stardust's picture



Sign Up for Jan.9 United Future Forum

Just a reminder. I checked my email and had a reminder from Lauren Hodgson.


I'm not sure if its posted elsewhere on the WC?


The topic is (Re) Claiming Evangelism, forum 2.


Jan. 9, 2014 12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Eastern time  ( or .ca ?)


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stardust's picture



Sorry..this seems to be the proper link url. Hope it works!


Arminius's picture



I also got the e-mail reminder. I'll watch it.


I was somewhat disappointed with the first event. I hope they get better.


GeoFee's picture



I have set the time aside and look forward to learning a little more about the dynamic of this initiative. With Arminius, and others, the first event left me at least a little chilled. Hoping for a warming trend. I know well that it takes time for a new avenue to disclose the promise of its inspiriation.


stardust's picture



I felt that they needed to provide more time in which to actually listen to and answer some of the questions on the  chat from the public. They could learn how its  done from the Webinars which do quite well in this regard. They've only given it 15 extra minutes this time.


Its a video so possibly that means its quite expensive? If its inexpensive it needs to run for 1- 2 hours  in order for us to learn or benefit from it. I don't think many people will return to read  the comments  once it has been aired via video?


I won't be posting on it. Perhaps someone can post this time  and  hint that they need to answer questions on air? It actually comes across rather ignorant from the hosts  to ignore the  messages and questions coming from  the public in general.


kaythecurler's picture



If it is a video why not post it here on WC and let people discuss it at their convenience for a week or two?

stardust's picture




They are trying something new and different.


Its a video   - 3 or so people from the UC are talking on it. Then...there's a chat box below the video where the public  type out questions or comments for the people in the video to answer. Except it doesn't work 100%  properly, they are busy talking amongst themselves on the video, and they don't have time to answer the ??'s people have typed to them.


There was a few hundred people tuned in , the video lasted about a half hour. People's comments appeared below the video later or when it finished as in the link I posted on the OP. I don't know if many people bothered to read them.



kaythecurler's picture



I found the first presentation difficult to use and very frustrating.  Hearing words from a talking head isn't much use to me unless further conversation is availabe.  Reading a comment from someone else that has no further feedback is a waste of time - theirs and mine and that of others who find the site later.


Asking locally didn't help me find anyone else who had tried to learn from this activity.  It might have been helpful to discuss it while it waqs fresh in our minds.

I suspect a busy person would struggle to devote time to something that may, or may not, be useful to them.


I wonder what % of UC ministry and members actually participated?

chansen's picture



stardust wrote:

Its a video   - 3 or so people from the UC are talking on it. Then...there's a chat box below the video where the public  type out questions or comments for the people in the video to answer. Except it doesn't work 100%  properly, they are busy talking amongst themselves on the video, and they don't have time to answer the ??'s people have typed to them.

So, it's like when live shows run a live Twitter feed across the screen?


I could have fun with that. Don't worry, I won't, but man, that could be entertaining.


stardust's picture




You know I often wondered why there weren't more UC members and ministers or GC  staff  participating  alongside us here on the WC. Then  I realized the UC was mostly interested at the time  in those who didn't attend church.


They requested people  ages 30-45 who didn't attend church,  so that also ruled out a lot of would be (churched)  WC  members. I also recall back in 2006  they preferred if ministers didn't identify themselves as Rev.


So, this time round in United Future I believe everyone is welcome  (Chansen also) but there may be more church people or church groups taking part. For those who have never used chat before its a bit of a novelty ...."Hello, I'm Mary Smith". I've no idea how many UC members have taken part, it seems I read about 400 something.


Oddly enough the second  new topic being discussed  is on evangelism which is what the UC had intentions of doing on opening  the WC,  had it come to fruition. Possibly after the WC closes there will be a great revival in the UC? I'm thinking about a Bette Midler song about the seed that lies beneath the snow?

stardust's picture



For all the wonderful folks in the UC.....Bette Midler



See video

Birthstone's picture



The video was actually a live webinar, so those folks were right there- that's how they responded to the questions.

The first one was a new thing for the group so they've worked to improve on the process. From my experience working with the group, It appears they have solved technical problems and spent time addressing the flow of the conversation. I didn't mind some things others had trouble with, but I think this 2nd conversation will be improved from a presentation perspective.

It's all done with best intentions, so I hope you'll try it again.

stardust's picture




I think people are definitely interested. There's 190 views on this thread  altho' not many actual  replies.

Good Luck. I hope it goes well.

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