GeoFee's picture



Two Winged Flying

I enjoy noticing the icons chosen by posters in this almost place. The sketch of a dove with olive branch chosen by waterfall has led to some thoughts.


A friend of mine, at Saint Thomas University, in Fredericton, NB, shared with me a concept she called "Two Winged Flying". She is a Sociologist who researches the process of aging. She used this phrase in a conversation about gender balance. Her insight pointed to the problem of male dominance grounded in diverse religious and social understandings, which she characterized as one winged flying.


In this thread I am inviting your perspective on the problem of dualism where one side of any polar pair is taken to be dominant and the other subordinate. We may think of Male/Female; Atheist/Theist; Liberal/Conservative; or any other example you may come up with. Is this habit of Over/Under thinking necessary? Put another way, is the Universe of our shared experience structured hierarchically?




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GeoFee's picture



I learned tying in high school. This means I type with two hands, using all of the fingers as well as the thumbs.


When stretching, to limber up, or to show how big the fish I caught is, my right and left hands reach a limit. Tracing an imaginary line from the left to the right hand, I notice that this line is centred in my heart.


This image gives me hope. We are each and all of us different from every other one of us. The difference may be large or small. I have become persuaded that this difference brings benefit. For example, the thumb on either hand opposes the four fingers. This opposition is not a contradiction in the hand. It is the opposition of the thumb that makes the hand the useful to the one body of which that thumb is a part.


There is one breath in us, each as all. That breath comes in for the first time when we are born. It goes out for the last time when we die. Not one of us is exempt. I take this to signify the one life we share. A life saddenly bruised to the point of breaking by the constant fight between different points of view claiming to have the whole as their sole possession.


Longing for unity at the heart by which we may celebrate difference in all directions.



waterfall's picture



In other words our commonalities should be cherished and our differences celebrated. It sounds ideal, yet there are many that are not comfortable with the profane, so we invent rules out of necessity. Then the rules require rules and off we go.

Arminius's picture



Eagles have a "left wing" and a "right wing." And the two wings, though positioned on opposite sides of the eagle's body, work in harmony to keep the whole eagle aloft.


Everyone is a unique edition of the universal divine. Our unity keeps us together, our individual differences and uniquenesses set us apart. We must have some rules, but those rules are co-created by the community, in co-creation with the creative spirit of the universe, in full awareness of the unity that underlies all diversity, and in full celebration of that diversity.


not4prophet's picture





One wing cannot serve any purpose without the other. There is duality in all of the universe. However if one wing is dominant the unit will fly in circles.



gecko46's picture




Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.


MikePaterson's picture



My mother taught ne that everything is paradox: you don't start seeing what is until you also see the truth in its opposite. Dualism's deception.


I may see just one path and plunge ahead without a moment's thought; I may see two paths and find myself making a choice for one or the other. But… in reality there's an infinity of paths.


(Which is one of the best apologias for 'faith' that I know of. Faith helps to bring the many paths into view; 'belief' does the opposite, it blinds.)

Neo's picture



not4prophet wrote:



One wing cannot serve any purpose without the other. There is duality in all of the universe. However if one wing is dominant the unit will fly in circles.



Good point.

not4prophet's picture



Neo wrote:
not4prophet wrote:



One wing cannot serve any purpose without the other. There is duality in all of the universe. However if one wing is dominant the unit will fly in circles.



Good point.


Thank you grasshopper

Neo's picture



not4prophet wrote:

Neo wrote:
not4prophet wrote:



One wing cannot serve any purpose without the other. There is duality in all of the universe. However if one wing is dominant the unit will fly in circles.



Good point.


Thank you grasshopper

Does this wisdom apply to God and It's opposite too? Could Satan have been there in the garden, in the guise of a snake, for specific reason?

not4prophet's picture



What Christians call Satan was to the Jews who gave us all this stuff, the Tempter whose very purpose was/is to tempt us away from a reunification with God.

Neo's picture



not4prophet wrote:

What Christians call Satan was to the Jews who gave us all this stuff, the Tempter whose very purpose was/is to tempt us away from a reunification with God.

Our world of duality, when we became "aware" of good and evil, started with temptation and resulted in our potential become aware of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness of Humanity.

Perhaps the "fall from grace" was more in line with the natural flows of energy where we experience expansions and contractions, light and darkness, good and evil.

Good and evil, therefore, would be relative terms from our little points of view. Like the osculations of a snake in time, we move from light to darkness to light. In order to evolve and expand, we need both good and evil to prod us along, to help us learn and to help us become "aware" of the God within.

The LORD God said "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil."

not4prophet's picture




Is there a diference between knowing good and evil and justifying one with the use of another?



Neo's picture



not4prophet wrote:


Is there a diference between knowing good and evil and justifying one with the use of another?



Wisdom stands above good and evil.

And wisdom comes with experience, which teaches us to balance the pairs of opposites.

With balance there is love, which is wisdom.

GeoFee's picture



Thanks for the thoughts.


I understand that in some rabbinic traditions Satan is thought of as a "prosecuting" attorney. This is pictured in the the book of Zachariah's opening verses of the third chapter; if memory serves. There Satan accuses the high priest who is wearing a garment filthy with the sins of the people. God intercedes to reject the accusation, and instructs an angel to remove the filthy garments and replace them with clean garments.


This offers me relief, first when I accuse myself for the many ways in which I fall short of my potential as a bearer of the divine image. It also reminds me not to stand in the place of the accuser in my all my relations. I have read Jung on this, and he suggests that our "projections" stand at the root of much that troubles our human hope and destiny.


I recall reading a poem by Walter de la Mare, now many years ago. In the poem a man wrestles with Satan every night. He is never quite defeated nor does he ever quite prevail. At the end of the poem the wrestler realizes that he has been strengthened by the wrestling. Sorry to say i cannot remember the name of the poem. Its implications have stayed with me through all the years.


We also find Satan in the book of Job. There we see Satan, not as the adversary of God, but as an angel serving the purpose of God by testing to refine. We notice that Job, comes out of his struggle with Satan with a magnification of his estate and heritage. This resonates, for me, with the Psalm which notices the refining of silver in a furnace of earth, seven times.


The unity of God is divided by our human hunger for power as means to overcome anxiety. Refusing to consider the other, whether persons, nature or circumstance, as enemy, we overcome division and make manifest the promise of unity restored.  This not an accomplishment as much as it is a realization.

Arminius's picture



Neo wrote:

The LORD God said "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil;

and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever."



The writer who wrote that may have been a Kabbalist.


The Kabbalah was (is) an ancient mystical Judaic/Pythagorean system, with the "Tree of Life" as its central theme. The novice ascends the Tree of Life in stages; the final stage being awareness of one's godliness.


Perhaps Jesus was a Kabbalist? Some of his sayings certainly allude to it.


not4prophet's picture



Arminius wrote:

 The novice ascends the Tree of Life in stages; the final stage being awareness of one's godliness.



Yet that awareness is what lead the God to say we had become one of them and we were to be removed from the tree of life.

not4prophet's picture



Neo wrote:


Wisdom stands above good and evil.
And wisdom comes with experience, which teaches us to balance the pairs of opposites.
With balance there is love, which is wisdom.


Yet with balance good can justify itself using evil and evil can justify itself claiming it is for good. (ie atom bomb in japan)

Arminius's picture



Hi n4p:


So God drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden to prevent them eating from the tree of life?


Gen3:22 could certainly be interpreted that way.


The Tree of Life of the Kabbalah was fordidden esoteric knowledge. Orthodox Judaism still frowns on it, but many Jews and Gentiles have studied the Kabbalah. Lately it has become a New Age fad.


Perhaps the knowledge that we are "as gods" had been abused, and was regarded as potentially dangerous, and only those who were suitably prepared could study the Kabbalah. I am only superficially acquainted with it.


I think that we are as gods, but we also are animals, and have abused our godly power of creativeness to further the wants of our animal nature. This has made us destructive to the point of imminent self-destruction. In my opinion, nothing but the full awareness of our godliness will stem the tide of self-destruction.



We are as gods and must get get good at it!

-Stewart Brand







GeoFee's picture



Unintentional post removed.

not4prophet's picture



Arminius wrote:

Hi n4p:


So God drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden to prevent them eating from the tree of life?



The tree of life was there to feed them but they were removed from it lest any one man become too powerful for more than a short span. You may have noticed in the new Kingdom the tree of life has been restored to the invited.

Arminius's picture



not4prophet wrote:

Arminius wrote:

Hi n4p:


So God drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden to prevent them eating from the tree of life?



The tree of life was there to feed them but they were removed from it lest any one man become too powerful for more than a short span. You may have noticed in the new Kingdom the tree of life has been restored to the invited.


So who is doing the inviting? And who is invited? Is God doing the inviting, and the chosen 120.000 are the invited?


I think the Kingdom is open to anyone who is willing to pay the price of admission. And the price is minimal; everyone has it, but few are willing to pay it, and the poor are more ready to pay it than the rich.


The price is the egocentric self; the Kingdom is the godly self. 

Neo's picture



"The price is the egocentric self", which we are to leave on the cross while we march forward into the next kingdom of God, taking up our destiny as co-creators of God, Sparks of the Divine, our God-Realized Selves.

GeoFee's picture



Peter Sellers, in his last movie, "Being There", played the part of a gardener who leaves the house of a dead "old man". He walks from that house and has a variety of remarkable encounters, answering all questions put to him in gardening terms. The movie ends with Chance, the gardener, walking on water and into the horizon. The movie touched me deeply.
All week I have been thinking of Enoch. Who walked with God and was not. Again - no longer I but God!
Just heard.... We have a house to call home in Winnipeg.

not4prophet's picture



Arminius wrote:


So who is doing the inviting? And who is invited? Is God doing the inviting, and the chosen 120.000 are the invited?


I think the Kingdom is open to anyone who is willing to pay the price of admission. And the price is minimal; everyone has it, but few are willing to pay it, and the poor are more ready to pay it than the rich.


The price is the egocentric self; the Kingdom is the godly self. 


144000 who were to be personal servants of God. Has nothing to do with those invited to the Kingdom and who have accepted the invitation to once again allow God to call the shots.

GeoFee's picture



A Sufi story has just come to mind. A teacher was walking along the way. He was ambushed and severly beaten. A while later some learners came upon him lying bruised and bleeding along the way, unconscious. They carried him to the monastery, where they tended his wounds. Slowly he began to revive. When he came to consciousness they asked him: "Who has beaten you nearly to death?" He answered, "The one who rescued me, nursed me and restored me to life."

Arminius's picture



We won't really have the kingdom of heaven on earth until all of us, united, collectively, by co-creative effort, in co-creation with the creative spirit of the universe, create the kingdom. It is up to us.


Another Sufi story comes to my mind:


I went to my beloved and knocked at his door.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"It is I," I answered.

But my beloved did not open his door.

So I went into the desert and fasted for one year.

Then I knocked at my beloved's door again.

"Who is it?" he asked.

It is Thou," I answered.

Then my beloved opened his door and let me in.


John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


Arminius wrote:

Neo wrote:

The LORD God said "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil;

and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever."



The writer who wrote that may have been a Kabbalist.


The Kabbalah was (is) an ancient mystical Judaic/Pythagorean system, with the "Tree of Life" as its central theme. The novice ascends the Tree of Life in stages; the final stage being awareness of one's godliness.


Perhaps Jesus was a Kabbalist? Some of his sayings certainly allude to it.


If we ever meet, and enough wine consumed, I'll give you a Taro - card reading...(studyin' em for some fifty years now...there just is no end to some of the good stuff y'know )

(Like 'Have you read ALL of Rumi?')

(Or Emerson or Voltare, or, or, or...)


Arminius's picture



No HG, I haven't read all of Rumi, or Emerson, or Voltaire.


But, neither have they—before they wrote what they did.wink

Neo's picture



GeoFee wrote:
A Sufi story has just come to mind. A teacher was walking along the way. He was ambushed and severly beaten. A while later some learners came upon him lying bruised and bleeding along the way, unconscious. They carried him to the monastery, where they tended his wounds. Slowly he began to revive. When he came to consciousness they asked him: "Who has beaten you nearly to death?" He answered, "The one who rescued me, nursed me and restored me to life."

Still trying to ponder this story over.. Is the teacher seeing everyone as the same humanity, the same way Christ did on the cross when he forgave his persecutors??

airclean33's picture



Hi-- I don't know guys . It seems you'v have not opened your eyes to see yet. Many things fly without wing"s-----Have you thought of a stone throughen by a young man. What of a bullet , it has not wings yet it flys.Do you understand this earth is going around in a circle.It is also flying through space. Like other planets. How about Clouds.  Do you see wings on these things? A sound can travel through water or air . Does it have wings? Many things we don't see travel through the air. The Bible saids this has already happened to man. Have you flowen with GOD yet? You know what I liked about the dove? It came back.

WaterBuoy's picture



"When he came to consciousness they asked him: "Who has beaten you nearly to death?" He answered, "The one who rescued me, nursed me and restored me to life."


Sort of demonstrates the two sides of God as a dualist, or perhaps this is just deist or a devil of a thing disturbing a monotheist. If you wake them with a pain ... will they learn about what's on the other side of rest? The Din Arie Koine as commonly drifts by and we don't see it ...


No one-wingers here ... I like balanced flight ... love and wisdom are good leads on eto be careful about how you work around the other ... as a distinct portion of yourself as Robert Schiller stated: there's nothing you can do that isn't felt by all of creation! Now that has depth of Kabbalist and Sufi, but many of eMe don't know enough yet to be congnizant of the entire facts of infinite integral.


In a dimension of people who religiously despise their neigbour knowing anything (wise people are dangerous) that would intefere with the subjective desires. Consider the story of the poets of Rome and the crucifiction of 3000 on the Apian Way, or the forced martyrdom of that group at Massada ... all projected in story and myth as a blanket for truth. This is a given curiosity to make people think about what is stated in abstraction ... but still people don't if they are comfortable with the individual states and just say to 'eL with the other half of the golden rule. The private self thus becomes an Heir to pede principle ... incompetence rises like a Shadow?


Perhaps there is something hidden there ... myths are like that and very multifacitied to see more in a varied spectre of greater spatial concepts ... many people cannot deal in multiple entendres and only deal with a few cards on the table ... then some of us ask is there moorlord? The search is on for the trees for when it rains it pours and when the sun shines alone its hot out there ...


Is there anything sublime to a tree? Go figure the immensity of it all from ground level! Difficult to imagine without a wee bit to start with fundamental literacy that some will not carry on with and even try and collapse or sublimate whats evident. Getting into that is difficult but amazing what you learn beyond the norma as those stuck without belief of the subliminal mind ... as 'ole that will pas anything by to see its worth!


Some refer to this passage as a vertiguous worm hole in mystical dimensions ... some return here and hint at strange probings byaliens ... the greater soul trying to get out? We often get these things as reciprocal in understanding ... very upset by nature! A rabid duck ... or just a platipus ... God is not sure yet---PierreTeilhard de Chardin!

Neo's picture



airclean33 wrote:

Hi-- I don't know guys . It seems you'v have not opened your eyes to see yet. Many things fly without wing"s-----Have you thought of a stone throughen by a young man. What of a bullet , it has not wings yet it flys.Do you understand this earth is going around in a circle.It is also flying through space. Like other planets. How about Clouds.  Do you see wings on these things? A sound can travel through water or air . Does it have wings? Many things we don't see travel through the air. The Bible saids this has already happened to man. Have you flowen with GOD yet? You know what I liked about the dove? It came back.

I'm not sure why you think that someone made a claim you needed "physical" and "actual" wings to fly. The "wings of the bullet" were left in the gun in the form of heat and an empty shell. The "wings of the earth" are in the four seasons (as described in Ezekiel and the book of Revelations). Sound travelling through air? Again, the laws of the conservation of energy dictate that there was a cause for that sound, and the wing is in that cause.

Did you know, since you speak of living with eyes closed, that since the galaxy is spinning on it's axis while the earth is cycling in it's year, that the earth, therefore, is not simply doing circles in space, but rather it's "cork-screwing" it's way through time and space. If you view a cork-screw on it's side, it turns into a sine wave, a curve representing periodic oscillations of positive and negative, like the sinuous waves of a serpent swallowing it's own tail in infinity. Do have eyes to see the wisdom?

WaterBuoy's picture



It is said (by those unknown to me) that it is difficult to tell a mortal something different than what he believes he knows. If he hears this flutter he will feel stupid because he believed he knew all-that-is/was needed to be known. Such is a crushing blow that would humiliate a god-like character and make them run amuck like taurus power in a China shop.


I am told mortals can not be told an infinite truth so you must tell them a myth (story, analogy, metaphor, or allegory/Seder/satyr) of some sorts that will soften the blow to the point they think they hear voices inside the convoluted dimension.


Devilish creepers in the indeterminate mind ... subtle thoughts, sublime, or below the surface like aD'm-ism, damned thoughts?


Poe'M Isis ole man does that strike you like ... a RIFF-eL of wings above? Probably an image of imaginary pigeons or paegaens I don't know ... I'm not allowed to know due to overwhelming religious authority that believes mental processes are bad like sympathetic, para-sympathetic, and autonomous reactions that come from nothing.


Temple Grandon suggests this may be due to the suppression of the first two processes leaving only the third that is often described as autistic response to an insane world that refuses to use the infinite-given (grace as gift) powers of contemplation. These are known outside monotheistic lines as deistic processes, coming and goings of LIGHT in what ever form or frequency. It is almost something that you can hear when winnowed in your head ... like an eqo/echo in altered writ ... that becomes pure essence of soul as 'ung there ...


Do I know this? Not allowed to ... but I have this odd sensation, feeling intuition like some Ephraim structure is calling me for the leap ...


Big Hole Broook here in NB is good phesh'n ... ground level ... then there's the HiWater Boid ... floating fishes due to blast fishing by those that don't care how they catch one of those things ...  scrap of reverence for the larger form of soul that is quantum ... appears by chance since religion doesn't require thinking, sort of bans it starting with Genesis 2, Exodus 20:19 and goes on ... about God's children not wishing to know anything ... rapture defined ...


Th'Isis good for then you never see what's coming ... like flaming reactives ... and you never even notice those black kohls are smoke'n ...


The Shadow romes, and I cannot proof read; Happy Genus, for this would sugggest second thinking or laten mental processes that are not allowed in a quick reactive realm ... I would be condemned for not being innocent ... or otherwise knot Gnoe'n ... it is sort of like a double negative on the emotional chord ... coming back positive about those vague ethchings ... ichthins ... whatever. I learned not to cast spelling on people as fixed by observing the alteration of though projection over time in various alphabetical orders ... sort of alien dis arrays ... possible disambiguity? The Hebrew labeled this citii and debeited the deistic term to see if there was another image of this like the Caduces with two wings. Some called Ur Jah Nus ... a term now out of practice ... and you know what happens when you don't exercise the motive portions ... functions of Lace-idée ... the quiet of arse Nicque ... toxic to the thinking process ... unless you process secularly ... that could be expressed many moor wheys than milque'n the damn thing ... does settle the BS though ... and many fundy's rest after the tilded rush ... especially Sabbath afternon after the coming down worship ... and all become dark ... Thomas Harris' first novel: Black Sabbath! Followed by The Red Dragon ... a latent hint of profound thoughts in the mental pithy's ...


There are options to thought ... not-at-thought ... and no mediums either; religious folks hate wall and fence people even Rahab ... who assist the powers in taking down that barrier to interpenetrational transfers, imaginary intercourse as suggested by Plato ...


But that led to Socratees death as the medium in that exchange on the high plains initiation ... flat out hi jack'n of the daemon's thoughts? So it gost ... infinite vacancy or sometimes called cosmological void ... a mire metaphor that dirty and containing many condensed particulates that are imagined as a construct from the other perspective ... subtle to say the least so mortals won't know IT!

revjohn's picture



Hi GeoFee,


GeoFee wrote:

Tracing an imaginary line from the left to the right hand, I notice that this line is centred in my heart.


Intersecting that imaginary line with another imaginary line that runs perpendicular to the first, I notice that the head, though on a higher plane, is also centred.


GeoFee wrote:

Longing for unity at the heart by which we may celebrate difference in all directions.


It isn't unity but balance that is required and one wing, in theory could stretch much further if the shorter wing could produce much more power.


Of course naturally winged creatures are designed with balance in mind and a shorter or longer member of a pair of wings just doesn't fly.


It also generally holds true that if balance is not managed along the perpendicular that runs head to toe all the power of combined left and right working in harmony struggles to find purpose.


When studying flight it is almost counter-intuitive to think of gravity as necessity.  That invisible force which tethers us to the dust from which we came.  Icarus presents a powerful warning that if we fail to consider height and depth, a balance of all things, our fall will be nothing short of spectacular and deadly.


Grace and peace to you.


WaterBuoy's picture



Such is capitalized in the ivory tower outlook ... one should be cautious about the pro-fun-ditty ...


Takes two exteremes to keep the quantum medium rippling ... Rift'lin'? Sort of the Janus faces on the Roman Stage according to Shakespeare ... the whole thing's staged for the sake of middle men?


It's ruagh making a living as a medium ... a balanced contemplation ... allows some stirring of ends ... just to see what comes up ... out of the cesspool that might be worthwhile ... otherwise down the tube they goes ... wasted contemplations?


The religious world as fixed and nothing needs to be altered ... right? Sloe process almost latent as mo'L'asses ... suite dark humours? Sometimes sloe to sin quein ...

GeoFee's picture



Neo wrote:
Is the teacher seeing everyone as the same humanity, the same way Christ did on the cross when he forgave his persecutors??
That is how I read the story. We may also think of Job, who suffered his trial and came out with his trust intact. Years ago, I was amazed by this statement made by Job in the face of his cross examiners: "Even though God kills me, I will not stop trusting God" (paraphrase from memory).



not4prophet's picture




Angels were given wings. Man was relegated to the ground for trying to be more than we were. The tradition carries on.



GeoFee's picture



Hi John,

revjohn wrote:
Intersecting that imaginary line with another imaginary line that runs perpendicular to the first, I notice that the head, though on a higher plane, is also centred.
Indeed. We can define the perpendicular line as connecting head (higher plane) and genitals (lower plane). Placing the intersection of the horizonal and the perpendicular approximately at the heart we would define a point about two thirds up from the genitals and one third down from the head, giving us an imaginary cross.


I agree that what we seek is balance.




Arminius's picture



not4prophet wrote:


Angels were given wings. Man was relegated to the ground for trying to be more than we were. The tradition carries on.



Was it Icarus who made himelf a pair of waxen wings in order to fly to heaven. But, when he came close to the sun, the heat melted his wings and he plunged back to earth?


not4prophet's picture



Everything has it's place. How many things from rocks to animated creatures try to be more than they are meant to be? Just mankind. We might justify our actions or even call it progress but the world as a whole would disagree.



Neo's picture



not4prophet wrote:

Everything has it's place. How many things from rocks to animated creatures try to be more than they are meant to be? Just mankind. We might justify our actions or even call it progress but the world as a whole would disagree.



Humans are unique in nature, we are in that unique placement in nature where we have the kingdoms of form below us and the Kingdoms of God above us. We stand in the middle, between spirit and matter, and our fate as humans it become aware of this.

Perhaps why Icarus and Prometheus failed in the past is because humans where not quite ready to take up their place as sentient gods in form. "Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" Our hell is not being aware of this, believing that God does not dwell within us.

not4prophet's picture



It is one thing you realize God is within us, we are within God, but to see ourselves as gods is quite another matter.

Neo's picture



If we worship the temple itself as God then we've missed the mark. We are more than the vehicles we drive.

not4prophet's picture



Neo wrote:
If we worship the temple itself as God then we've missed the mark. We are more than the vehicles we drive.


Of course, but can we build one? No.

Neo's picture



not4prophet wrote:

Neo wrote:
If we worship the temple itself as God then we've missed the mark. We are more than the vehicles we drive.


Of course, but can we build one? No.

Build what, a new temple/vehicle? Of course not. We are dual in nature, we are "Being" and at the same time we are "Becoming". This is the uniqueness of Humanity. From the teachings of Maitreya:
Maitreya teachings wrote:
Being and Becoming are two modalities. Being is unchanging, whereas becoming is a process in time and space. Man, in his Being, is the Self. In his becoming, he is the soul — the reflection of the Self.

Mind, spirit and body are the temples of the Lord which man inhabits.

The destiny of the Self is to be free. Considered in its freedom, in its Being, it is called Atman. Within the limitations of time and space, in its becoming, it is the soul, or Jiva.

The mind, spirit and body are like the elements of nature. They do not change. “God created the entire universe, in which He placed mind, spirit and body for the Self to realize the Being and Becoming of the Lord.”

The one who changes through experiences is the Self.

Your Becoming is your "second" nature, your Being is your "first".

not4prophet's picture




But we never become the equivalent of God.

uccprogressive's picture



At the heart of ancient Gnosticism was the muddle headed idea of "the spark if divinity" in the human soul.  True or false, there is no evidence that this idea ennobled people in any way.  Nor is it even clear what advocates of this notion mean, practically speaking,  in their efforts to distinguish the notion from more conventiontional concepts like the image of God, "clotihing oneself with Chris *(Paul)," or "participaton in the divine nature" (Peter).  

Arminius's picture



not4prophet wrote:

It is one thing you realize God is within us, we are within God, but to see ourselves as gods is quite another matter.


Being "as gods" is not the same as being "God."


In my belief system, God is the holotheistic or unitheistic, self-creative totality of being. Although the part is an inseparable part of this whole, it is not the whole.


We humans are becoming increasingly aware of being part of a godly whole, and thus are becoming more godly—but only if we feel, think, and act on behalf of the whole rather than the egocentric self.

Neo's picture



not4prophet wrote:

But we never become the equivalent of God.

No, we don't. We are only "Sparks" of the Divine.

not4prophet's picture



Neo wrote:
not4prophet wrote:

But we never become the equivalent of God.

No, we don't. We are only "Sparks" of the Divine.


The Hebrew language called correctly what is commonly called today within Christianity, being made in God's image, as in the shadow of, eg. being made in the shadow of God. Similar to spark methinks.

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