revjohn's picture



Exception to the (alleged) rule

Hi All,

This one is also from the Lark. It shares the heart warming story of a clergyperson who has decided to hold none of his seminary training back.

Be careful what you wish for!

SAN BERNARDINO "” Pastor John Rainey's sermons have become virtually unintelligible as he constantly references Greek and Hebrew definitions, say parishioners at Oak Creek Presbyterian. On a recent Sunday, only 20 percent of Rainey's sermon was in English.

"We were scratching our heads the whole time," says one member. "I thought I understood the passage before, but when he got done explaining it, I was lost."

During the sermon, Rainey read a passage from Obadiah and said, "The word used for 'provision' is the Greek 'kupkos', or 'chabed' in the Hebrew, meaning 'oikenatilus' or literally 'havet am rabed alshallai.' The original tells us, 'Kepkus oikenate dunamis rikesa,' a fascinating word construction, meaning not just once but continually, or, 'Akinitus kre dormitaron,' which corresponds to, 'Shevet ahim gamyahad.' If I may put it this way, 'Gelli toheron basmat evit yarna, khom harde dir shalom ette ramen novar chemyon.' Amen?"

Rainey, who holds multiple seminary degrees, may feel pressure to put his knowledge to use, say befuddled church-goers. They have petitioned him to stick to English. Rainey bridled at the suggestion, saying he is "connecting people to the source material." Instead he plans to offer real-time English translations of his sermons on the church's overhead projectors "for those not sophisticated enough to understand what the Bible is saying in its original language." "¢

Grace and peace to you.


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revjohn's picture



higher criticism bump.

dreamywinds's picture



revJohn I think that if Pastor Rainy loved his congregation, he would not want to befuddle them by showing of his higher education.

PM's picture



b'shem-hacol asher qadosh! That's actually really funny.

If you want to make your listeners scratch their heads and if you want to use the original languages of texts in your talks - go speak at a University - theology and religious studies departments/students would be more than happy to listen, and probably argue too!

But for your "average" congregation - KISS, it will probably make everyone's lives easier. But I am certainly in favour of discussion - on occasion - the effect that translation has on the meanings associated with a text, passage, or word.

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