stardust's picture



New - Son of God movie - Roma Downey

Its in theatres starting  this week, I'm  not sure about  the dates in  Canada.


I like Roma Downey. There are various clips of the movie and the trailer  on You Tube. I saved some. I have to play the videos to see what other ones I should post here. I remember when I posted the first movie there was quite an interested audience.



I'll start of with Oprah. I hope some of you may enjoy it.


Oprah interview with Diogo Morgado who played Jesus

See video



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stardust's picture


Jesus Saviour
Sneak Peek
Last Supper
Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


It looks good. My family will see it together some time next week.

Mendalla's picture



The thing with movies/plays/etc. about Jesus is that they ultimately say more about the writers/performers than Jesus. JC Superstar, Last Temptation of Christ (both book and movie), Passion of The Christ, Anne Rice's Jesus novels, etc. all play up the aspects of the story that the writers/directors/performers feel are important rather than giving a simple adaptation of one or more of the Gospel narratives. The fact that there are four texts to draw on that don't always agree with one another on the details does not help, of course, but I do find that Jesus has become one of those cultural blank slates that each of us tends to project our own values and ideas on to. Artists no less so than the rest of us.




Arminius's picture



Yes, these movies are re-enactments of the pseudo-biographies of Jesus, and are no more and no less than the re-enactment of a sacred legend or story. If they are good, then they are somewhat historical, but to take them for historical truth is a big mistake.


But I watch and read them all. I am a sucker for historical fiction.smiley

Neo's picture



Arminius wrote:

Yes, these movies are re-enactments of the pseudo-biographies of Jesus, and are no more and no less than the re-enactment of a sacred legend or story. If they are good, then they are somewhat historical, but to take them for historical truth is a big mistake.


But I watch and read them all. I am a sucker for historical fiction.smiley

I usually watch them all to, except for the Passion of Christ, which I ended up turning off as it was more focussed on the violence that played against Christ than the actual reason behind the Christ story.

Neo's picture



Arminius wrote:

Yes, these movies are re-enactments of the pseudo-biographies of Jesus, and are no more and no less than the re-enactment of a sacred legend or story. If they are good, then they are somewhat historical, but to take them for historical truth is a big mistake.


But I watch and read them all. I am a sucker for historical fiction.smiley

I usually watch them all to, except for the Passion of Christ, which I ended up turning off as it was more focussed on the violence that played against Christ than the actual reason behind the Christ story.

Neo's picture



Whoops, triple post... I can't seem to edit my double post anymore.

stardust's picture



Hi Neo

I never saw the Passion of the Christ either, it was too horrific. I watched a bit out of the corner of one eye when my daughter borrowed the DVD.



Here's the story of Roma Downey taking the character of  Satan out of this new  movie because of the look alike Obama sensation last year.  She also talks about snakes on the set in Morocco, that's creepy. It all makes for publicity doesn't it. I very seldom go to the movies. I'll prob. watch it later on the net or TV.


(Oddly enough my husband wasn't much of a Christian  believer but he used to watch Touched by an Angel, the TV program)



No Devil in the new movie re Obama
Satan video  scene – Obama look -  alike last year’s movie 
Snakes on the set in Morocco
Neo's picture



Weird about the snakes gathering at the foot of the cross.

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