unsafe's picture



Pay it forward ---God Blessing Us So We Can Bless Others In Need


God's Power to tug at a heart to help a person in need -----




My name is Patty and I'm a classical musician.  I've lived and worked in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the past 30 years.  You can find out more about me atwww.patriciacreighton.com


My goal is to help Kevin get off of our streets. I was inspired by the Warner Brothers film Pay it Forward.  Here's the movie trailer. 



As I've gotten to know Kevin a bit over the past few weeks I feel he deserves some help.  He tells me he's desperate to get off of the streets.  


I couldn't help him with much money, but I paid it forward by offering him some of my skills - making the short movie about him at the top of this page, and now this one 

 .  I also paid it forward by creating this crowd funding project for him.  


Another person, Rebecca, paid it forward by writing an article about Kevin at http://peninsulanews.kingsjournalism.com  It's also in attachment to this campaign,  scroll down to find it. 


The magnitude of what even a small donation will do for Kevin is far-reaching.  If he had some money, he could secure ESSENTIALS like food and a place to sleep. Then he would be able to concentrate on something like getting his permanent driver's license, then a job, then completing online Grade 12 accreditation over time.  Without a place to live and food, none of this is possible for him.


Amounts aren't set;  you can contribute $5, $10, $15--any amount you can afford. Helping even one person change their life for the better brings out the very best of our human nature.  


You could say that this is a social experiment for me as a concerned citizen.Just that the 'pay it forward' principle will continue to gain momentum is my ultimate goal. And the icing on the cake - being able to give Kevin an actual choice is enough for me, an option he hasn't had before.  


Please contribute if you can, or even just share the link on Facebook.    


See the CBC TV interview at 18:27 minutes in to the

broadcast: http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/NS/ID/2446580409/

See the Facebook

page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Homeless-in-Halifax-Pay-it-Forward/733353616709289


UPDATE:   April, 2014:  There’s a business owner here in town who is hiring Kevin for trades work, starting next week.  She and Kevin and I met on Monday.  


Another person who has met with Kevin and I contacted a social worker he knows who wants to help:  she’s experienced working with people like Kevin.  We also met on Monday.  


This is all fantastic news.  I'm thrilled that others are 'paying it forward' and creating a support network for Kevin, who is deeply grateful.



On February 24, when I was gassing my car up, I saw a young man walking down the street obviously very distraught.  He was calling out, "Why can't people be kinder to each other?  Why can't people just help each other?".  He hadn't seen me but I called out, "What's wrong?".  He called back, "I can't find a place to sleep or find any work, I'm desperate!" as he kept walking. 


I've often given small amounts of money to homeless people or given them food, but something about this young man really struck a chord in me.  I got some cash, drove up the street, found him and gave him some money.  His reaction?  Intense gratitude.  His eyes teared up and he put his hand to his heart several times, saying thank you! again and again.


unsafe says ----Here below we see this lady having thoughts --God is now tugging on her heart and mind --so much so that she turns her car around to look for this man -----Great --Great example of how powerful God can be -----


As I was driving home, two thoughts came to mind;  the movie "Pay it Forward" and that phrase "why give a person a fish when you can teach them how to fish?"  So, I turned my car around and drove around for about an hour looking for him. 


When I found him, I asked him to get in the car and tell me his story. I took him to a restaurant for a meal;  he could only eat about 1/4 of a bowl of soup because he's not used to eating very much at all, and he was shaking and sometimes close to tears;  he told me that nothing like this had ever happened to him.  


We talked about many things as I was assessing his character. He seemed honest and forthright with me.  I asked him if he actually really wanted to get off the streets -- yes, he said. He told me that the birth of his daughter had completely changed his perspective and that he just had to turn his life around so that he wouldn't jeopardize being a part of her life in the future. He also told me he wants to give her a real father. 


unsafe says ----Here below we see a bonus that she got went to help this man ---God blessing her with extra to be a Blessing to a person in need ----  this is overflow -----she still had all she needed and enough to help another ----


I decided to use some money I had received as a bonus to help him get temporary lodging at the YMCA.  He hasn't had a long string of nights sleeping inside for a long time.


With each meeting I've had with him, I continue to feel that this young man deserves help to get his life back on track.  To me, he has been kind-hearted, polite, and expresses his extreme gratitude for even the smallest help I've given him.  He has never once asked me for anything.  And he's quite intelligent, in spite of not having a completed high school education.  He seems highly socially conscious. 


Kevin and I have made an honour-based agreement, where he has publicly declared  his intention to use the money wisely and responsibly.  


Ultimately how he spends the money is his choice. I am hoping he will rise to the occasion and use it wisely.  


I'm also hoping that the success of this campaign will change his life for the better, giving him the opportunity for a new start and renewed hope.  If we help one person at a time, there is a huge ripple effect and it can open the heart up to how truly fragile life really is. 

read more ----



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unsafe's picture




God's Reason for His Blessings which is success in what we do -----Extra Money ---Extra Resources ---Extra Anything---  that is given to us is given to us by God and it is to give out  not to keep for ourselves ---- God will even direct us as to who we are to help with our Extra ----  


This is God's word -----God will Bless His Children so they may Bless others -----The Blessing is not for ourselves it is given to us to  help others in need  ----God Blessed this woman with more finances and resources  and she used it to help another in need ----- We can all say what we want ---Think what we want about God Prospering His people but This Story is what --  True Godly Prosperity is all about ------ 


2 Corinthians 9:8

Good News Translation (GNT)


And God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause.


Thanks be to God for supplying all grace abound to us so we will have all sufficiently in all things to do His work  


waterfall's picture



Yes, we are to give what we can. We can be poor or rich and still be able to give. Some will always remain poor. It is possible to remain poor and still prosper in that we are able to find merit in any life we are in through Jesus Christ/God.


Often our abundance in "stuff" and money that we share is acquired through the mistreatment of those we claim to help. Do we see that also?

unsafe's picture




Hi waterfall    Your Quote    Often our abundance in "stuff" and money that we share is acquired through the mistreatment of those we claim to help. Do we see that also


Who are we to judge that ---God will be the judge in that case ----in my opinion ----The People God directs us to to help will always be a success for the giver and receiver ----Trusting God in His direction is key to success ---if we just decide to help on our own we can end up with a slap in the face -----What God Gives and where God Directs will always be the right path -----and success will be present -----I have helped people and I have never been unsatisfied or disappointed in that ---I rely on God to prompt me and direct me in my help ----Just like this lady who's thoughts got the best of her to turn her car around -----she could have driven on and ignored her thoughts -----fear could have deterted her ----not safe out there now a days ----etc ----something kept pressing her on ----I believe it was God and I believe this young man will flourish ----I hope she keeps us updated on his journey -----     


This is my opinion ----Peace   

Neo's picture



Unsafe, you are talking about the checks and balances of "karma". In the New Testimate this word is summed up in the phrase "we reap what we sow". Our actions, our thoughts and our words follow the lines of cause and effect. Paying it forward should be an altruistic action, with no expectation of reward.

Edit to add: oops, got the quote wrong above and nobody noticed! Fixed it.

unsafe's picture





God is the one who get the reward ---it is not us that it glorifies it is God ----when God is the director -----all Glory goes to God not us -----we are only a funnel that is used by God to do His work ---His way --- which brings success and Glorifies Him ----Everything we own belongs to God ---we only have what we have because of God ----every bit of money we earn belongs to God so all we buy belongs to God nothing is ours  --according to scripture ---


unsafe's picture




Hi Neo  


We think a little  different on your idea of sowing and reaping ------


Your Karma idea is a little different in it's presentation than what the Bible is -----this tells us the difference in the 2 ----


Does the Bible say anything about karma?



The Bible does not talk about karma in the eastern mysticism sense. There is no reincarnation in the Bible (Hebrews 9:27). But there is a sense in which our actions toward others affect our own lives. Those who seek trouble, usually find it (Job 4:8). They who live violently will be more likely to come to a violent end (Matthew 26:52).Luke 6:37-38says:


Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.


But there is a serious difference between the cause and effect of actions in Christianity versus karma. The Bible teaches that all deserve death (Romans 6:23). Every single sin we commit warrants death, and no amount of good works can make up for it. It is not our actions that lead to salvation, it is Jesus'. AsEphesians 2:8-9says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." No one can be so good as to deserve eternal life in God's presence, so He sent His Son to take our sin and give us righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). With God's grace, the world receives far more than we deserve—even the birds (Luke 12:24).


It is only through Jesus' sacrifice that our good deeds will produce any real good (Philippians 2:13).Galatians 6:8-9 (NIV)explains that "whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life."First Corinthians 9:24-25says that in this life, we can run the race so as to win an imperishable crown in the next. We cannot do this through our own effort. Karma says that our good can outweigh our bad. The Bible says our good works are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), but Jesus' works make us a new creation, reconciled to God, unstained by our own sin (2 Corinthians 5:17-20).


Read more:http://www.compellingtruth.org/Bible-karma.html#ixzz307irQQUn


airclean33's picture



unsafe wrote:



God is the one who get the reward ---it is not us that it glorifies it is God ----when God is the director -----all Glory goes to God not us -----we are only a funnel that is used by God to do His work ---His way --- which brings success and Glorifies Him ----Everything we own belongs to God ---we only have what we have because of God ----every bit of money we earn belongs to God so all we buy belongs to God nothing is ours  --according to scripture ---


-Your post I believe is very true unsafe . Even to our lives , which He gave us. God Bless .--airclean33

unsafe's picture




Hi airclean33   your quote   Even to our lives , which He gave us.


Amen to that yes


God Bless Brother

Neo's picture



Unsafe, the Law of Karma has been defined in many ways over time. Yes, the Hindus saw it differently, as did the Mosaic law when it was described as an "eye for an eye", as did Jesus when he defined it as "reaping what you sow". It's still karma, just seen through difference social and cultural mediums.

Grace can and does, to a certain degree, (IMHO), supersede karma, but it doesn't mean you can continue to "sin" when you know it's wrong. No manner of grace will let you get away with this. We all, to a certain degree, bear responsibility for our actions, our thoughts and our words. "Christians" don't get a free pass just because they've chosen one religion over another.

While the Law of Karma does associate itself with the Law of Rebirth, it can be separated out and viewed by itself. We see its effects in the everyday world of Newton's mechanics. Cause and Effect is a very real physical law. Try dropping an bowling pin on your foot and see if the Law of Grace will let you get away with it.
Galatians 6:8–9, as the author of the above points out, says that "reaping what you sow" applies to the physical world, but it doesn't say you can ignore it.

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:
Unsafe, the Law of Karma has been defined in many ways over time. Yes, the Hindus saw it differently, as did the Mosaic law when it was described as an "eye for an eye",


what karma did the victums of 9/11 do ? or a rape victum ? 

there is no grace or unconditional love in karma 

Neo's picture



Can you restate the question BB? Are you asking why people are victims of karma? By the grace of God people are given second (and more) chances to redeem themselves. "Sinners" are not thrown into an eternal hell because of a single life of indiscretion. The wheels of justice turn as the tables are turned, from life to life. The unconditional love you speak of is the opportunity that is there for us every-time we reincarnate.

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:
Can you restate the question BB?


not really no, you menteioned, " an Eye for an Eye" a reciporcal action, but you didnt finish the Virse, Jesus takes this idea and rases the bar to a point any of us have great diffuclty in attaining. showing in His sermon, responding evil with evil is wrong 


then you mentioned "reap what you so" Reaping what you sow is about the possible consequences of your actions. If you are kind to someone, they may do something kind to you or they may not , if you steal, you might go to jail, if you live by the Gun, you may die by the Gun ect .


With Karma the  concept is with  impersonal god/force/oneness/energy-universe, the person assumes the complete responsibility of either doing good or evil, you do good you get good , you do bad you get bad. In Christian theology, a person can only do good by cooperating with God's grace, or they can do evil on their own, but doing Good does not require or guarantee reciprocal actions of the like.


Karma and Grace are completly opposit, the Bible is all about Grace.


So in 9/11 it is estimated 2996 died, or let’s say the millions of the holocaust, or Hiroshima, or other victims of brutality, men woman and children.


What did they Give out to the universe that they deserved what they got back? 


Neo's picture



It's not just about "doing good", you are over simplifying things.
One eventuality, through the life lessons learned via karma, discovers the "dharma" of their life, which is the purpose, the path and the way towards becoming One with the Universe.

you wrote:
What did they Give out to the universe that they deserved what they got back?

I'm assuming you're ether asking what they (the 911 or the holocaust victims) did to deserve their suffering or what purpose did their suffering accomplish? I can't answer either question. Can you?

There is definitely a difference between the Mosaic law of an 'eye for an eye' and that of the Christian law of 'sowing what one reaps'. The latter seems much less cruel and has an air of self control about it. But they are both referring to the great law of cause and effect. As we become more aware and in control of our destiny the definition and the perception of this law begins to change. The law itself doesn't change, just our perception of it.

Let me ask you this: does one only have to give their blind "devotion" in order to come under the grace of God? Is this what you believe "picking up the cross" means? Or could "picking up the cross" mean perfecting our temples? Becoming Christ-like in our mind (our thoughts), our spirit (our words) and our bodies (our actions)?

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:

Let me ask you this: does one only have to give their blind "devotion" in order to come under the grace of God? Is this what you believe "picking up the cross" means? Or could "picking up the cross" mean perfecting our temples? Becoming Christ-like in our mind (our thoughts), our spirit (our words) and our bodies (our actions)?



Neo, your view on Christanity is new age, it is no where close to being bibical, new age like other gures (did i spell that right), love to mis quote the bible to fit there beliefe structures, believing the bible gives athority somehow to there new religion.


karma is not bibical nore true Jesus taught that in the beauties. nore do christians give there faith blindly , wether we are the subjects of Grace or not , it exists eternally  apart from man, it is found in its perfect state with in the concept of the Trinity. 


futher more, self can never perfect self, we need something greater that our own nature, history has proven that , the present teaches that, and teh future what ever it holds will be subject to human nature. 


the basics of karma, what you give out the the unverse you  get in return, so ill ask again, what karma did the dead of 9 /11, give to the unverse that they desere what they got?

Neo's picture



blackbelt1961 wrote:

Neo wrote:

Let me ask you this: does one only have to give their blind "devotion" in order to come under the grace of God? Is this what you believe "picking up the cross" means? Or could "picking up the cross" mean perfecting our temples? Becoming Christ-like in our mind (our thoughts), our spirit (our words) and our bodies (our actions)?

Neo, your view on Christanity is new age, it is no where close to being bibical, new age like other gures (did i spell that right), love to mis quote the bible to fit there beliefe structures, believing the bible gives athority somehow to there new religion.


The belief in karma and reincarnation is hardly new age, it predates the Bible by a long shot. The idea that the Bible is "totally" unique is something only the naive believe. The evidence is unmistakable that it had its origins in the eastern religions.

blackbelt1961 wrote:

karma is not bibical nore true Jesus taught that in the beauties. nore do christians give there faith blindly , wether we are the subjects of Grace or not , it exists eternally  apart from man, it is found in its perfect state with in the concept of the Trinity. 

There's that "biblical" word again, as if just because the politics of the day misinterpreted the text back, then the doctrines and dogmas they created themselves are somehow sacred and shouldn't be messed with.

blackbelt1961 wrote:

futher more, self can never perfect self, we need something greater that our own nature, history has proven that , the present teaches that, and teh future what ever it holds will be subject to human nature. 


"Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect"
- Jesus
(Unless you think that I'm twisting 'those' words around somehow)

blackbelt1961 wrote:

the basics of karma, what you give out the the unverse you  get in return, so ill ask again, what karma did the dead of 9 /11, give to the unverse that they desere what they got?

Karma is way more than expecting to get something back, it's a universal law that even Christ has to work within the bounds of, hence the reason, for instance, no one knows the exact hour of His reappearance. Btw, you don't "give karma to the universe". And as I said above, I can't tell why 9-11 happened. Can you?

airclean33's picture



Hi Neo-- your post-"Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect"
- Jesus
(Unless you think that I'm twisting 'those' words around somehow)


Airclean-- Ofcourse you are. You can not be perfect onless that which is perpect helps you GOD. Which you cannot come to with out Christ Jesus. John3:16


Jhn 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.


Jhn 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Only GOD is perfect Neo.You must become part of Him to obiain that.

Neo's picture



Yes, agreed Unsafe, but think about what you just said: "You" must become part of Him to obtain that.

unsafe's picture




Hi Neo    It is airclean33 you are adressing not me ----just to clarify



airclean33's picture



Thank you unsafe . You can answer for me anytime sister as we our of one Spirit.


Hi Neo--Ofcouse I know what I said. That part of GOD that is Perfect is call His Holy Spirit. It is with me now and ever will be. It is helping me become a better part of GOD.Christ Gift "to those who follow Jesus The Christ.---airclean33

Neo's picture



Ha, ha.. sorry.. got you two mixed up again

airclean33's picture



Hi Neo- It's ok --just remeber  , I"m  the one who has bad spellingsmiley

blackbelt1961's picture




New wrote:

There's that "biblical" word again, as if just because the politics of the day misinterpreted the text back, then the doctrines and dogmas they created themselves are somehow sacred and shouldn't be messed with.


What word are you referring to Neo, Trinity?



"Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect"

- Jesus

(Unless you think that I'm twisting 'those' words around somehow)



That’s what you think that means, that you can attain perfection as God???????????????



</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>[quote wrote:

Karma is way more than expecting to get something back, it's a universal law that even Christ has to work within the bounds of, hence the reason, for instance, no one knows the exact hour of His reappearance. Btw, you don't "give karma to the universe". And as I said above, I can't tell why 9-11 happened. Can you?



So no one knows the exact hour of His appearance is subject to karma law uh 

Neo's picture



airclean33 wrote:

Hi Neo- It's ok --just remeber  , I"m  the one who has bad spellingsmiley

But that's the problem Airclean, your written english has improved.

Neo's picture



blackbelt1961 wrote:
Neo wrote:

There's that "biblical" word again, as if just because the politics of the day misinterpreted the text back, then the doctrines and dogmas they created themselves are somehow sacred and biblical shouldn't be messed with.

What word are you referring to Neo, Trinity?

Umm.. no, I was referring to the word in quotes: "biblical". What does that word really mean?
blackbelt1961 wrote:


"Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect"

- Jesus

(Unless you think that I'm twisting 'those' words around somehow)

That’s what you think that means, that you can attain perfection as God???????????????


Umm.. yea, why not? Everything belongs to The Lord. Including Us.
blackbelt1961 wrote:
Neo wrote:

Karma is way more than expecting to get something back, it's a universal law that even Christ has to work within the bounds of, hence the reason, for instance, no one knows the exact hour of His reappearance. Btw, you don't "give karma to the universe". And as I said above, I can't tell why 9-11 happened. Can you?



So no one knows the exact hour of His appearance is subject to karma law uh 

In a manner of respect, yes. Mankind has only to make an effort towards universal brotherhood, love at the cosmic level, before the Christ will come forward. That He will come forward in the end is a fait accompli. It's written in the stars, so to speak. But the longer we wait the less the opportunity for growth. It'll be easy to find the Christ once He walks among us. Finding Him within before He manifests without is the real challenge.


Consider the following definition:


"Karma is the Eastern name for the Law of Cause and Effect. It is the basic Law governing our existence in this solar system. Every thought we have, every action we make, sets into motion a cause. These causes have their effects, which make our lives, for good or ill. Expressed in biblical terms: “As you sow, so shall you reap.”; in scientific terms: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


So if karma is built into the very fabric of our nature, mentally and physically, then wouldn't it make sense that someone like the Christ would have to work within the bounds of this nature? And not because "He" is limited to this nature, but rather because "we" are limited to this nature. Cause and effect on the mental level is the great teacher, forcing us into finding the truth. In this case we are looking for the Christ in our midst, but we can't find Him because we're not seeing with our eyes wide open.


"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."


Seeking and asking and knocking, is using our mind, and our spirit and our bodies to become perfect, (or at least relatively perfect), in our thoughts, and in our words and in our actions.



airclean33's picture



Neo wrote:
airclean33 wrote:

Hi Neo- It's ok --just remeber  , I"m  the one who has bad spellingsmiley

But that's the problem Airclean, your written english has improved



airclean33's picture



Hi Neo--Your post--

Seeking and asking and knocking, is using our mind, and our spirit and our bodies to become perfect, (or at least relatively perfect), in our thoughts, and in our words and in our actions.-


Airclean--I have just finished reading your post.I find you seem to be on very shakey ground hear. This may sound like a pun. As you read on . It is not our bodys are made of the earth . GOD has condemed the earth part back to what is was.Read the last part of your post. You are transfix on self. Christains are to give up self for GOD. That is Christ teaching. When you talk of self . You sound like santan.  I SHELL SET MY THROW ABOVE YOURS. Remember he is lord of the ground.Our Lord Jesus The Christ said well He was in flesh. There is but one good. Even though He was The Christ. He did not mean Himself. But the Father thats in Heaven.For flesh is evil because of the first Adam and satan. Never befor Christ life and death, had there been a man that was good. Even our great men of God" seemed at one time or another to be weak.I myself am not perfect as long as I am in flesh I know this. Even though I have Him that is perfect with me in Spirit, helping me  to fight off the way of flesh. We must learn to yield to GOD with us who is perfect.  --airclean33

unsafe's picture




Hi airclean33      


Great post ----yesenlightened


God Bless Brother

Neo's picture



airclean33 wrote:

Hi Neo--Your post--

Seeking and asking and knocking, is using our mind, and our spirit and our bodies to become perfect, (or at least relatively perfect), in our thoughts, and in our words and in our actions.-


Airclean--I have just finished reading your post.I find you seem to be on very shakey ground hear. This may sound like a pun. As you read on . It is not our bodys are made of the earth . GOD has condemed the earth part back to what is was.Read the last part of your post. You are transfix on self. Christains are to give up self for GOD. That is Christ teaching. When you talk of self . You sound like santan.  I SHELL SET MY THROW ABOVE YOURS. Remember he is lord of the ground.Our Lord Jesus The Christ said well He was in flesh. There is but one good. Even though He was The Christ. He did not mean Himself. But the Father thats in Heaven.For flesh is evil because of the first Adam and satan. Never befor Christ life and death, had there been a man that was good. Even our great men of God" seemed at one time or another to be weak.I myself am not perfect as long as I am in flesh I know this. Even though I have Him that is perfect with me in Spirit, helping me  to fight off the way of flesh. We must learn to yield to GOD with us who is perfect.  --airclean33

Actually that 'was' a good post Airclean, except for the "santan" thing. Your post, however, also went on a bit of a holiday there. You've jumped onto some preconceived notion you have of my beliefs. Do you ever actually read what I write?
you wrote:
We must learn to yield to GOD with us who is perfect.

Yes, exactly. But then ..
you wrote:
You are transfix on self. Christains are to give up self for GOD. That is Christ teaching. When you talk of self . You sound like santan.

I'v always believed that there is a 'lower' self, one who is ultimately left on the alter of time and space and hanging there in self-sacrifice so that the inner truth of the "God within" can shine forth. And this is the great love aspect of the man Jesus. Jesus voluntarily subjected Himself to the crucifixion in order to show us that matter, the frozen energy of form, must let go and eventually give way to the Life "within".

Jesus came to show us the way. He started out as the Jesus, the son of man, but during the end of his life Jesus became the Christ, Jesus. This was a significant change and one that ever one of us, as a life in matter can experience. If we are to believe that Jesus came to show us "the way", then the gospel story is how that way transpired. "Pick up your cross", Jesus said. The chapter on crucifixion is in our soul's book of life. It'll be a sacrifice with us just as it was a sacrifice with the man Jesus.

"Everything belongs to The Lord". Which is why I believe that God resides in me and you and everyone, if we could but see it.

The funny thing is, and the way I see it Airclean-Unsafe, is that I could go on and on about my beliefs, but unless I say the actual words that 'I give my life to Jesus' or that 'being a Christian is the only way to God', you two won't believe a word I say, will you? I find that interesting about fundamentalist, they're more interested in the party line of religion.

airclean33's picture



Hi Neo--I want to try an answer this . With out you feeling I'm attacking your belief . What you believe is between you and GOD. I try and help if I see something I think will help you or GOD tells me to.  


[/quote] Actually that 'was' a good post Airclean, except for the "santan" thing. Your post, however, also went on a bit of a holiday there. You've jumped onto some preconceived notion you have of my beliefs. Do you ever actually read what I write?


Airclean-- Believe it or not Neo . I do read what you post and try and understand you thinking.


you wrote:
We must learn to yield to GOD with us who is perfect.
Yes, exactly. But then ..
you wrote:
You are transfix on self. Christains are to give up self for GOD. That is Christ teaching. When you talk of self . You sound like santan.
I'v always believed that there is a 'lower' self, one who is ultimately left on the alter of time and space and hanging there in self-sacrifice so that the inner truth of the "God within" can shine forth. And this is the great love aspect of the man Jesus. Jesus voluntarily subjected Himself to the crucifixion in order to show us that matter,


Airclean-- Again Neo this is part of your belief and thats fine. I must say however as a Christain I believe only Christ Jesus" is and was perfect that lived in flesh. We can not achieve this as we have already failed. Our walk with GOD is through the Cross and Chist Jesus. We are not the sacrifice . Jesus is the only one acceptable.For He went through life with no sin.The best we can do I believe is accept the GRACE GOD has given us.The Glory Is GODS.



the frozen energy of form, must let go and eventually give way to the Life "within".
Jesus came to show us the way. He started out as the Jesus, the son of man, but during the end of his life Jesus became the Christ, Jesus. This was a significant change and one that ever one of us, as a life in matter can experience. If we are to believe that Jesus came to show us "the way", then the gospel story is how that way transpired. "Pick up your cross", Jesus said. The chapter on crucifixion is in our soul's book of life. It'll be a sacrifice with us just as it was a sacrifice with the man Jesus.
"Everything belongs to The Lord". Which is why I believe that God resides in me and you and everyone, if we could but see it.


Airclean--Neo Jesus The Christ . Was The Way The Truth and Light.The Christ was a part of Jesus from the beginning. As you and your body are there from the beginning  so was Jesus and the Christ.My belief Neo is as a Christan is that Jesus the man or flesh part of Christ  did have to grow and learn. Christ teaching is watch the Father and do as He saids . Well your flesh is weak and can be tricked. Your spirit with the help of GODS Holy spirit can not.


The funny thing is, and the way I see it Airclean-Unsafe, is that I could go on and on about my beliefs, but unless I say the actual words that 'I give my life to Jesus' or that 'being a Christian is the only way to God', you two won't believe a word I say, will you? I find that interesting about fundamentalist, they're more interested in the party line of religion.


Airclean--We have many in the Christain churchs who don't agree with each other Neo. I for one would not follow the cathlic beliefs. But I do accept them as Christains.In your belief you seem to go more easter walk. Salvaion come in my belief through Christ. We are all sinners . If you believe Jesus  was The Christ , and accept Him into your life to take your sins. Then your a Christain to me. Then the other things you and I believe are just  theology. Helpful ofcouse. But it don't save you.


Airclean--I have recived help in understanding those faiths you have posted on. I am not going to follow them. But am always willing to liston.---  airclean33





Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


One of the reasons why God blesses us, perhaps the main reason, is so that we might bless others, I agree. I believe that God especially wants us to bless the poor. The question then becomes, who are the poor. The most obvious answer is the financially poor. Certainly I think we should seek to bless them. However, I don't think that being financially poor is the only way to be without. There are those who are spiritually poor, and those who have not been advantaged in other ways.

airclean33's picture



Dcn. Jae wrote:
One of the reasons why God blesses us, perhaps the main reason, is so that we might bless others, I agree. I believe that God especially wants us to bless the poor. The question then becomes, who are the poor. The most obvious answer is the financially poor. Certainly I think we should seek to bless them. However, I don't think that being financially poor is the only way to be without. There are those who are spiritually poor, and those who have not been advantaged in other ways



This is true Jae. As there are those who are poor of Spirit. The word of GOD is food for life.

unsafe's picture




Hi Don. Jae     your quote     I don't think that being financially poor is the only way to be without. There are those who are spiritually poor, and those who have not been advantaged in other ways.


I totally agree with this ------Jesus died so we could be whole ---you can have a million dollars and be very lonely and depressed -----you can be very wealthy and be dying of cancer ----you in both cases you are not whole you are wealthy --but spiritually you are a mess ----Wholeness means to me you are satisfied in all areas of your life ----so you are able to do God's will for your life which is to help other in the area they need ----allowing God to direct you and it is He who will give you the resources to help the person He sends you to ----Trust and lean on God not ourself ----This ensures the person will receive what they need ----



Neo's picture



Blackbelt wrote:
Neo wrote:
"Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect"
- Jesus
(Unless you think that I'm twisting 'those' words around somehow)

That’s what you think that means, that you can attain perfection as God???????????????

Blackbelt, Airclean, Unsafe, et al,
If we are not to follow in Christ's footsteps, and at least "attempt" to perfect our temples, then can you enlighten me, and the rest of the, world, why we are told to "pick up the cross" and to "be perfect"? It all seems pretty obvious to me.

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:
Blackbelt wrote:
Neo wrote:
Quote: "Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect" - Jesus (Unless you think that I'm twisting 'those' words around somehow)
That’s what you think that means, that you can attain perfection as God??????????????? Really?
Blackbelt, Airclean, Unsafe, et al, If we are not to follow in Christ's footsteps, and at least "attempt" to perfect our temples, then can you enlighten me, and the rest of the, world, why we are told to "pick up the cross" and to "be perfect"? It all seems pretty obvious to me.



a Temple is a housing, it holds something, the temple you refer to according to scripture is Corruptible and profits nothing 


John 6:36   It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.




The word "perfect," in the Bible, can and does mean "complete" or "finished." Jesus was made "perfect" through suffering (Heb. 2:10; 5:8–9). He completed or fulfilled God’s plan for Him as our Savior by suffering for us.

We as Christians are made “perfect” or Complete in Christ, notice we are not perfect or can attain it on our own but are made complete in Christ. Christ’s perfection imparted to us.

"Perfect" can also have the meaning of "mature" or "grown up." In Philippians 3:15, the apostle Paul speaks to "as many as be perfect" . The NKJV translates this phrase "as many as are mature."


In other words, be Perfect, Mature or Complete in Christ, when we are in Christ it is HIS perfection imparted to us, Not ours 



Matt 16 :24  Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.


In this world, its very easy and natural for man to live , breath for himself,  but to live selflessly for Christ sake all of a sudden its not so easy to deny what your inner convictions are and desire. That is the cross we bear. Italians have a saying when there is a thorn in our lives, we say “ you have a heavy cross to bear”.

So why do we do it? And where do we find our strength to do so?

Our strength is found in the Cross, Jesus took our sins, and died for us, when we look to the cross it convicts our  spirit conscious  mind according  to do what Jesus did, to give Mercy and Grace and not to retaliate with evil. 


unsafe's picture




-When one accepts Christ our spirit is made perfect ----we are made holy ----our spirit is spotless --we are heaven boound ----we are clean in spirit -----our mind is not ----it is our job to then make our soul like our spirit ----you are perfected on the inside but still the same in our soul --that is we still think like the world ----Our job is to line our soul up to match our spirit ---until we do that it is only our spirit that has been made perfect ----according to scripture



Hebrews 10:14

Amplified Bible (AMP)


14 For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansedand perfected those who are consecrated and made holy.


This is for our spirit ----not our soul ---according to scripture ---God did His job by providing the Holy Spirit ----We need to do our job which is to get into the word and change the way we think to God's way of thinking ----then and only then will we be total and complete in anykind of perfection in all we do ----  


Romans 12:2

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)


Don’t become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants—what is good, pleasing, and perfect.







airclean33's picture



Neo wrote:
Blackbelt wrote:
Neo wrote:
Quote: "Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect" - Jesus (Unless you think that I'm twisting 'those' words around somehow)
That’s what you think that means, that you can attain perfection as God??????????????? Really?
Blackbelt, Airclean, Unsafe, et al, If we are not to follow in Christ's footsteps, and at least "attempt" to perfect our temples, then can you enlighten me, and the rest of the, world, why we are told to "pick up the cross" and to "be perfect"? It all seems pretty obvious to me.


You leav vers an chapter. Did you mean this one--


Phl 3:15

Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

Or was it this one?




Mat 5:48

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

It's ok Neo they both mean the same to me. Obay GOD do as GOD tells you,

As for the cross Neo . You will find


Mar 8:34 And he called to him the multitude with his disciples, and said to them, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

I believe your cross is your flesh Neo.It is what we deal with every day. It is sinful and must be controled. It will not be raised.You will find these words , I believe in each chapter and vers you fine .It saids the same. ( deny self)


  1Co 15:42 So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable.
  1Co 15:43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.
  1Co 15:44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body.

I hope this helps . It is how I see it.--airclean33

Neo's picture



blackbelt wrote:
Neo wrote:
If we are not to follow in Christ's footsteps, and at least "attempt" to perfect our temples, then can you enlighten me, and the rest of the, world, why we are told to "pick up the cross" and to "be perfect"? It all seems pretty obvious to me.
Temple is a housing, it holds something, the temple you refer to according to scripture is Corruptible and profits nothing.

Yes, a temple is a housing and yes, through selfishness these temples can be subject to corruption. This is our task in life: to wrestle with the serpent of duality.


But the most important temples, however, are that of the mind, which should be fed with honesty, the spirit, which should be fed with sincerity, and the body, which should be fed with good food. It's all a matter of perception, are you involving into this world, or evolving towards the spirit?


"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?"


Man, in his Being, is the Self. In his becoming, he is the soul — the reflection of the Self. Mind, spirit and body are the temples of the Lord which man inhabits. Spirit is Shiv shakti, which is energy. Mind is Brahma, which is thought formation. Body is Prakriti, which is material substance


"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Neo's picture



Airclean wrote:
I believe your cross is your flesh Neo.It is what we deal with every day. It is sinful and must be controled. It will not be raised.You will find these words , I believe in each chapter and vers you fine .It saids the same. ( deny self)

You "believe the cross is the flesh"...
This is what I've been saying all along! {smile} Our lower nature is ultimately sacrificed so the our higher nature, the Spark of Divinity within, can shine through.

And what you call "controlling our sin", I would say "perfecting our temples". Are you really going to fault me for semantics?

Just as one rotten potato can rot others around it, one enlightened person can enlighten others around him. People around that person will be energized>.”

Neo's picture



Blackbelt wrote:
In other words, be Perfect, Mature or Complete in Christ, when we are in Christ it is HIS perfection imparted to us, Not ours

Not "ours", our lower self, but rather "Ours", our higher Self, the Christ within us.

I don't believe the Christ Consciousness to be something that is external to our true nature. It is through awareness that we reach this consciousness. It is by thinking and acting in group consciousness that humanity awakens to the greater whole. The truth lies within, not without.

This Christ Awareness, the Awareness of Mankind en masse, is our natural heritage and no religion or theology can ever take it away, despite the threats of hell, (as if a God of love would ever do that to one of His own).

When Christ said that He was "the way" I believe OHe was speaking of "awareness" and not of some Christian religion that would follow Him. I know you and AC and Unsafe don't believe this, as you believe that you belong to some special "club", where only those who profess their love to Jesus will be accepted. This is pure theology, and nobody, as far as I have seen, has ever been saved by theology. Rather people are saved by walking the path of self-sacrifice and service. This is what realty awakens to us to the Christ within.

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:
blackbelt wrote:
Neo wrote:
If we are not to follow in Christ's footsteps, and at least "attempt" to perfect our temples, then can you enlighten me, and the rest of the, world, why we are told to "pick up the cross" and to "be perfect"? It all seems pretty obvious to me.
Temple is a housing, it holds something, the temple you refer to according to scripture is Corruptible and profits nothing.

Yes, a temple is a housing and yes, through selfishness these temples can be subject to corruption. This is our task in life: to wrestle with the serpent of duality.


But the most important temples, however, are that of the mind, which should be fed with honesty, the spirit, which should be fed with sincerity, and the body, which should be fed with good food. It's all a matter of perception, are you involving into this world, or evolving towards the spirit?


"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?"


Man, in his Being, is the Self. In his becoming, he is the soul — the reflection of the Self. Mind, spirit and body are the temples of the Lord which man inhabits. Spirit is Shiv shakti, which is energy. Mind is Brahma, which is thought formation. Body is Prakriti, which is material substance


"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Every time you ask for a meaning, and it was explained
You go off on the new age sermon tangent

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:
Blackbelt wrote:
In other words, be Perfect, Mature or Complete in Christ, when we are in Christ it is HIS perfection imparted to us, Not ours

Not "ours", our lower self, but rather "Ours", our higher Self, the Christ within us.

I don't believe the Christ Consciousness to be something that is external to our true nature. It is through awareness that we reach this consciousness. It is by thinking and acting in group consciousness that humanity awakens to the greater whole. The truth lies within, not without.

This Christ Awareness, the Awareness of Mankind en masse, is our natural heritage and no religion or theology can ever take it away, despite the threats of hell, (as if a God of love would ever do that to one of His own).

When Christ said that He was "the way" I believe OHe was speaking of "awareness" and not of some Christian religion that would follow Him. I know you and AC and Unsafe don't believe this, as you believe that you belong to some special "club", where only those who profess their love to Jesus will be accepted. This is pure theology, and nobody, as far as I have seen, has ever been saved by theology. Rather people are saved by walking the path of self-sacrifice and service. This is what realty awakens to us to the Christ within.

Whatever you believe it's definitely not my belief

Neo's picture



Blackbelt wrote:
Every time you ask for a meaning, and it was explained
You go off on the new age sermon tangent

My bad I guess. I know we don't believe in the same thing and I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with is the reference to Satan every time a "some" Christians encounter someone they don't agree with. I'm liken to Satan or sometimes "Santan" or I'm "not of God" because I interpret the Bible differently. My "sermons" make a lot a sense, at least to me, anyways. I ask for a definitions because I am curious as to other's points of view. And besides, this is a "discussion" site, not a "high-five" site.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Neo wrote:
Blackbelt wrote:
Every time you ask for a meaning, and it was explained
You go off on the new age sermon tangent

My bad I guess. I know we don't believe in the same thing and I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with is the reference to Satan every time a "some" Christians encounter someone they don't agree with. I'm liken to Satan or sometimes "Santan" or I'm "not of God" because I interpret the Bible differently. My "sermons" make a lot a sense, at least to me, anyways. I ask for a definitions because I am curious as to other's points of view. And besides, this is a "discussion" site, not a "high-five" site.

It isn't a debate site either. In a discussion all can be of one accord. Doesn't happen here a lot, I know, but it can be so. As for people calling you out here at Wondercafe, Neo, and saying that you're of Satan, or not of God, I don't really know what purpose that serves. It's a poor way for them to evangelize if that's what they're trying to do. I'd like to think that they're not saying it out of arrogance, to put forth the position that they're any better than you, so I really don't know.

airclean33's picture



Hi Neo Your post---

You "believe the cross is the flesh"...
This is what I've been saying all along! {smile} Our lower nature is ultimately sacrificed so the our higher nature, the Spark of Divinity within, can shine through.


Airclean---It is writen Mankind were made less than the Angles for a short time.How do you see this.?That within the flesh is a part of Divinity . I have no problem with.


Neo----And what you call "controlling our sin", I would say "perfecting our temples". Are you really going to fault me for semantics?


Airclean--I really don't have a problem with semantics Neo. It is how you move away from Christanty into budissom. Also where you see I  highlighted and underlined. This again looks like your saying WE. In Christ   are not the one .He is though GOD. The Holy Sirit is the life changer , not I.As I have said befor. All Glory is GODS.



Just as one rotten potato can rot others around it, one enlightened person can enlighten others around him. People around that person will be energized


Airclean----The GOD I follow Neo don't always work like you say. For one may plant , another water, and yet another bring in the crop.In this way the Joy of helping another . Can be shared by many. And as always The Glory goes to the One  our Father GOD. We are not saved, to be served. We are save, to serv others.

As the greatess in GODS Kingdom came to earth . Not to be served , but to serv  others He that was  The Christ Jesus.He who is now the light to all who follow Him, and walk with Him. You have a good day.. ---airclean33





unsafe's picture




Whether we like it or not the Bible talks a lot about Satan so are we just to ignore this part and only talk about God ----The way I see it is you can't talk about God without talking about Satan ----Satan tempted Jesus ---God and Satan Go hand in hand ----one without the other would leave only God and all good and that my friends is not the way God Planned His strategy when He first created the world ---- Satan was here on earth before man ----so man invaded Satan's space at God's will -----God planned it this way ----Satan is real and is here all according to scripture ---If we choose to ignore or disbelieve this that is a personal choice each makes on their own accord -----God's Book says all humans will encounter Satan and his demons ---you can choose to believe it or disbelieve it but it doesn't change God's word ----


Galatians 1:6-12

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Follow the Good News We Gave You


I’m surprised that you’re so quickly deserting Christ, who called you in his kindness,[a] to follow a different kind of good news. But what some people are calling good news is not really good news at all. They are confusing you. They want to distort the Good News about Christ. Whoever tells you good news that is different from the Good News we gave you should be condemned to hell, even if he is one of us or an angel from heaven. I’m now telling you again what we’ve told you in the past: If anyone tells you good news that is different from the Good News you received, that person should be condemned to hell.


10 Am I saying this now to win the approval of people or God? Am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.


Jesus Alone Gave Paul the Good News He Spreads


11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the Good News I have spread is not a human message. 12 I didn’t receive it from any person. I wasn’t taught it, but Jesus Christ revealed it to me.


This is just my view on this -----Peace


Neo's picture



Airclean wrote:
We are not saved to be served. We are saved to serve others.

Insert {thumbs-up icon} here!

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:
Blackbelt wrote:


Every time you ask for a meaning, and it was explained You go off on the new age sermon tangent

My bad I guess. I know we don't believe in the same thing and I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with is the reference to Satan every time a "some" Christians encounter someone they don't agree with. I'm liken to Satan or sometimes "Santan" or I'm "not of God" because I interpret the Bible differently. My "sermons" make a lot a sense, at least to me, anyways. I ask for a definitions because I am curious as to other's points of view. And besides, this is a "discussion" site, not a "high-five" site.


No one has likened you to satan Neo, Christians believe as I do that there are 2 poles of power, one true one false, so we believe all that has been revealed through scripture, supported and upheld by Christ  in his earthy ministry has been proven true by HIm in His ressurection , and anything that contradicts that truth that Christ upheld is a false a belife. 

Neo's picture



blackbelt1961 wrote:

Neo wrote:
Blackbelt wrote:


Every time you ask for a meaning, and it was explained You go off on the new age sermon tangent

My bad I guess. I know we don't believe in the same thing and I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with is the reference to Satan every time a "some" Christians encounter someone they don't agree with. I'm liken to Satan or sometimes "Santan" or I'm "not of God" because I interpret the Bible differently. My "sermons" make a lot a sense, at least to me, anyways. I ask for a definitions because I am curious as to other's points of view. And besides, this is a "discussion" site, not a "high-five" site.


No one has likened you to satan Neo, Christians believe as I do that there are 2 poles of power, one true one false, so we believe all that has been revealed through scripture, supported and upheld by Christ  in his earthy ministry has been proven true by HIm in His ressurection , and anything that contradicts that truth that Christ upheld is a false a belife. 

Christ Himself, I am confident, would contradict some of the so called "truths" and doctrines that have been derived from the Bible.


Also, I've been likened to Satan many times from Christians on this forum, most recently from my friend Airclean in this very topic line:

Airclean wrote:
You are transfix on self. Christains are to give up self for GOD. That is Christ teaching. When you talk of self . You sound like santan.

blackbelt1961's picture



Neo wrote:
blackbelt1961 wrote:

Neo wrote:
Blackbelt wrote:


Every time you ask for a meaning, and it was explained You go off on the new age sermon tangent

My bad I guess. I know we don't believe in the same thing and I'm ok with that. What I'm not ok with is the reference to Satan every time a "some" Christians encounter someone they don't agree with. I'm liken to Satan or sometimes "Santan" or I'm "not of God" because I interpret the Bible differently. My "sermons" make a lot a sense, at least to me, anyways. I ask for a definitions because I am curious as to other's points of view. And besides, this is a "discussion" site, not a "high-five" site.


No one has likened you to satan Neo, Christians believe as I do that there are 2 poles of power, one true one false, so we believe all that has been revealed through scripture, supported and upheld by Christ  in his earthy ministry has been proven true by HIm in His ressurection , and anything that contradicts that truth that Christ upheld is a false a belife. 

Christ Himself, I am confident, would contradict some of the so called "truths" and doctrines that have been derived from the Bible.



what Truths are you talking about ??




Neo's picture



The doctrine of a literal hell. The doctrine of original sin. The doctrine that there is one and "only" one son of God in the whole of the Universe. The doctrine that only Christians are worthy of being saved. The doctrine that from the beginning of time there are those who are "written in the book" while the rest are some kind fodder. The misinterpretation of the story of Adam an Eve. The concept of an actual Satan, who is totally and forever separated from God and is always there to tempt people from being "Christian". I could go on ..

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