stardust's picture



The Old Rugged Cross .....Here's Johnny ...!!!!

Well...the old rugged cross and I are pretty old ...wink... but every year I'm compelled tp post it as a tribute to my grandmother. She used to sing it the whole year round!  It doesn't get a whole lot of response or applause on the WC....but anyhow.....



Here we go.....take it away ...Johnny.....!!!!!!



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InannaWhimsey's picture



mmm, great singer...tuneful melodies that can get me right 'ere...

stardust's picture



Hey folks..I got a response ......Glory and Praise be to my friend from the stars ..?..  InannaWhimsey...yes

InannaWhimsey's picture



stardust's picture



I got another response.....

Whoever would have expected   a  nervous   camel on Good Friday ?

InannaWhimsey just released this production from Israel...thx. muchly. 

InannaWhimsey's picture



chasing the stardust rabbi



Neo's picture



The man in black.

stardust's picture




Just to think...I was going to die for you....but all you can do is chase camels and rabbits.   I changed my mind......not this week.....:(



Waves at Neo....Hi up there...!

WaterBuoy's picture



Chasing Rabbi's is safer ... calm eLLe's got a kick if you get behind eM ... sort of a hermeneutic maxim like Proverbs 23:23 ... and many say there is nothing to such NOS.


Do you know how many dimensions of energy are known to mankind on a logarythmic scale? It is said there are probably many more but we can't see eiM as sight unseen(2Cor 4:18?) ... doesn't that getcha right were it hurts ... impulse of thought! Displaces emotions overboard on the great cosmological vessel ... propbably cock-knee'd or some bent function like that cock-eyed vision that can see round corners like Jack the Knife?


So much for the flat out stuff who were recollected and retained as old things regrasped ... something you have to go through ruagh-lye as life ... some don't and thus learn nut'n ...


Hopi Πstir us everybody ... even those sight unseen ... gheists? Possibly just Black Swans in the fringe shadows ... easily denied by those fearing the abstract ...

WaterBuoy's picture



Tis a dark pool like Shamayim but that's simply and icon that is understood to be far more complex than mortals can see --- Eistein! One has to get fa route ---Heiseinburg!


This way you can look over your own shoulder but there may be a time laps ... and you know how the Scandinavians feel about native Laplanders ... meis peoples ... they who fodder rein'd Eire ... and they went off to Celt land to do some foddering there as Eiric the Aw-philii!


You did know that two i's together focussed are silently doing an etude ... in tent shin Allah? They don't teach farce ID stuff like this in church ... that is contained wisdom ... not out there as u-f'oose ... or UFO's if you desire! Takes some literary device to squeeze out such thoughts from deep in de pits of ponde-roués ... that Green fellow from Canada made a fortune on this in PonderOsa ... a different time and case ... but they too had a paegin Chinee speaker ... confused de 'eLLe out the cowboies!


Neva, neva ignore the paegin ... it is as common as johns in crappers dimension of sewage ... thus brains go down as fertile in an emotionally pure world to be assimilated by what ... the underworld of course that is home of unknowns ... once referred to as aD'M-ism ... is that redundant philosophy if I say'd that as afore-ism? Witti Sei-ism, or just Maxim!

Arminius's picture



Glory and praise be to Inna, my fellow camelier!

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