Anonymous's picture



What is Pentecost?

I'm new to church and am wondering if someone would have a moment to explain what Pentecost means. I'm especially interested in a United Church perspective, but other perspectives are very welcome too.

I would like to learn about the theology of Pentecost, but I'm also interested in finding out what it means to our day to day lives.

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Tigerlilly2's picture

Tigerlilly2 (not verified)


Thanks for taking the time to reply.

LoveJoy's picture



Oo! Ooh! (*pumps hand in the air Hermoine Granger style*)

Pentecost comes from the Latin "pente" meaning "five", thus fifty. Pentecost is fifty days after Easter. In older days it was also known as "Whitsunday" which referred to the wind. Pentecost is the celebration of the sending of the Holy Spirit into the followers of Jesus who were left behind after his ascension into heaven. Its foundational Scripture text/story is Acts 2: 1-21. It is also said to be "the birthday of the church".

There was a sound "like a mighty rushing wind" and the Holy Spirit supposedly came down and "sat on" the apostles heads like tongues of fire. It enabled the people who spoke different languages to speak 'in tongues" or "in other languages" and also allowed them to all understand one another. Witnesses thought they were drunk at first, but Peter straightened them out.

In "Pentecostal" churches, specifically one is not believed to "have the Holy Spirit" unless one can speak in tongues which is a phenomenon where someone goes into an almost trance-like state and starts babbling stuff then someone else interprets it. You can't join some Pentecostal churches unless you have "the gift of tongues".

For the mainstream Christian churches, the story is interpreted metaphorically. The Holy Spirit is the presence of Christ among us in the world. The Spirit is what gives the church (as Christ's "body" in the world) life, energy and power to do God's work in the world.

I could say more, but that's the Pentecost 101 bit and others will contribute more I'm sure about its meaning for them today.

LoveJoy's picture



Oh ya I gotta add...Penetecost is my favorite high holy day, mainly because the world and stupid Hallmark haven't gotten a hold of it. It's truly "ours"! For those churches (like most United Churches) who decorate their sanctuaries with the colours of the liturgical seasons, Pentecost is the one and only day where the colour changes completely to red. Which is really fun!

blackbelt's picture



Pentecost was a spring celebration of the first fruits of the trees like our thanks giving is in the fall, and after Jesus died on the Cross, John the apostil got to gether with all other believers and Jesus Mother in a 2nd story house to speak about the future of Jesus ministry when all of a sudden they all hear like a rushing wind and they were all fill with the Spirit (Holy Spirit) for the 1st time, this was the helper Jesus said he would send after his death and resurrection and gone to the Father. After being filled by the Spirit John walks out on a balcony and starts to Minister with Power and Athority to 5000 people of all nations outside this house, John starts to speak in Tongs to them and they all understood John in there own language and they were all freaking out saying how can this be! We all understand him in our own language , then John said to the 5000 "be filled with the Spirit" and they heard a rushing wind and all were also filled of the Spirit and started manifesting , this filling of Gods Spirit has filled the generations right up to today and still does, Interesting enough that it was the Feast of Pentecost when this happened so as the first fruits of the trees so were the Apostils the first fruits of the Spirit Of God.

Now you know why some Christians who have the indwelling of Gods Spirit are so faithful, so strong in there beliefs, because they have conviction of his Spirit, its not an intellectual thing, or I believe this or i believe that but a real indwelling of Gods Spirit that convicts us, and now there bodies become the temple of God because they have his Spirit in them. That is what Jesus meant when he said " do you not know that your body is a temple".

BTY The Spirit of God NEVER overpowers your spirit but He empowers and regenerates the spirit that God already gave you at birth. He will never come in you unless you want him and desire him in your heart, he is a perfect gentleman, Holy Spirit will never over come the free will he already gave you. Holy Spirit is the ultimate humble, loving, gracious, HOLY Spirit. There is NON like him. When you have HOLY Spirit you have EVERYTHING.

I can go on an on,

God Bless

blackbelt's picture




Forget about the perspective of the United Church or any other denominational Church, learn from Gods word Directly yourself and pray Holy Spirit to teach you. That is one of His purposes, Holy Spirit is the greatest teacher

blackbelt's picture



Lovejoy said ,,

{In "Pentecostal" churches, specifically one is not believed to "have the Holy Spirit" unless one can speak in tongues which is a phenomenon where someone goes into an almost trance-like state and starts babbling stuff then someone else interprets it. You can't join some Pentecostal churches unless you have "the gift of tongues".}

with all do respect LoveJoy , this is not true , speaking in tongs is not a must to have Holy Spirit , only faith in Jesus Christ is

MonAsksIt's picture



Couldn't resist - if I can't speak in tongs, should I try salad forks? Or Chopsticks? Maybe if I brush up on my morse code I can send a message tong distance to China on my bamboo...


Love the bursting in of enthusiasm and passion that a Pentecost servics can be. Sometime's we've had cake as it's sometimes seen as the birth-day of the Church in general.

Don't like speaking in tongues, tongs, gongs or anything else loud, noisy and potentially excluding.

RevJamesMurray's picture



BB- Tigerlilly2 specifically asked how Pentecost was regarded in the UCC, so it is only fair she get an answer. To say it "Forget about the perspective of the United Church or any other denominational Church," does not respect what she has asked. You have a different perspective on the meaning of Pentecost, but it does not have to diminish the experience of others.

Lovejoy said 'some' churches require speaking in tongues, which you claim to be not true. I can honestly say it is true in some Pentecostal churches I have known personally in several provinces across Canada and in at least one in the USA. It is not true of all Pentecostal churches, but it is true of some. Here in Quebec they are not very charismatic in the Pentecostal church, almost more Baptist in their style. In Newfoundland they were very caught up with speaking in tongues, as was the local Pentecostal church down the street from me in Hagersville ON. My brother in-law's congregation in Michigan was that way as well last time I checked.

blackbelt's picture




sorry i dont meen to diminish other churches , that wasnt my intention , but its better to point one directly to Gods word and follow the teaching Of Holy Spirit rather than men,

for example , some pentcostle church do say you must speak in toungs , the bible says nothing of a must and i know other pentecostle chucrchs who teach it not as a must.

so because of thelogical diffrences one is always best pointed to Gods word and learn from him directly, God only knows what that person needs in his walk juring that point and time.

RevJamesMurray's picture



Thank you BB. The Holy Spirit blows where it will. All we can do is describe what it feels like as it sets our heart afire.

MonAsksIt's picture



Get thee thine dictionary, that is one challenging spelling word suitable for bees, competitions and other exercises ... ---...

blackbelt's picture



RJM said,,

{Thank you BB. The Holy Spirit blows where it will. All we can do is describe what it feels like as it sets our heart afire.}

amen! and even our description falls short of his awsome awsome love and power

God bless you RJM

Tigerlilly2's picture

Tigerlilly2 (not verified)


Lovejoy - thanks so much for taking the time to explain Pentecost. I've never heard of it before so the upcoming Sunday will be an interesting one for me.

RevJames - thanks for clarifying my question. I'm going to the UC so the UC perspective is important to me right now.

MonAskit - thanks for the chuckle!

Blackbelt - I appreciate your enthusiam about your beliefs.

I'm new to church so some of the special days can be kind of confusing. My minister is great about answering questions, and it's good to be able to ask questions here too.


LoveJoy's picture



BB wrote:

"Forget about the perspective of the United Church or any other denominational Church, learn from Gods word Directly yourself"

However, I had written in the original post: "[Pentecost's] foundational Scripture text/story is Acts 2: 1-21."

Could you provide for me the Scriptural reference for your convoluted Pentecost story about John and Jesus' mother and the balcony and the 5000 people? I'm not familiar with that one. And I think the reason I'm not familiar with it is cuz"¦let's see"¦um"¦it's not IN the Bible!

(I don't mean to be disrespectful, BB, but sometimes you really get my dander up when you trash the United Church. Our clergy have read the Bible, are educated in the Bible, study the Bible, preach on the Bible and know the Bible. I think your story might be a good example of why it's NOT always the best idea to "learn from God's word directly yourself, and forget what denominational churches have taught.)

blackbelt's picture



LoveJoy said,,,
{Could you provide for me the Scriptural reference for your convoluted Pentecost story about John and Jesus' mother and the balcony and the 5000 people? I'm not familiar with that one. And I think the reason I'm not familiar with it is cuz"¦let's see"¦um"¦it's not IN the Bible!}

Actual the bible records aprox 3000, I cant remember what history book I read 5000, I believe it was and RC cannon, , so I would say somewhere in between this number .

When Jesus ascended into heaven He instructed his disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they should receive power from on high. As a group of 120 were praying in an upper room in Jerusalem fifty days after his death, the Holy Spirit descended upon them with the sound of a great wind and with tongues of fire which settled upon each one of them. They began to speak with other languages and to preach boldly in the name of Christ, with the result that three thousand were converted. In rebuttal to criticism by devout Jews, Peter stood up and, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gave a wonderful sermon. After the sermon Luke wrote in verses 41 and 42

Acts 2:41-42 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

you said,,,
{(I don't mean to be disrespectful, BB, but sometimes you really get my dander up when you trash the United Church. Our clergy have read the Bible, are educated in the Bible, study the Bible, preach on the Bible and know the Bible. I think your story might be a good example of why it's NOT always the best idea to "learn from God's word directly yourself, and forget what denominational churches have taught.)}

I have already posted earlier the point I was trying to make, I was pointing out that there is no denominations without error, so I always point a new Christian to Gods word first and have faith that the new believer will come to a denomination that the Holy Spirit will guide them to. Holy Spirit is our teacher above men, we need to ground ourselves in the word first. It is Christ that died for us not a preacher or pastor, and its Christ spirit that we need to have faith in to teach us and guide us So then If it's a United Church that they are led to great let it be so, If its another denominational one great also.

One thing I would never do is put down another church, so sorry that wasn't my intention I do believe you have great pastors in the United Church also.

LoveJoy's picture



BB, you originally wrote this:
" After being filled by the Spirit John walks out on a balcony and starts to Minister with Power and Athority to 5000 people of all nations outside this house, John starts to speak in Tongs to them and they all understood John in there own language and they were all freaking out saying how can this be!"

None of this is in the Bible.

Thanks for the clarification.

blackbelt's picture



yes it is LoveJoy

I qoute the scripture where it says aprox 3000 were added to the church and that they were in an upper room , a 2 storey House's 2nd floor is the upper room

MadMonk's picture



Hey! We're making up bible stories now!

Hmmm let me see.

There was the time when Jesus and Peter were playing poker with the other disciples, when Peter turned unto Jesus and said, "Four aces, Lord. Beat that. And none of your miracles."

And Jesus sulked for the rest of the night. He wouldn't even talk to the chicks.

Here endeth the word.

blackbelt's picture



Sorry I don't make up bible stories , Go read ACTS

The apostles had been waiting for Pentecost. Jesus had told his apostles, "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high" (Lk. 24: 49). We read in Acts 1: 4 that they are in Jerusalem waiting as Jesus had told them to do. Hence, the language "day of Pentecost was fully come" is significant.

The day of Pentecost in Acts 2 fulfilled many kingdom and salvation prophecies (cp. Joel 2: 28-32; Isa. 2: 2, 3, see Acts 2: 16-47). The apostles were baptized in the Holy Spirit to enable them to execute their commission, the full gospel was officially preached and Jesus' last will and testament came into being, the church become a reality, and remission of sin based on Jesus' shed blood was first experienced on the day of Pentecost.

The day of Pentecost was the birth of Christianity. It was on this memorable day that repentance and baptism in Jesus' name for the remission of sins was first taught and experienced (Acts 2: 38). The height of Joel's prophesy had been "whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered" (Joel 2: 32). When those whose hearts had been pricked asked what must they do, were told, and did it, they were calling on the name of the Lord (Acts 2: 37-42). People today are thus saved in the same way by calling on Jesus' name (Rom. 10: 13).

LoveJoy's picture



Thanks, BB, but I've read Acts. And I've also read ACTS. I've studied it at quite some length, in fact, and can quote most of the first two chapters from memory.

I'm not interested in your argument about the theology of Pentecost... but if you continue on insisting you got the story right, and this silly United Church theologian hasn't read Acts, then you're gonna make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have. It's not rocket science for anyone on here to go look up Acts chapter 2 (which I originally referenced) and see that you don't know what you're talking about. In fact, they can click here: LINK

We've all made boo boos when it comes to remembering stories in Scrpture. It's time to just try some response like "oh right, ..ha ha ha...I got that Pentecost story all mixed up."

blackbelt's picture




so you are saying that this scripture

Acts 2:41-42 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day

is not in acts, your saying 3000 were not converted and the apsotles never gathered together in an upper room?

I think you better read acts agian, and aging and again, my post is very bible bassed

MadMonk's picture



Is a Bible Bass the same as a Trinity Trout?

LoveJoy's picture



BB ,YOU wrote this:
"John walks out on a balcony and starts to Minister with Power and Athority to 5000 people of all nations outside this house, John starts to speak in Tongs to them and they all understood John"

Show me where any of that is, in Acts or anywhere else.

You're busted, dude. Give it up.

Pinga's picture



so tigerlily, the thread is a bit off track (though interesting all the same).

Pentecost often is a time of celebration in the church.
We have done bubbles on the lawn, and have birthday cakes for the church. Streamers of red & orange like flames, are carried by the youth.

This Sunday, we are welcoming 6 new members to our church, as our youth are confirmed. That is a celebration, as they have really journeyed this winter/spring.

Anyhow, Pentecost, is for me, the celebration of the Spirit being in the church, in the people of the church.

Coming to us in community, not alone on some beach or desert.

Breathing life into a diverse community, whipping the energy of the group, blowing away divisions, and calling us, rekindling the passion, of why we are called to be people of God.

blackbelt's picture




do you meen that I typed John who preached to the thousands instead of Peter in my first post?

if thats what your pointing to ya opps thats my mistake

Tigerlilly2's picture

Tigerlilly2 (not verified)


Thanks Pinga. I appreciate your thoughts about Pentecost at your church. I really enjoyed the Pentecost service at my church on Sunday. That was my first experience of Pentecost. It was so gentle and positive. Left me with a good feeling.

Indira's picture



My parents always taught me as a little girl that while at Easter we celebrate the Joy of the Risen Christ ... the Celebration of Life (even after bad things have happend) ... by the time Pentecost rolls around ... we should be ready and fully revitalized to be like a spiritual "flame". I was always taught that Pentecost was the time to "get rolling"... make the world a better place!

blackbelt's picture



We all speak about Pentecost and what happened in the birth of the early days of how the promises of Christ came to the apostles and all were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

What about you? Have you had this spiritual baptism of the Holy Spirit ? if Yes How so?

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