mgf50's picture



Weekly Communion

I have never undedrstood why Communion is only offered 5 times a year instead of on a weeky basis in the UCC.  I know this has something to do with the Reformation and Protesticisn but I never fully understood it.  Maybe someoned could explain.  I grew up in the UCC and still feel my root are there.  It s less hierachial and less doggmatic.

I joimed the Anglican Church because I found taking the Eucharis on a weekly basis healing. I experience consiedrable anguish in my life.  I wish I could say that I found the pleasence of Chist in the Eucharist but I don't exactly.  What I do esperience is a sense off clensing,  lettimg go of anguish, of taking in medicine and nuturance that give me a sense of connection.By sharing the bread angd wine, the basic nutrient of life, I have some sense of unity which I believe is Christ."


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clergychickita's picture



Hello mgf50 -- it is actually the congregation's decision (through its Session or Council) to decide how frequently to celebrate communion.  Some do it more often, some less.  My congregation celebrates communion once a month. 


I dare to suggest that, more often than not, the reason communion isn't shared often is more an issue of time than of theology.  Some congregations are clock-watchers, and aren't happy if the service goes over 59 minutes and 59 seconds!  :)  It is difficult to fit a full communion liturgy and a sermon and all the rest into that length of time.  So what often happens is that a full sermon isn't preached when communion is served. 


Another issue is around the children -- at our church we place the communion rite near the beginning of the service so that the children can participate before going to sunday school.  It usually replaces the children's time, so that we can maximize the time the kids can spend in Godly Play.  Having weekly communion would mean either extending the length of our service, or never having a children's time, or only having 20 minutes for Godly Play/sunday school.


I hope that's helpful!  shalom

crazyheart's picture



I don't know if this is relevant but I have heard this said, "If we take it too often, it will become meaningless". Go figure that one.

clergychickita's picture



It's true, crazyheart, some believe that rare=valuable, not just with diamonds, but with opportunities for communion!  :)


I'm more of the belief that communion is a gift of God for the people of God, and we should open it more often -- gather people to the table of Jesus Christ and be fed for the journey.

mgf50's picture



At the church I go to the chioldren go to Sunday School after "The peace" and then come back after the sermon to share in the Eucharist.  When the come back they share what they have learned or done in Sunday school. 

I have thought a lot about Communion losing its significance if done to often.  Yet, when i am in a relationship, i wouldn;t like it if I could only hold hands once a month.  I don't experience the presence of Christ as deeply as I would wish--but i don't think this would change if I expefrience communion less often--I need to experience healing and sharing on a weekly basis.  How do others experience this?


crazyheart's picture



I agree and the expression that I heard on the Cafe ( can't remember who said it) The Table of New Beginnings. I love this.

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