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The Patrix


Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint

Cover of "Pastrix" by Nadia Bolz-WeberOutrageous, rich, and remarkable, PASTRIX turns spiritual memoir on its ear in this sardonically irreverent and beautifully honest page-turner. Nadia Bolz-Weber takes no prisoners as she reclaims the term “pastrix” (pronounced “pas-triks,” a term used by some Christians who refuse to recognize female pastors) in her messy, beautiful, prayer-and-profanity laden narrative about an unconventional life of faith.
Heavily tattooed and no holds barred, Nadia, a former stand-up comic, sure as hell didn’t consider herself to be religious leader material—until the day she ended up leading a friend’s funeral in a smoky downtown comedy club. Surrounded by fellow alcoholics, depressives, and cynics, she realized: These were her people. Maybe she was meant to be their pastor.

Using life stories—from living in a hopeful-but-haggard commune of slackers to surviving the wobbly chairs and war stories of a group for recovering alcoholics, from her unusual but undeniable spiritual calling to pastoring a notorious con artist—Nadia uses stunning narrative and poignant honesty to portray a woman who is both deeply faithful and deeply flawed, giving hope to the rest of us along the way.

Wildly entertaining and deeply resonant, this is the book for people who hunger for a bit of hope (hope that doesn’t come from vapid consumerism, or gazing at their own navel); for women who talk too loud, and guys who love chick flicks; for the gay man who loves Jesus, but who won’t allow himself to be talked to like that again. In short, for people like Nadia, and for every thinking misfit who is as suspicious of institutionalized religion as they are of themselves, yet are still seeking some transcendence and mystery in their lives.


































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Copyright © 2013 Nadia Bolz-Weber

Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint

Cover of "Pastrix" by Nadia Bolz-WeberOutrageous, rich, and remarkable, PASTRIX turns spiritual memoir on its ear in this sardonically irreverent and beautifully honest page-turner. Nadia Bolz-Weber takes no prisoners as she reclaims the term “pastrix” (pronounced “pas-triks,” a term used by some Christians who refuse to recognize female pastors) in her messy, beautiful, prayer-and-profanity laden narrative about an unconventional life of faith.
Heavily tattooed and no holds barred, Nadia, a former stand-up comic, sure as hell didn’t consider herself to be religious leader material—until the day she ended up leading a friend’s funeral in a smoky downtown comedy club. Surrounded by fellow alcoholics, depressives, and cynics, she realized: These were her people. Maybe she was meant to be their pastor.

Using life stories—from living in a hopeful-but-haggard commune of slackers to surviving the wobbly chairs and war stories of a group for recovering alcoholics, from her unusual but undeniable spiritual calling to pastoring a notorious con artist—Nadia uses stunning narrative and poignant honesty to portray a woman who is both deeply faithful and deeply flawed, giving hope to the rest of us along the way.

Wildly entertaining and deeply resonant, this is the book for people who hunger for a bit of hope (hope that doesn’t come from vapid consumerism, or gazing at their own navel); for women who talk too loud, and guys who love chick flicks; for the gay man who loves Jesus, but who won’t allow himself to be talked to like that again. In short, for people like Nadia, and for every thinking misfit who is as suspicious of institutionalized religion as they are of themselves, yet are still seeking some transcendence and mystery in their lives.




“I always thought Nadia would have made a pretty good Chiropractor. ”

– Peggy Bolz, Nadia's Mom


The hardcover edition of Patrix arrived in stores on September 10, 2013.

Click here to order Pastrix at Indie Bound

Click here to order Pastrix at Amazon

Click here to order Pastrix at Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 9781455527083






























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Copyright © 2013 Nadia Bolz-Weber
















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crazyheart's picture



I am sorry that it has come up double and I can't edit. Nadia was interviewed on CNN this morning. Did anyone see the interview or does anyone know about her. Her book the Pastrix is on the Top Ten List.

crazyheart's picture



It should read The Pastrix- too early in the morning

MikeBPaterson's picture



Just read it: great! I'm surprised it's surprising… but she's right on!


Kimmio's picture



I've been to her website and read a couple of articles/ sermons. I know she was a speaker at this past summer's Wild Goose Festival. I like her.

Kimmio's picture



I've been to her website and read a couple of articles/ sermons. I know she was a speaker at this past summer's Wild Goose Festival. I like her.

SG's picture



She rocks!
She serves notice that you can be open, vulnerable, honest... flawed... and be respected and accepted as clergy and be a GOOD minister. Quit the role playing games!
I have been a fan for a long while.

Mendalla's picture



Haven't read her books yet but Liked her on FB (think I picked her up from another WC'er on my friend list) and enjoy her attitude and some of her posts so will likely probe deeper. Definitely someone other churches should be learning from.




WaterBuoy's picture



I saw someone interviewing her ... can't remember when and only saw portion ... was impressed by that speck of the "unknown"!

WaterBuoy's picture



Patrix ... stunts pulled on the mother spirit? Is this conceptional to connecting data ... into thoughts? That which n'Circe'sis the emotions making ID look ridiculous from outer realms ---Heiseinberg!

crazyheart's picture




WaterBuoy's picture



Pas Trix ... as I said beyond us like myth ... pure conjecture? It has never been proven to survive separately ... like the Shakers ... they died out right?


Of course it is just another multidimension word that many take flat out as simple interpretation ... no esse not! Like desemmination ... must be unraveled to see its depth!

WaterBuoy's picture



Like St Pat ... a' Reck (REX'Ð) after Skye was finished with him ... just blew his mind ru'agh lye from that arial view ... Arian ... from which we derived Aaron from a spaced out Moes! He had trouble with decisions after being lost in open dimensions.


This leads to mental divides between cloestrophobia and agorophobia that threatened slaves with being sold off into unknown dimensions ... and mental icons could be lost as displaced Semites ... wonderers? You don't know what they come up with as prodigal ... something like a poke or a Kahn in ... Classic Reflection? Seen only when probing the unseen pool that's Onyx'd, perhaps unconsciously annexed by kinship! All the things we've choosen to deny or forget ... may haunt us when the mind is cracked ... preparing for the nextstep ...


Many stoics, pious about what they feel is fixed ... don't know what's really broke in data processing ... theology that hasn't been initiated yet? ID'll come ... 

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