InannaWhimsey's picture



Thank G_d for Muslims: Project Lysistrata engage!

Genties & ladlemen,

for your perusal (I am enjoying this immensely), taken from the Deserts of the Internet, in this case the article "Can a Muslim be a loyal American soldier?"

"Bad enough when Muslim communities oppose Muslim soldiers fighting for Western governments; worse when the soldiers involved come to this same conclusion. This can lead to terrorism, as in the cases of Sgt. Hasan Akbar's fraggin attack in Kuwait or Maj. Nidal Hasan's shooting spree at Ft. Hood. Alternatively, it can lead to a filing for conscientious objector status, as in the case of U.S. Army Pfc. Nasser Abdo, 20, currently stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky.

Abdo filed on the grounds that his faith cannot be reconciled with military service. "A Muslim is not allowed to participate in an Islamicly unjust war. Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the U.S. military."

In contrast to Abdo, Muzammil Siddiqi of Islamic Law Counsel of North America, sees no contradiction between practicing Islam and serving as a soldier. "I don't see that, from the Islamic point of view, there is any problem with that. There are a lot of good Muslims who are serving in the U.S. Army and a lot of other places."

On leaving the army, by the way, Abdo plans to spend his life combating "Islamophobia." "I want to use my experience to show Muslims how we can lead our lives. And to try and put a good positive spin out there that Islam is a good, peaceful religion. We're not all terrorists, you know?"

Comment: This contrast between callow and savvy Islamists brings to mind the 1996 case of the National Basketball Association's Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf who refused to stand for the American anthem but was slapped down by his elders. Lawful Islamists must play the game that the Shari'a is compatible with the constitution; not to do opens a Pandora's Box of trouble for Muslims. (Aug. 31, 2010)

June 15, 2011 update: The army last month approved Abdo's conscientious objector application. However, Abdo is now accused of possessing child pornography, which he claims is the army's way to retaliate against him.

Comment: Allowing Abdo this status implies U.S. government endorsement that being Muslim and a loyal American are incompatible. This has portentous implications.

July 12, 2011 update: Retired Navy Adm. James A. Lyons, former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, takes a quite different view of the Abdo case from me: "By acceding to the dictates of Shariah, the Army has tacitly endorsed an absurd position that in effect sanctions Muslim service members to kill non-Muslims but forbids them to kill Muslims. Further, it is an unbelievable basis on which to classify them as conscientious objectors. … By granting conscientious objector status to Pfc. Abdo, the Army is tacitly accepting a key tenet of the Islamic doctrine of jihad." In contrast, I see the army not acceding to the Shari'a but rejecting it."

Inanna here:

I'm wondering if this can inspire, hmm, perhaps, oh, I don't know, Christian troops and Judaic troops and...oh, perhaps, oh, perhaps, stop killing their own people, which is all of humanity? Hmm.

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Arminius's picture



What if they called to war and nobody went?


Having been born in 1940, right in the middle of the most horrible war ever, and in the city of Krakow, only 30 km away from Auschwitz, were the worst inhumanities ever were perpetrated, I often wondered what would happen if the powers that be called to war and nobody went. They couldn't arrest and jail everyone, could they?


If everyone was a conscientious objector, then there would be no war.






blackbelt's picture



Arminius wrote:

What if they called to war and nobody went?


Having been born in 1940, right in the middle of the most horrible war ever, and in the city of Krakow, only 30 km away from Auschwitz, were the worst inhumanities ever were perpetrated, I often wondered what would happen if the powers that be called to war and nobody went. They couldn't arrest and jail everyone, could they?


If everyone was a conscientious objector, then there would be no war.









when i was 20, i had a client , an older Jewish woman, I was cutting her hair and while doing so i noticed a numbered tattoo on the back of her hand , so in my younger naive-ness I asked her about it, she proceeded to tell me about her stay at Auschwitz  , how she lost her sister, brother, mother , father and some cousins , they were numbered like cattle , i never in my life as a young boy felt such pain like that as she told me the stories, we became good friends after that, I never forget her, her name was Elsie, she passed 3 ysr latter , but the impressions she left on my heart remains to this day, every time this subject comes up i see Elsie and my Kids who are now the age she was in her days at the camp , I simply cannot imagine the evil that took place at the hands of a demonic madman. 

blackbelt's picture





I wanted to ask you, do you think that event will repeat itself as in WW3?

Arminius's picture



Hi bb:


Since the Holocaust, genocide has been attempted elsewhere, and against ethnic groups other than Jews, but what made the Holocaust particularly heinous was that it was deliberately planned in advance by the highest levels of government and executed with industrial efficiency. There probably will be spontaneous acts of ethnic murder here and there in the future, but nothing approaching the industrial efficiency of the Holocaust.


As to WW3, it is most likely to happen as a consequence of a global, economic and environmental catastrophe that will cause massive shifts in population. It will not be an ethnic war but a war of the powerful against the powerless.

blackbelt's picture



Arminius wrote:

Hi bb:


Since the Holocaust, genocide has been attempted elsewhere, and against ethnic groups other than Jews, but what made the Holocaust particularly heinous was that it was deliberately planned in advance by the highest levels of government and executed with industrial efficiency. There probably will be spontaneous acts of ethnic murder here and there in the future, but nothing approaching the industrial efficiency of the Holocaust.



industrial efficiency? i cant imagine the cold calculated  permeated  murder of souls



As to WW3, it is most likely to happen as a consequence of a global, economic and environmental catastrophe that will cause massive shifts in population. It will not be an ethnic war but a war of the powerful against the powerless.



yes i believe too it will happen 

WaterBuoy's picture



What else do we do with the poor and defenseless but stomp on eM?


Is this satire or just the pure devil at work in a godly domain? Are physical gods powerful? How about spiritual gods of the thinking variety about how the understudy supports the powerful in their work ... while the powerful don't do much?


Omega odd how strange it is that I've been told so many times by the powers to not think ... just get the job of making monis dun ...


If you talk funny they'll think your a crazy god and leave you alone to think and observe ... for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear what the rich and powerful deny ... all according to the adage ... tonight rich man your mind will be required of you ... since you don't use such a given talent! Is God ... Love ... an all-encompassing emotion odd? it is is this dimension ... there has to be another for the thinkers ... a dark place with lights for reading into the depth of the story?


The Shadow reins ... pure plae ... inna word ... that's depth or tøom ... name of an old book about love alone without thought ... the death of meis ...

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