GeoFee's picture



A New World Order

Listened to Sean Faircloth this Sunday afternoon. Much appreciated his analysis of the rising Christian Right in Canada as in America. Compelling and affirmative of the basic position I have maintained in this gathered circle of perspective.


Today's talk may appear online in the time to come. Till then, here is a lecure congruent with the lecture I heard to day. The key concepts and phrases expressed in this lecture were also expressed in the Kamloops lecture.



I would like comment on a phrase or two early in the video. Listening you will hear Sean say "Dawkinsian" with a curious inflection. He says "Which all of you can refer to yourselves as". He used the same statement here, substituting Canada for Australia.


Wholly sympathetic to the critique of religious practice given by "Dawkinsians" , I question the dismissal of religion and suspect that the defining characteristics of religion are present in the emergence and trajectory of the "Dawkinsians".


What do you think?

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John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


What do I think? I think I'm the wrong person to ask and a wrong person to reply.

I have attended eight Colleges, taught in two others but by no means could I be mistaken for a scholar ---  

I think religious people think various things are important. Very few relate to Jesus' teachings as remembered. Many revolve around his mystical magical life and mysterious death; the need to believe in his resurrection to have your sins washed away.

I do enjoy your posts...

Leading a Christian life: why, on this planet alone I bet there must be at least a dozen....half of whom never heard of Jesus...

And I ain't one.

I once thought I could be a Buddhist, more recently and more strongly a Taoist --

but now, I'll just wait  'till Quantum physics 'splains  to me a universe where 'making sense' no longer applies...Non locality, entanglement. wave form collapse, due to observation -- things like that,

  The more we learn the more mysterious it gets,,,





GeoFee's picture



Hello HG,


Still basking in yuor "young fella" comment, now some days back. So much depends on point of view.

John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


GeoFee wrote:

So much depends on point of view.


Yes! I am very glad my point of view is held by very few and has no impact on peoples lives. I have no influence (even my yawns arn't catching) --I think my problem is I never wanted to learn a lot about something, I wanted to know a little about everything, A pleasent life though not a fiscal blockbuster...
































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