naman's picture



Why I Hang Out At Wondercafe

 I have problems dealing with bondage. As i go about my day it has an ever present hold on my thoughts and decisions. I do what I am programed to do. A large part of my inheritance is bondage in one form or another.


So I step out of my daily life into my favorite chair in front of my WonderComputer which brings me here. What do I find ever present in the discussions? Am I becoming a WonderHolic or a WonderAlanon?


Actually today being Sunday I will spend my hour hanging out at the old folks home while Namana spends her hour worshiping at the Pentecostal Church just down the street.

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naman's picture



 What I like about WonderCafe is that things here are not so much governed by tradition.

carolla's picture



I like the variety of people & their diverse experiences and opinions.  I've learned lots (sometimes more than I'd planned on!), made some new friends, challenged myself ...

it's interesting!

Pinga's picture



Agreed, Carolla.  Sometimes I have been surprised by what people have written.  At times, I have had to examine my own reaction.


Interesting, the word bondage you use as an inheritance..naman


There are patterns of behaviour or expected behaviour which seem that way at times.


Thanks  for something to ponder on this night

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