brads ego's picture

brads ego


Your Religious Self-Definition


 I find self-definition fascinating. Part of it is that while we "hate boxes" we often like putting ourselves in them. Just admit it - it's comfortable. The other part is that we may place ourselves in a same or similar "category" as someone else who is completely different. Pew did a survey last years that asked Christians to differentiate themselves between "evangelical" and "mainstream" - in addition to "historically black churches." You could probably imagine the problems that survey might encounter if we are actually looking for the reality of who people really are.

So what about you?

Do you put yourself in a religious box that you have self-defined? What "boxes" best define you? If you could make your own box on the survey forms, what would they be? Are you an Arian Christian? An atheistic Buddhist? A Discordian Catholic (heh heh heh)? Give me three boxes that best define your religious beliefs.

Brad's ego:

1. Agnostic

2. Gnostic Agnostic

3. Agnostic Christian

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trishcuit's picture



 ooohh this is gonna be a HOT one! ...rubbing hands together in anticipation....

abpenny's picture



United...with earth, animals, plants and some humans

United...with the fight against poverty, excess, prejudice and judgement

United...with UCC since Sunday School...

seeler's picture



penny - my boxes are pretty much the same as yours.  Proud to be united.


cjms's picture



progressive christian

religious humanist


Kinst's picture



United Church of Canada.

Arminius's picture



Hi Brad:


(I'm not going to disappoint you, trishcuit. :-)


1. Spiritual Atheist


2. Zen Buddhist


3. Zen Christian


4. Muslim Sufi


5. Indigenous North American


Sorry, Brad, I had to use five. Only in Christianity do good things come in threes. In Islam, which is one of my religions, good things come in fives!


Oh, I just remembered: in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and in many other religions, and even in science, good things come in sevens!


So allow me to add Hinduism and the Celtic/Germanic nature religion of my ancestors to the list.


Multifaithfully yours,



Arminius's picture



Officially and nominally, of course, I am proudly United.


And especially proud that the United Church accepts my multiple convictions!


paradox3's picture



United Church returnee

follower of Jesus


Elanorgold's picture



Yeah I have a problem with boxes too but still seek some kind of description, so I would put:


-spiritual atheist

-poetic naturalist



I think I'd be pretty good in those categories. My husband magically remains uncategorized!

mosaic62's picture



progressive humanist

panetheistic christian


Arminius's picture



Hi mosaic62:


Is that "pantheistic," "panentheistic," or "pan-atheistic"—or maybe all three?

mosaic62's picture




Hi Arminius,

panetheistic means the combination of pantheistic and panentheistic.(it's one of my new words.) I don't want to put myself in whatever -atheistic.

brads ego's picture

brads ego


Arminius wrote:

Hi mosaic62:


Is that "pantheistic," "panentheistic," or "pan-atheistic"—or maybe all three?


How about "panaesthetic"?

brads ego's picture

brads ego


Arminius wrote:


Sorry, Brad, I had to use five. Only in Christianity do good things come in threes. In Islam, which is one of my religions, good things come in fives!



Well aren't we special?

4. Atheistic Christian Buddhist (or Buddhist Christian Atheist?)

5. Biophiliac

trishcuit's picture



 such diversity!

I am still thinking of my own reply.

Sachyriel's picture




I believe God doesn't have laws, and any that man puts down are for sinful desires. I deny any man-made government and law in favour of the Lord.


I've got into thinking that we're a type of Aether-paper, where all of reality, the solid objects, the water, the air, is all part of this Aether, just folded and unfolded as per a large plan. Any movement you make is matched by the paper around you folding and unfolding back into aether so we can be mobile.


There is a Norse idea about the universe being Fire vs Ice. Fire melts Ice and Ice extinguishes Fire in an eternal battle. I'm fire, I like to do this "moving" thing, and enjoy the idea of being part of the active world, the side that doesn't go gentle into that good night. However, I think of myself more as 'After Burner', where the main fight is finished, and we exist in the melt/fire of a world where the fire is where ice was before it began and the ice is where the fire was before it began.

Arminius's picture



Hi Sachyriel:


The ancient Greek philosophers already talked about one basic, irreducable substance of which everything consists, and they called it "Äther" or "Aether."


We moderns are lucky enough to have scientific proof of this irreducable substance: energy.


I think energy posesses the innate transcendental quality to transform itself into its opposite while remaining what it is. This is the basic creator quality of the universe. Thus, the universe ITself would be self-creative or self-generative. One could call this self-generative universe "God," but one doesn't have to, because IT is not a supernatural entity, neither is it seperate from what IT created and still creates, or evolves.


Thus, we are IT; and we are ITS co-evolvers.

Arminius's picture



brads ego wrote:

Arminius wrote:


Sorry, Brad, I had to use five. Only in Christianity do good things come in threes. In Islam, which is one of my religions, good things come in fives!




Well aren't we special?

4. Atheistic Christian Buddhist (or Buddhist Christian Atheist?)

5. Biophiliac


Hi Brad:


Well, we aren't all that special, just ordinary energy, which happens to be transcendental.


As you probably know, Buddhism is non-theistic, and Zen Buddhism is just a practice that has no belief at all. I came back to Christianity through the practice of Zen, and brought the Zen stance with me into Christianity.


Thats why I can belong to all or any religion, or no religion at all, with a clear conscience. Nominally, however, I am United Church.


spockis53's picture



defining "religion" from religare "to bind fast" as in a group to which I belong...


in order or importance:


1) universe

2) life

3) human


Faerenach's picture



First off, I like to think that instead of boxes, we are choosing to interact with different communities.  After all, why do we need labels?  Simply put, they are ways to identify ourselves and find things in common with others.  Ah, ye social complexities.


I have no idea where to start with this, but I like Sachyriel's approach:


1.  Jesusist

The youth at my church decided that since Jesus himself wasn't a Christian, they needed a name that reflected him better.  They came up with Jesusism.  To me, the main theme of Christianity that defines it uniquely from allll the others is of forgiveness.  To me, this is the truest principle I try to live by.


2.  Weaver:

Like the origami folds,  I believe that the entire universe is a rich, colourful tapestry.  There is a weaver, and they are exceptionally talented, but they have to work around threads snapping and disagreeing, and how those threads affect all the others around them.  You have to hand it to those Greeks - the Fates are a beautiful picture of creative life.  There is an overall scheme, but ultimately, we are as affected by those around us as much as we are the weaver's plan for us.


3. Archaeologist:


It is my degree, after all.  If I have archaeology to thank for anything, it's for teaching me how to walk the line between imagination and science.  And the value of handing things down... tradition isn't always evil.  How to be happy knowing that the 'truth' will never actually be figured out, just estimated at.  How past events and future events are all tied together, and that a bit more long-term perspective can go a long way.  And finally, how important communities really are.


...hmmm.  I guess I have a lot to thank archaeology for.

Elanorgold's picture



Cool, Faerenach. I like yours. I'm into archaeology too, no degree though. I really dig you open christians who I can talk to and who talk so freely and openly. I also dig that young people like Sachyriel can talk to all us older folk with such ease on the internet. When I was 16 I only had other 16 year olds to talk to... well and my Uncle.


I also dig the origami thing, sounds very much like superstring theory. ANd I have long loved the three fates thought, and also think of fate and history like a tapestry. I even did some actual weaving many years ago. Knitting is like that too. I like all the curly wirlies, and you can knitt pictures in too. Spinning yarn is pretty spiritual.

Faerenach's picture



Elanorgold wrote:
ANd I have long loved the three fates thought, and also think of fate and history like a tapestry. I even did some actual weaving many years ago. Knitting is like that too. I like all the curly wirlies, and you can knitt pictures in too. Spinning yarn is pretty spiritual.

I remember growing up, I loved the story of Arachne and weaving the tapestries that tell stories... I thought it was brilliant.  And Penelope, and her shroud/wedding veil.


I myself am not a knitter or a weaver (though I'd try weaving in a second!).  I am more of an embroiderer and more recently, a seamstress.  Threads and I get along.  Maybe that's why I feel so at home on a forum. ;)

The Liberal's picture

The Liberal


Follower of Jesus the Christ


Panentheist (The Whole is in God)


Liberal Anglican



Worshiper of Feminine Divine (Divine Mother)

Mate's picture



I have come to agree with Karen Armstrong that all of the world's great faiths are founded upon the two principles of justice and compassion.  While I am a member of the Anglican Church of Canada I am happy that my church has no problems with my calling myself a Christian pluralist.  That is I recognize the validity of all the world's great faiths though I don't always agree with some of the practices.




Mate's picture



I'm not sure where else to put this.


I was very pleased and excited to note in the Vancouver Sun that my former diocese,Ottaw, has decided to proceed with same sex blessings.  Finaly there is a bit more justice coming to the Anglican Church of Canada.




revjohn's picture



Hi Brad's ego,


brads ego wrote:

What "boxes" best define you?


Hmmmmmm.  Instead of boxes how about nesting dolls?


The biggest doll would be Christian.  Inside of that Protestant.  Inside of that The United Church of Canada.  Inside of that Calvinist.  Inside of that Weird Al Yankovic fan.


Grace and peace to you.


clergychickita's picture



this is what I have on my facebook page:

pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-Jesus; currently walking the Way with the United Church of Canada

Mendalla's picture





Not necessarily just because I am a Unitarian Universalist or subscribe to the universalist theology (i.e. God's grace is available to all persons, not a special group), but because I think the divine nature of the universe is, indeed, universal and can be found in all things and people. Therefore, there are many paths to finding the Truth and each of us must the path that is right for us.


And hi to all. I've been busy the last little while, but was starting to miss WC so decided to pop in.


Faerenach's picture



Mendalla, have you met Arminius?  You two would get on smashingly.

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress





Now there's a thought - Mendalla and Arminius discussing the Kosmos in matching overalls! 

Sachyriel's picture


image Origami getting bigger as Sudoku get's bigger in the west? Or am I just crazy?

Or both?


Ergo Ratio's picture

Ergo Ratio


Indefinite Nonist

Arminius's picture



Ergo Ratio wrote:

Indefinite Nonist


Oh, I forgot; I belong to that religion, too. Thanks for reminding me, Ergo Ratio!

Arminius's picture



Sachyriel wrote: Origami getting bigger as Sudoku get's bigger in the west? Or am I just crazy?

Or both?


Always both, Sachyriel, always both.


Arminius's picture



Faerenach wrote:

Mendalla, have you met Arminius?  You two would get on smashingly.


Hi Farren:


Yes, we met. But Mendalla takes Unitarian Universalism seriously, whereas I don't.


I take nothing seriously.


But that means I take everything seriously!



In Comic Unity, (darn, I keep forgetting that "s")



Faerenach's picture



Hee hee... comic unity. 

you're a star, Arminius.

crazyheart's picture



You can't put UCCAN in a box. There are not enough boxes available.


Beloved's picture





1.  Believer of God

2.  Follower of Jesus

3.  Christian

4.  Leaning a little more on the liberal spectrum

5.  Member of The United Church of Canada


Explained as:

If someone asked me what I believed in, I would say I am a . . .

1.  Believer of God

If they then asked me how I did that, I would say I am a . . .

2.  Follower of Jesus

If they they asked me what I called my belief, I would say I call myself a . . .

3.  Christian

If they asked me what "kind" of a Christian I was, I would say I  . . .

4.  Lean a little more on the liberal side

If they asked in what denomination I practised my Christianity, I would say . . .

5.  In The United Church of Canada


Okay, so this is where I am today, as least this time of this day . . . who knows where or what I will be 10 minutes, 10 days, or 10 years from now . . . I am constantly learning, constantly growing, constantly questioning and being challenged in my beliefs, I am constantly being willing to be changed by God.


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .


Rowan's picture



non-wiccan pagan




robakapastorrob's picture





Biblical Literalist (Interpreting the Bible in a literary way.  I've never plucked out my right eye when I've committed the sin of lust.  I believe the Bible to be true in all its parts).


conservative (small-c.  Although I'm not sure I entirely fit in this box.  In other eras I might have been considered liberal, but not in a theological way).

Arminius's picture



crazyheart wrote:

You can't put UCCAN in a box. There are not enough boxes available.


Yes, crazyheart, exactly my point!


Mohammed—whose name be praised—agrees with us:


The differences within my community are the grace of God.

Mendalla's picture



Arminius wrote:

Yes, we met. But Mendalla takes Unitarian Universalism seriously, whereas I don't.


I take nothing seriously.


But that means I take everything seriously!



In Comic Unity, (darn, I keep forgetting that "s")



Tee hee, in Comic Unity, indeed, Arminius. I'm not actually that serious, just come across that way online, I think. The puns and wordplay I love just don't seem to come as naturally when I'm typing as when I'm talking. And me in overalls (to whomever conjured that image)? Ouch. I'm a cotton casuals and golf shirt kind of guy.


Faerenach's picture



crazyheart wrote:
You can't put UCCAN in a box.

Hey look!  I put it in a box!  *looks up at the quote box*


...sorry, couldn't help myself.

Witch's picture



I am pre-Boru, Tuathan Irish Celtic Recontructionist

My public practice is Wiccan

My hereditary title is Seanachie

ronny5's picture



I have looked at this thread and couldn't really come up with anything that I thought would work...  but I actually did!  When I look at the things I believe to true in our universe, I would ultimately classify myself as a secularist.   I believe in distinct and complete separation of church and state, because the last time the church had a lot of say in our society it was called the dark ages.  I don't hate religion, but I like to live somewhat free of it.  


And if I gotta pick more than one.....  secularist and musician.  If you could say anything, music is my religion.  Part of the reason I pick music is because music is basically math...  and math and music are as close to anything completely universal as I can think of.  (I am a part-time musician on top of my regular job)

tonton's picture



I Look at myself as a person of faith. I'm not religious at all. I cannot religiously love my mother, thererfore; how can I religiously love my heavenly father. He is the truth to me. The bible states that we should put away traditions of men. these things don't please god. Religious people nailed jesus to a cross. They went to the temple every week and ate their special bread, wore religious garb. yet they were void of love. The bible states " If a man says he knows god but does not love his brother he is a liar. Because god is love.I just think we need to be in relationship with god. We could never do an outward song and dance that would please god. the bible says we can't please god without perfect charity. It also says that they would know us by our love. Religion is just another thing that mankind came up with to cause confusion that would maybe cause the masses to drop all belief in god and just worship themselves, science and government. And if you want to get a little gooey you can even throw a little nature worship in there to. But we came from a truth and everybody can't be right. can many men be the biological father to the same baby. certainly not. I think that everyone hates christians so much because the god we serve has the character of a father. The authority that god has, expecting us to abide he's hated by persons with huge egos and dangerous pride. Except when the house is on fire and the boat is going down then they say 'oh god help me. but day to day they actually put themselves in competetion with god. sometimes even calling themselves gods. yet they can't place a star in the sky. Why can't we just drop religion and learn to love our creator. not seek out to prove anything against god. but to seek the truth about him. which causes us to be free to obtain the benefits from him. be of good health in this life and prosper and waite for him to call us home to that special place that he has prepared for us. Why are we just trying to intellectualize a beautiful spiritual gift. It just seems to be pride and ego. which the bible states that these things will bring a man or a women low.

LBmuskoka's picture



I am a Popeyeist - I yam what I yam


Although I could be persuaded to become a Comic Unitarian.


LB - fickle in fideism

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.     e.e. cummings

----------'s picture




1. Follower of Jesus

2. Moderate Calvinist

3. New Evangelical

----------'s picture



revjohn wrote:

Hmmmmmm.  Instead of boxes how about nesting dolls?


The biggest doll would be Christian.  Inside of that Protestant.  Inside of that The United Church of Canada.  Inside of that Calvinist.  Inside of that Weird Al Yankovic fan.


Say, John, I like that. Here then is mine...


The biggest doll would be Christian. Inside of that Baptist. Inside of that The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada. Inside of that Calvinist. Inside of that Rick Astley fan.

Arminius's picture



LBmuskoka wrote:

I am a Popeyeist - I yam what I yam


Although I could be persuaded to become a Comic Unitarian.


LB - fickle in fideism

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.     e.e. cummings


Hi LB:


Welcome to the Divine Comedy Club!


With us Divine Comedians, life is not a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Neither is it an epic, told by a mystic, full of ecstasy, signifying everything. No, it is a little of both: A Divine Comedy, told by a Cosmic Comedian, full of laughter (mainly at oneself), signifying whatever.  

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