light  (a lamp)

Arise, my people!  Let your light shine for all natons to see! 

No longer will you need the sun or moon to give you light, forthe Lord will be your glory. 

And we remember Jesus saying "Let your light shine among people that they might see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."

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Sunday, Dec. 22 - 4th Sunday of Advent

We are coming to the end - or the beginning!

The meditation, reading and symbol reverts to the meaning of the Jesse tree. 

From Isiah 11: 1-9  the people remebered the promise that frm a stump will grow a new shoot, a new branch from the old root - flowers wll bloom again.  Here we see a beautiful word picture ofthe peaceful kingdom where even the lion and lamb live together in peace. 


I think that if I were to do the Jesse tree another year, I would move this back to the very first reading and have it as an introduction.


This may be my last year for the Jesse Tree.  My grandchildren are getting older.  They aren't around often to help me hang the symbols, and to check what has been added since the last time they visited.    And WonderCafe is closing.


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Monday, December 23th - time for an angel to visit Elizabeth and predict the arrival of John who would become known as 'the Baptist', and then visit Mary with the announcement of the coming of her babe.   I think of Mary's song 'The Magnificant'.  And the advent hymn with the chorus  "When God is a child there's joy in our song, the last shall be first and the weak shall be strong, and none shall be afraid."


The angels' message is  "Fear not".   Let us face the new year without fear.


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Tuesday, December 24th.  The time of waiting is almost over.  The astronomers from the east have long since seen a particular bright star and set out on their journey with their gifts - represented by a bundle of cinnamon sticks (spices).   And the shepherds (represented by a shepherds crook in the form of a candy cane) sare about to hear the message.  Within hours the baby will be born.



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