oui's picture



Science and Buddhism

Just came across these 2 fascinating videos about Science and Buddhism.  Enjoy!


See video


See video

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Arminius's picture



Hi oui: I haven't looked at your links yet; I just want to say the following:


The Principle of Complementarity, which is one of the foremost scientfic principles, has been enshrined in Buddhism—Zen Buddhism in particular—as well as in Taoism and other Eastern religions, for more than two thousand years.


There never was a conflict between science and Buddhism; I consider Zen Buddhism to be the smartest religion in the world. But it is not too late for Christainity to get smart, eh, oui?


Neo's picture



I'm just running out the door Oui, but I'll check it out tonight. Thanks.

oui's picture



I agree Arminius.  I think you will really like the videos. 

Mate's picture





Thanks for the link.  It is indeed fascinating.  It does add a whole new dimension to the concept of reality and one that I must ponder.




Neo's picture



Great video Oui.  As the atoms in my body repelled the atoms in my chair and I hovered there, pondering the spooky action that binds the electrons in my keyboard with the electrons at the other end of the Universe, I couldn't help but think how, if reality is a projection of the mind and everything is interconnected, then we truly must be part and parcel of ONE and that by raising our consciousness through right meditation, right action and right thought, then we truly do have the potential to bring about a new Earth and a new Heaven anytime we want. It's simply up to us to become of aware of it.


I love stuff like this. It reminded me a lot of The Tibetan's teaching on illusion and reality and how the mind has the ulitmate control to dispel the former and reveal the latter. See Ponder on This: Illusion.





oui's picture



Neo wrote:

Great video Oui.  As the atoms in my body repelled the atoms in my chair and I hovered there, pondering the spooky action that binds the electrons in my keyboard with the electrons at the other end of the Universe, I couldn't help but think how, if reality is a projection of the mind and everything is interconnected, then we truly must be part and parcel of ONE and that by raising our consciousness through right meditation, right action and right thought, then we truly do have the potential to bring about a new Earth and a new Heaven anytime we want. It's simply up to us to become of aware of it.


I love stuff like this. It reminded me a lot of The Tibetan's teaching on illusion and reality and how the mind has the ulitmate control to dispel the former and reveal the latter. See Ponder on This: Illusion.


I had the same feeling, its amazing, and the video is very well done, so it can be understood.


To me, buddhism seems to be a handbook for how to live the Golden Rule, it actually teaches one how to do it and apply it in life.  It points to improving the self instead of relying on and ultimately handing over ones own responsibility to any outside entity/personality/deity.  I've only just begun to scratch the surface of buddhism, but it is very interesting.


From your link I like this: 

"8) Illusion is the mode whereby limited understanding and material knowledge interpret truth, veiling and hiding it behind a cloud of thought-forms. Those thought-forms become then more real than the truth they veil, and consequently control man's approach to Reality."

stardust's picture




Incredible videos!  I've been reading a bit of Zen on this link. So deep; so difficult; so unbelievable! I do believe that we create our own reality and that too is mind blowing the more I research it and try to practice  or understand it....lol.


Your quote:


It points to improving the self instead of relying on and ultimately handing over ones own responsibility to any outside entity/personality/deity.



I've never had any kind of therapy but when you begin to explore your own mind to the best of your ability ( with your perception of yourself probably being incorrect) its like therapy. My mantra: Mind is the builder. What you feed grows. All I know is that it sure involves a lot of work within  oneself  and I keep falling backwards and sideways.



When I dwelt dwelt  
A past tense and a past participle of dwell.
 in the ground,

in the bottom, in the stream, and

in the source of the Godhead,

No one asked me where I was going or what I was doing.

Back in the womb from which I came

I had no God

and merely was myself.

And when I return

to God and to the core, the soil, the ground,

the stream and the source of the Godhead,

No one asks me where I am coming from

or where I have been.

For no one misses me

in the place

where God ceases to become.


oui's picture



WoW, nice poem Stardust.  It really resonates with me.

Thanks so much for the link too, looks like lots of good stuff to read there.

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