stardust's picture



Well Wishes and Prayers for Rob Ford

I'm not a fan of Rob Ford but I was struck yesterday by something a councillor said. She said we are all responsible in some way for creating Rob Ford, for making him what he has become. I don't really take that as the gospel truth but there is truth in it. He was allowed to remain in office way past his time. Many of us, myself included, posted his videos and laughed at his jokes which were the jokes of a sad man. Its well known that clowns are sad people. Somebody on TV...?.... a councillor...? said that he feared he would die and not be alive to  see his children grow up.


I'm asking that we all may come together and join in sending our most positive thoughts, hopes  and wishes for healing to Rob Ford and his family. God give him the courage and strength to overcome his problems. May he come to know that everyday is a new day and that it is hope.


Here is a beautiful hymn by Carey Landry, a prayer to Jesus  for healing.


Lay your hands gently upon us,
Let their touch render your peace.
Let them bring your forgiveness and healing,
lay your hands gently, lay your hands.

You were sent to free the broken hearted.
You were sent to give sight to the blind.
You desire to heal all our illness,
Lay your hands, gently lay your hands.

Lord, we come to you through one another,
Lord, we come to you in all our need,
Lord, we come to you seeking wholeness.
Lay your hands gently, lay your hands.




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Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Rob Ford is the one responsible for the actions and words of, wait for it, Rob Ford. He was Toronto's worst mayor, and I'm glad he has stepped aside. Having said that, I do believe a lot of prayer needs to go on. Prayers for Rob Ford, certainly, prayers for his friends and family, prayers for the rehab facility who will be treating him, prayers for other substance abusers who are not as famous as Rob Ford, prayers for Toronto City Council, and prayers for the shalom of the city.

Inukshuk's picture



Dcn.Jae - I completely agree with you - nice post.

airclean33's picture



Hi stardust--Yes I believe Mr Ford could use some help. I liked your song by the way. And I will Pray for Robert Ford. airclean33

unsafe's picture




Rob Ford is a perfect example of just how powerful the evil in this world can be and if entertained can take over and rule one's life ----Mr. Ford is a product of what he entertained in his life -----My hope for him is to find God who is the only one who can change his heart for as this scriptures says ---


Matthew 6:21

Amplified Bible (AMP)


21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.


Mr.Ford's treasure was in hanging out with what he smoked and drank ---and therefore that is where his heart was and is ---


My prayer for Mr. Ford is this ----that he find God who will be his shield and protector and release him from the bondage of all his demons and bring peace to his heart ----in Jesus Name


Psalm 9:9

New King James Version (NKJV)

The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed,
A refuge in times of trouble.





stardust's picture





stardust's picture




(#1 Article on Google today under this heading, I like that...also 172 views here.)


  1. Well Wishes and Prayers for Rob Ford | WonderCafe › Forums › Discussion Forums › Religion and Faith
    18 hours ago - 1 post

    I'm not a fan of Rob Ford but I was struck yesterday by something a councillor said. She said we are all responsible in some way for creating ...

stardust's picture



I know I've posted Kahlil Gibran before. I totally love his writing although it takes time to interpret what he is saying sometimes.  Basically  he's saying ....."We're all in this together" . You've heard the saying...."It takes a community to raise a child". Do you think the community as a whole is in any way responsible for the character of an adult?  I'm not making excuses for Rob Ford but Gibran's writing does provide food for thought. There are 259 views to date on the thread.


Kahlil Gibran Quote from the Prophet:


Oftentimes have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong as though he were not one of you, but a stranger unto you and an intruder upon your world.

But I say that even as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you,

So the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower than the lowest which is in you also.


And as a single leaf turns not yellow but with the silent knowledge of the whole tree,

So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong without the hidden will of you all.


Like a procession you walk together towards your god-self.

You are the way and the wayfarers.

And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone.

Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone.



You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked;
For they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together.
And when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also.

If any of you would bring to judgment the unfaithful wife,
Let him also weigh the heart of her husband in scales, and measure his soul with measurements.


And let him who would lash the offender look unto the spirit of the offended.
And if any of you would punish in the name of righteousness and lay the ax unto the evil tree, let him see to its roots;
And verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad, the fruitful and the fruitless, all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.


And you judges who would be just, 
What judgment pronounce you upon him who though honest in the flesh yet is a thief in spirit?


What penalty lay you upon him who slays in the flesh yet is himself slain in the spirit?

And how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor,
Yet who also is aggrieved and outraged?




And you who would understand justice, how shall you unless you look upon all deeds in the fullness of light?


Only then shall you know that the erect and the fallen are but one man standing in twilight between the night of his pigmy-self and the day of his god-self,
And that the corner-stone of the temple is not higher than the lowest stone in its foundation.



Kimmio's picture



I just wanted to say- I'm assuming that's you and your cat- cute cat, stardust! I used to have a 'tuxedo cat' that looked just like yours except he had a funny lopsided 'mustache' near his nose.

WaterBuoy's picture



Are demos things that haunt you?


With a greater sense of connection than those that isolate themselves from the pits of demos, recall one needs a pit/hole to firmly plant a pile or post to create apostolic awareness to get around such signs of hauntings (bridges, spans, esparontos?). Alas these pitfalls are things that one should be aware of so one doesn't get an equivalent addition ... like really being numb to what people like Rob Ford do. Some people just don't wish to know these things and thus they unknowingly fall ... leading to Roosevelt's comments on light footed ness and long sticks; RODS? Good for spanning the lo' spots as the shadow skips along allow a place for trolls and drole things! How "Psi" "Khe" gets cranked ... DO System?


Not to wish Rob Ford any harm but the only one that can get him out of the mess is hisself and his Shadow, that persona of wisdom he doesn't know yet ... and good Christians should love the devil as a common entity of unknown ... some say the unconscious soul as something we don't know yet! Once the thinking devil is known you have some power to work in the unknown ... sometimes known as darkness, occult, or even obtuse to those that would continue to avoid what they don't wish to learn. All this due to the buried (subtle) treasure we call bottom line ... foundational soul that is really in-verse ... requires word or LOGOS in depth ... some take it superficially and faciciously, like Jah Nus ... albeit the spelt form changes in time so those that don't wish to know anything can remain a bit numinous ... dark glowing Ba'aLs? These were once known as Black Bodied Reflectors ... and some is buried in each and every mortal ... some profoundly ... so they don't know IT! These are always under possession of light ... whether you see it or not ... thus the unseen power of mind ... that entity that isn't, possibly justly denied in some strange justification of avoiding responsibility, reverence and fear of the collective ... er ... connections! The unseen and thus unaware networking ... we must 've lost it with the hori Zoan! Hori; that's frosty or frigid right ... all that's left of a cold thinking critter. I get this image of Cleopatra with an add'r accountant on her chest ... counting twins. Gotta wonder which image is real ... and which is imagined reality! Gotta read a lot of mystical stuffto geta grip on it ... IT being metaphorical thought! Hard to grasp for many ...


Like K Gi Bran; the cede is not easily read into ... as it is scattered according to onanism ... some fall on parched (parsed, Paris) ground without wadi ... why Christ begs for cool, kohl drinks ... and blesses them with the wet coming on ... one of the Duncan crowd if you've ever been amused by Proverbs 15:13. That heart contains something unseen ... leaves on laughing or crying out loud in deire cups ... two mountains of the Song of Songs about the breasts of God ... two swellings on either side of the vale or moor ... Valentinian at times, a suicidal trip that'll do you in to love the stranger ...


Some loves should be restrictive ... not possible in those that worship pure love (that without thought)! Is that a clue or just icon of a hint?

WaterBuoy's picture


  • A life without festivity ...
  • Is a long road ...
  • Without an inn! --- Democritus!

Did you know that an inn was once a Kahn, something a dark lass could get into with a giggle, and thus shed tears in de cup (sometimes just hard jared)? Strong men would take advantage of such things not cognizant that they were being baited (bull/taurus b'eiting) and Christ taught of the catching of men ... a physical process involving manipulating soul and spirit ... two unseen forces! One involved a worm (sote) and the other a burr'd (d'ove) to put it in ...


Always remember the larger raven beaut' ... shadow of the Cos Moes ... Icon of the larger and more ethereal thingy!


Sets me like sat Urn into phtttzzz ... of giggles ...

stardust's picture




Yes, that's my cat Mitzi and myself. She's driving me nuts. She loves the mouse and  the  actions  on the monitor. She's a bad cat, she bites and hisses at me so we're always fighting. ...:(

carolla's picture



Stardust - you look like you're at the command controls of the starship!

stardust's picture




Yes....!!!...that's ME.....wink

Kimmio's picture



Why do people get so excited they shake when running into Rob Ford at a strip mall? He's a politician not a rock star. I don't get it. I just wonder if people, when people really do go to rehab, if they really are advised it's okay to leave rehab after 2 weeks. Hm.

chansen's picture



These are the dumbasses. I'm sure many who bump into him are unimpressed, but they don't get selfies taken with him, so they don't make the news.

revjohn's picture



Hi Kimmio,


Kimmio wrote:

I don't get it.


Ever done rehab yourself?  I haven't so it strikes me as odd.


Still as recognized experts in the area have born witness rehab is not prison.


Kimmio wrote:

I just wonder if people, when people really do go to rehab, if they really are advised it's okay to leave rehab after 2 weeks. Hm.


Bearing in mind that the Ford brothers are decidedly less than truthful individuals it would be a mistake on our part to assume that everything they said or did is itself untruth.


That said, what if Rob asked for permission to leave the rehab to spend a weekend with his family?  Even if we operate on the assumption that he is a failure both as a father and a husband do we continue to insist that it is impossible for him to love others or be loved by others?


Might he not miss his wife or his children?


I never experienced homesickness in my life until after I was married and a father.  I was to be away for two weeks on training and by the end of the first week I was definitely out of sorts.  It took quite some time for me to figure out what my problem was.


If the brothers Ford are telling the truth and Rob has been in rehab for two weeks now.  It is very possible and very likely that he is feeling somewhat lonely.


That is about all of Rob Ford I can easily relate to.


My concern would be what does a long weekend with Rob Ford look like and will he be engaging in behaviours which will reinforce his addictions or break them.  How will the family be able to support his fighting those addictions rather than feed them?


I expect the rehab facility is probably thinking the same thing.


What Ford is thinking is beyond my ability to figure out.


As to what folk are thinking when they see Rob Ford and think Rock Star.  They probably don't care about the difference between being famous and being infamous.  It is their 15 minutes (or a slice of).


I do not know that Rob Ford is in rehab.  I do not know that he isn't.  The CBC has talked to a doctor and they are convinced he is.  I trust the CBC more than I do Rob or Doug.


I personally think a long weekend at the cottage is probably about to undo all that rehab has managed to do in the past two weeks.  I also personally think that one stint in rehab wasn't going to be enough for Rob to beat all his demons.


Ultimately it isn't about me personally it is about Rob's person.


If he fails and falls he fails and falls.


Grace and peace to you.




stardust's picture



According to the Toronto Star Rob Ford is in rehab at Gravenhurst.


Toronto Star May 17/14

Muskoka is home to an addictions treatment centre, GreeneStone, as well the Ford family cottage. GreeneStone allows day and overnight passes into the community, depending on the progress of a patient’s recovery.

GreeneStone has not confirmed that Ford is a patient, but the Star has interviewed two people connected to patients who have said Ford is staying at the facility.

Also another article:

U.S. think tank takes on ‘the Rob Ford phenomenon’

Rob Ford saga comes under its first scholarly gaze, with notable Torontonian Dr. Anne Golden helping to provide answers.


stardust's picture



GreeneStone in Muskoka. They  also have  a Toronto clinic.

Kimmio's picture



revjohn wrote:

Hi Kimmio,


Kimmio wrote:

I don't get it.


Ever done rehab yourself?  I haven't so it strikes me as odd.


Still as recognized experts in the area have born witness rehab is not prison.


Kimmio wrote:

I just wonder if people, when people really do go to rehab, if they really are advised it's okay to leave rehab after 2 weeks. Hm.


Bearing in mind that the Ford brothers are decidedly less than truthful individuals it would be a mistake on our part to assume that everything they said or did is itself untruth.


That said, what if Rob asked for permission to leave the rehab to spend a weekend with his family?  Even if we operate on the assumption that he is a failure both as a father and a husband do we continue to insist that it is impossible for him to love others or be loved by others?


Might he not miss his wife or his children?


I never experienced homesickness in my life until after I was married and a father.  I was to be away for two weeks on training and by the end of the first week I was definitely out of sorts.  It took quite some time for me to figure out what my problem was.


If the brothers Ford are telling the truth and Rob has been in rehab for two weeks now.  It is very possible and very likely that he is feeling somewhat lonely.


That is about all of Rob Ford I can easily relate to.


My concern would be what does a long weekend with Rob Ford look like and will he be engaging in behaviours which will reinforce his addictions or break them.  How will the family be able to support his fighting those addictions rather than feed them?


I expect the rehab facility is probably thinking the same thing.


What Ford is thinking is beyond my ability to figure out.


As to what folk are thinking when they see Rob Ford and think Rock Star.  They probably don't care about the difference between being famous and being infamous.  It is their 15 minutes (or a slice of).


I do not know that Rob Ford is in rehab.  I do not know that he isn't.  The CBC has talked to a doctor and they are convinced he is.  I trust the CBC more than I do Rob or Doug.


I personally think a long weekend at the cottage is probably about to undo all that rehab has managed to do in the past two weeks.  I also personally think that one stint in rehab wasn't going to be enough for Rob to beat all his demons.


Ultimately it isn't about me personally it is about Rob's person.


If he fails and falls he fails and falls.


Grace and peace to you.




No, I haven't been to rehab myself. He's there voluntarily, so he can leave whenever he wants I guess. I thought it was more like voluntary lock down if one was actually making a commitment to getting well, though. He probably does miss his family- but that's temporary and for everyone's good- it might not be the only thing he misses- just a guess- so I wouldn't think leaving for the weekend would be advisable but I'm not a rehab doctor and Rob has to decide that for himself. I agree 100% with everything you wrote.

Kimmio's picture



Btw, if he wasn't running for mayor of Toronto I'd say it's noone's problem but his and his family's. But if he's not serious about rehab it's more than just their problem. And if people will vote for him because he's a celebrity not a responsible mayor- even more of a problem.

Kimmio's picture



stardust wrote:

GreeneStone in Muskoka. They  also have  a Toronto clinic.

Ah! That makes more sense. Looks like a good place that knows what they're doing. Pretty nice facilities. Not quite what I pictured.

lastpointe's picture



And the story continues. A woman from rehab is arrested for DUI while driving Fords car? How weird is that.

stardust's picture




It sounds like the Rob Ford saga will go on as long as he's alive. It seems he gave her the car to take her belongings home or she took the keys herself. She was also in rehab  for alcohol treatment so it sounds like she fell off the wagon pretty fast. 

Mendalla's picture



lastpointe wrote:
And the story continues. A woman from rehab is arrested for DUI while driving Fords car? How weird is that.


And the plates mysteriously vanished after the car got to the impound yard (hmmm). Doug Ford later did confirm it was his brother's car though no one has yet said why she was driving it.




lastpointe's picture



It is just a sad on going story.

WaterBuoy's picture



Inhumane to Ur ... divine to speculate ... and thus spectacular thoughts ...

Northwind's picture



People in rehab can usually get passes. Normally passes can start after a period of time, such as a week. Some allow weekend passes I think. Others have curfews and clients need to sleep there every night.

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