Christina's picture



New tradition churches

I am trying this again. I think super glitch ate my post.
If something happens 3 times it is a tradition. Organs were not the mainstay of mainline reform tradition churches 150 years ago, Much of what we label traditional is in fact 20th century - maybe late 19th. I believe the grandchildren of 'Emerging Spirit' church supporters will look back and shake their heads. Just as my own young adult children often do when looking at the church of today.
Organs, classical music, lectionary driven liturgies and choirs give meaning to the faith lives of many. Change in the church means establishing new and meaningful traditions for the community in this time and place.
Holly United Church Mission (a new church plant) is on the south edge of Barrie. We worship in muti purpose space so no pews or stained glass; use a keyboard; project our hymns and use video clips; share the building with a very large and theologically different church - in short we are not physically a traditional church.
In many ways we are traditional - we believe in God, seek to follow the path of Jesus, try to live the gospel; believe all ages have gifts to share. To be an open, inclusive and welcoming community means respecting those who are on a different path. We do not try to be all things to all people. We have chosen a place - a way of being community - and said, 'Here we stand.' You are welcome to be here. If this is not the place and time for you, we will bless you as you continue your search for a faith community.
At 53 I am the oldest person in the community. Other frequent visiting supporters from other churches cross the age spectrum. We are seekers, lapsed alumni, long time members, children and adults. We are filled with questions, doubts, awe, love and pain. In short, we are like most other churches. A new medium for an ancient message of love and acceptance.

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drummerboy's picture



Hey Christina...what a cool sounding church. I'd be ther in a flash to check it outif I lived near Barrie. What pews! Have you got a band?
Too bad Heidiwholeness didn't live closer...she could probably find a home to do her spiritual dance at your church!
Are you familiar with Matthew Fox's cosmic masses?

Christina's picture



Hi druumerboy,
So many books - so little time. I have a stack waiting to be read. Our church is very small but we have a really big vision. No band yet just keyboard. Have some sound equpiment ready to go if a visitor with an instrument shows up and wants to join in for the day. We had a wonderful dancer here for my covenanting service. I can make referrals if anyone is looking for guest on worship team.

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