PrazGod's picture



Private revelation - Apparitions of Virgin Mary in Fatima and Medjugorje

The Virgin Mary has been pleading with humanity for decades to return to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. In Fatima,Portugal, she appeared to 3 children (about 1917) and warned humanity to return to the Lord: obeying God's commandments, return to prayer-rosary; return to true worship. Today, Mary continues to beg humanity, through her appearances in Medjugorje, Bosnia. She comes asks all to 1)repent and live holy lives 2) to have a daily deep relationship with her Son, our Lord Jesus3) to read Scripture; 4) to pray the scriptural rosary ; 5) to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6) to receive the Sacraments (reconciliation and Eucharist (while in a state of grace)) . Would you like to learn more about the rosary? divine mercy chaplet? Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament? The Virgin Mary's appearances?

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PrazGod's picture



I am not familiar with those ads. However, I know about the power of the rosary and the power of the prayerful intercession of the Mother of God. It was through her intercession that I returned to the Lord Jesus in 1992. Mother Mary, intercede for us.

gabriel's picture



Why would a long-dead woman intercede for anyone? For that matter, how? And why would anyone want her to? I mean, she's dead!

You might believe in this stuff, but I certainly don't. Make your case!

gabriel's picture



Wow, this reminds me of those little "Virgin Mary Message" classified ads you see in all the local papers. Who's responsible for this marketing campaign, anyway?

PrazGod's picture



How is it that the Lord Jesus Christ honours his mother, the Virgin Mary and loves His mother, the Virgin Mary - who is very much alive in Christ! and you neither honour your spiritual mother, the Virgin Mary, nor do you want others to honour or love her? Recall the passion and death of our Lord Jesus, that at the foot of the cross stood his mother and the disciple He loved. "Seeing His mother there with the disciple whom He loved, Jesus said to His mother, "Woman, there is your son." In turn He said to the disciple "There is your mother" Jn 19:26-27 No human has ever loved the Virgin Mary more than her own Son, ourSaviour. We are to imitate the life of Jesus. Jesus honours and loves his mother, who He gave to us to have as our spiritual mother. So too then, honour the Virgin and ask for her powerful intercession. You ask others (who are with sin)to pray for you. Why not ask the mother of God to pray for you? As for her intercession, remember Cana, the intercession of Mary / Jesus first miracle? Pray the rosary!

Audj's picture



I see very little Scriptural backing for your mary praising. . .

Firstly, Mary is not the mother of God. The angel who informed her of the coming miraculous birth did not say that her son would be God. He said: "You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. . . . The child will be holy and will be called Son of God.""”Luke 1:31-35, JB; italics added.

Heb. 2:14, 17, JB: "Since all the children share the same blood and flesh, he [Jesus] too shared equally in it . . . It was essential that he should in this way become completely like his brothers." (But would he have been "completely like his brothers" if he had been a God-man?)

The New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "Mary is truly the mother of God if two conditions are fulfilled: that she is really the mother of Jesus and that Jesus is really God." (1967, Vol. X, p. 21) The Bible says that Mary was the mother of Jesus, but was Jesus God? In the fourth century, long after the writing of the Bible was completed, the Church formulated its statement of the Trinity. (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. XIV, p. 295) At that time in the Nicene Creed the Church spoke of Jesus Christ as "very God." After that, at the Council of Ephesus in 431 C.E., Mary was proclaimed by the Church to be The·o·to"²kos, meaning "God-bearer" or "Mother of God." However, neither that expression nor the idea is found in the text of any translation of the Bible.

Second, Mary was not immaculately conceived. The New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, Vol. VII, pp. 378-381) acknowledges regarding the origin of the belief: " . . . the Immaculate Conception is not taught explicitly in Scripture . . . The earliest Church Fathers regarded Mary as holy but not as absolutely sinless. . . . It is impossible to give a precise date when the belief was held as a matter of faith, but by the 8th or 9th century it seems to have been generally admitted. . . . [In 1854 Pope Pius IX defined the dogma] "˜which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from all stain of original sin in the first instant of her Conception.'" This belief was confirmed by Vatican II (1962-1965)."”The Documents of Vatican II (New York, 1966), edited by W. M. Abbott, S.J., p. 88.

The Bible itself says: "Well then, sin entered the world through one man [Adam], and through sin death, and thus death has spread through the whole human race because everyone has sinned." (Rom. 5:12, JB; italics added.) Does that include Mary? The Bible reports that in accord with the requirement of the Mosaic Law, 40 days after Jesus' birth Mary offered at the temple in Jerusalem a sin offering for purification from uncleanness. She, too, had inherited sin and imperfection from Adam."”Luke 2:22-24; Lev. 12:1-8.

This is just a start. I haven't gone into the Bible's view on prayers addressed to Mary, Mary images, and how Jesus himself viewed his mother.

Your teaching is simply unbiblical.

NormC's picture



PrazGod, here is a link that may be helpful in learning how to dialogue with Jehovah's Witnesses (such as Audj).

Dave's picture



I think Gabe is thinking of the promise to St Jude messages in the paper.

PrazGod's picture



Yes, I understand that we all have different beliefs and I know we have a Jehovahs Witness among us. May God bless her/him to know the Truth. Do we all want eternal life? The Truth is, the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God, our Lord Jesus Christ and the truth is she loves every one on earth, and wants all to be saved - to believe in her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ; to know that Jesus gave His life on the cross so that our sins might be forgiven and that we might all have eternal life. The Virgin Mary is the spiritual mother of all humanity - Jehovah' witness, athiest, muslim, jew, protestant - all. She loves all. She intercedes for all before the Lord Jesus and I emphasis LORD JESUS Christ. Do I hear an AMEN? Lord Jesus Christ is Lord! Amen! Alleluia! Please pray the rosary. Read warnings she gives to humanity - Fatima, Akita (Japan) Medjugorje - Pray the rosary for the conversion of sinners

deacondawg's picture



Am I the only one who can't figure out how the rest of you know that Audj is a Jehovah's Witness?

Audj's picture



They know because I am armed with my Bible and I speak the Truth openly. They hate the name of God, Jehovah. Yet they yell out 'Alleluia' (which means Praise Jehovah!). The Bible tells us that prayers should be directed solely to the Father in Jesus' name. They won't be heard if they are being directed anywhere else. It is the plain truth found in the Bible. And nowhere does it say that Mary is the mother of God. She is the mother of God's son. As per the Bible, she was born with sin just as everyone else was.

NormC's picture



I knew that Audj was a Jehovah's Witness because her scripture references are from JB which I think means Jehovah's Bible. Also, she doesn't believe that Jesus is God, according to her first post in this topic. They don't believe in the Trinity, as can be seen in her other posts.

Anathema's picture



I thought that E-Z Answer Squirrel was quite clear on this topic

sylviac's picture



PrazGod I remember somebody saw a vision of the virgin Mary in a piece of toast. Come on Mary was just like us, She also needed Christ Jesus as her saviour. She acknowledge Him as Lord before He begotten.

sylviac's picture



PraZGod I have a question for you Isnt it the Lord Jesus Christ himself who intercedes for us to the Heavenly Father? Why did He come then, if Mary can intercede? Mary had other children, whether the Catholic church wants to acknowledge it or not. James was his brother. Poor Joseph, no wonder they want all the priests to be celibate.

noelpoem's picture



sylviac, why can you intercede on other people's behalf thru prayer?

schultzc's picture



All things are possible with God. So if God chose to keep Mary from original sin and maker her the mother of His son, Jesus, who is the second person in the Trinity and that all 3 persons are one God than Jesus is God then God can choose to do this. He's God!!! And all this talk of whether it's in the bible or not makes me laugh only because those that preach sola scriptura have to realize that nowhere in the bible does it say to beleive solely in the bilble, so it doesn't make sense to beleive in only what the bible teaches.

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