Beloved's picture



2014 - Hopes Goals Dreams Wishes

The new year of 2014 will soon be upon us.


And, I think it will be a good one . . . 14 divided by 2 = 7 . . . and 7 is supposed to be the number of perfection, isn't it?


Okay, perhaps the year won't hold perfection . . . but - what are some of your Hopes, Goals, Dreams, and Wishes - for yourself, for others, for personkind, for the world?


What would be some happenings that would be positive life-changing events for you?  What are some things that could make your life better?  What would be somethings that you could change that could make your life better?


Are you ready?  (Ready or not, 2014 is on it's way wink)


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crazyheart's picture



I'll think on this Beloved. Will be back.

GO_3838's picture



I always try to make very specific goals, but not necessarily ones that need to be accomplished within the year.

Here are a few of them:

1) Help establish a gay-straight alliance at my school. I'm thinking that this needs to be broader, and that my town needs a LGBTQ alliance in the community, and perhaps a gay pride parade in my community. (Which we currently don't have.) This will take more than one year, but it's a goal I'm working on.

2) Eat more flax seed in 2014. I need more omega 3's, and I don't have much enthusiasm for fish (being an Ontario girl through and through.)

3) Spend lots of time with my 13-year-old dog, to make her last years happy ones. She's slowing down, and I'm thinking 2014 might be her last year.

4) Try to get more exercise in 2014. I do go to the gym and walk, but not as much as I need to. But I figure any exercise is better than no exercise. This goal has been ongoing for years, but I'll renew my determination to get more in 2014 than I currently do.

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