RevJamesMurray's picture



Top ten religious figures for 2010

 Huffington Post listed the following figures as being the top religious news figures for 2010.

1- Feisal Rauf and Daisy Khan and their proposed interfaith Islamic Centre in lower Manhattan.

2- Pope Benedict and his dealing with the clergy sex abuse scandals.

3- Nigerian Anglican bishop Christopher Senyonjo and his denunciation of the bill to ban homosexuality. 

4. Sister Carol Keehan's lobbying for the US' health care act.

5- Glenn Beck and his rally to unite Mormons and  Conservative Christians

6- Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and his promotion of ecology as a religious issue.

7- Christopher Hitchens and the rise of the New Atheists

8- The Dalai Lama`s rise in prominence as a spiritual leader even as his political power fades.

9-  Elena Kegan`s appointment as a Supreme Court Justice in the USA.

10- Karen Armstrong`s Charter of Compassion.

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RevJamesMurray's picture



 It is a USA-centric list, and you`ll have to read the Huffpost article to grasp the full reason why each is considered. Who else would you add for Canada in 2010?

St. Ignatius's picture

St. Ignatius


RevJamesMurray wrote:

 It is a USA-centric list, and you`ll have to read the Huffpost article to grasp the full reason why each is considered. Who else would you add for Canada in 2010?


USA-centric,  in what way? Definitely centric but not Americana per se.  Do you regularly read the Huffington Post?

Also, interestingly you've linked not to the first or tenth candidate but the second candidate and because it is the Huffington, they've got the short blurb all wrong. 


Elanorgold's picture



Carl Sagan. He's always important.

Tyson's picture



They left out chansen.

waterfall's picture



I'm afraid I don't agree with the list (especially when they leave out Jesus,as if he isn't influencing us even today), in fact I would have a hard time to come up with ten truly influential religious figures. Somewhat explains why they included some "questionable" selections.

Elanorgold's picture



It seems odd to list religious figures who are important to everyone, when everyone makes their own personal journey.

St. Ignatius's picture

St. Ignatius


this is a typical story of seeing (or believing) only what we what to see. 

Take for example the reasoning of why Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople is a top ten figure in 2010,


"promotion of ecology as a religious issue"


and try applying that to the bishop of Rome, would it make the press? 


Vatican installs solar panel roof


Solar Roof Brings Vatican Closer to Becoming World's First Carbon-Neutral State


 A green pope?  "Naaaa never he is old school and not liberal or a treehugger like we are", or so the story goes...




Benedict XVI has proven to be a surprisingly environmentally-aware Pontiff, calling for action against climate change and even suggesting that polluting be considered a major sin. A year ago, the Vatican announced the creation of the "Vatican Climate Forest," a carbon-offset project in Hungary which would purportedly absorb as much carbon dioxide as the Vatican emits.


GordW's picture



Here is the top 10 religious stories from  IT is really the top 10 US Religious stories but that makes sense, gien the source

RussP's picture



St I


I suppose the Pope could get green points for being against birth control and therefore use of oil and energy to make condoms. 


Jesus not being there is interesting, isn't it. 






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