Beloved's picture



February . . . Specifically

February is here!  What is something you do, specifically, only in the month of February?


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Pinga's picture



Have my birthday! Have my dad's birthday. Have my 2 brother's and my sister's birthday.  oldest & youngest born on same day 19 years apart.  no twins. Have my 2nd cousins' birthday who was born 16days before me.  Yup, it's a busy month for b-days in our family.

Bug my husband to get his tax stuff ready on time.  I tend to bug him after Feb, but the on-time part only happens in Feb (wink)

Kimmio's picture



Valentine's Day- a few red sparkly things that are supposed to be Christmas decorations (a glittery fake flower that I got at Urban Barn years ago, might bring out the 'rubies' Jae sent me-those will work) still look good in the apartment. Have a good excuse to bring them out again- or aknowledge that I didn't put it away yet because it's also good for Valentine's (flower's over on my bookshelf). Figure out what I will buy or make my husband. Send card to Grandma.

Start to emerge from winter funk as the sun shines a bit more. Think about spring around the corner. Enjoy the days slowly getting longer. Follow winter Olympics a bit if it's an 'on' year, not because I follow sports, but just because it's always in the news. Check to see if it's a leap year.

revjohn's picture



Hi Beloved,


Beloved wrote:

February is here!  What is something you do, specifically, only in the month of February?


Celebrate my sister's birthday (14th) as well as the birthdays of my son (24th) and daughter (19th)  both of whom came earlier than the predicted 29th.


Grace and peace to you.



Kimmio's picture



Check for flower blossoms starting. (only in BC ;) -during the 2010 Olympics some cherry blossoms were already in bloom. Commentators made a joke of it- it was about 10+ degrees and there was no snow. One of the warmest winters in memory- and we were hosting winter Olympics. Organizers were worried about some of the venues/ snow machines holding up. Have a chuckle, remembering those good old' days 4 years ago.

Kimmio's picture



Realize I don't know anyone with a February birthday. :) well, not except Pinga now- Happy Birthday!

ninjafaery's picture



It's around the time to seek out a greenhouse or butterfly museum for a much-needed break from winter..

Magical place with orange trees, flowers growing and sunlight warming the greenhouse through the glass.. I find a bench and take it all in. 

A couple  places I've been are Allen Gardens in Toronto, and the one between Niagra-On-The-Lake and Niagara Falls. Haven't checked out the one in Guelph at the university. 

Usally they're free. 


Also, my brother's birthday is Feb. 29. A leap year baby.

Beloved's picture



Send Valenines


(Both my parents' birthdays were in February).


Used to be able to say attend Annual Meeting, but this year we changed it to March smiley.




Pinga's picture



Ignore the message about the groundhog


Ponder spring being only a month from now







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