jon71's picture



I'm back (intermittenly)

Dear Cafe

I'm sure some of you rememeber me and some don't. I've been here before but it's been something like a year since I've been here last. Things are mixed. In the past the relationship with my wife has been very troubled. I'm inclinded to say it's a lot better now and I think that's mostly true but there is some fluctuation in what my wife says on the subject. According to her some days it's great and other days it's still shaky. I wish that wasn't so mercurial but oh well. I don't have it in me right now to get hung up on the fluctuations.
Financially things are a mess but hopefully that will improved. My wife did a Dave Ramsey class at church and I've been going over the material at home. It was the wrong time of day for me to make the class. We're recently eliminated two bills so that will help us out and I'm getting a lot of hours at work. I need to find something that pays better and it's discouraging that there doesn't seem to be much in town. I need to keep looking but I have very little confidence in the employment office to have much of anything.
The other new thing is I've restarted taking Karate. I used to do that years ago with my daughter. She's not interested now, although I hope seeing me go will lead to her changing her mind. Between working on thirds making it hard to get up in time for class (5 pm.) and for next week at least struggling to pay for the gas to get there I'm doing good to make it three days a week but hopefully I'll start to do better. I'm at out of practice yellow belt but with practice I might move up to orange in a few months. That's my goal anyway. Prior to doing this I almost never left the house other than work or occasionally running an errand. That wasn't healthy. I think this is good for me. at least on the days when I don't have to sacrifice too much sleep to make it.
The only other thing of significance is my dad has a significant other now. My mom died of cancer about 2 1/2 years ago and dad met a lady almost a year ago when he was spending a few months in Florida (he's retired). She's retired and is really into He's picking that up from her some. She's a retired nurse which is good because he has health issues. Chron's like me as well as heart trouble. His diet is so resrticted he's almost vegan. Basically a few ounces of lean meat a day is all he's permitted. Coffee has to be decaf, and I forget what else he's not allowed anymore.
I should note that I have no home internet at the moment (can't afford it) so I'm on a library computer. I'm not sure when that will change. I'd love to be back here regular but for the next while it'll be hit and miss, once or twice a week at best.
I hope everyone here is doing well. I look forward to being in touch more.

fondly, Jonathan

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crazyheart's picture



Hi jon. i think you have probably seen the news that is closing in June. Many people are trying to find a solution to stay open. Let us know your thoughts.

Beloved's picture



Hi Jon, I remember you.


Glad to see the positive things that are working out for you that you have posted.  And the ones that are still of trouble to you - may they too turn for the better.



ninjafaery's picture



Hi Jon - good to see you. Sorry things have been difficult for you. It's becoming increasingly hard for those of us who used to keep our heads above water. If life throws us a few curveballs, it's devastating. Leaves you feeling so vulnerable. It's one can do to try and stay hopeful.
Been there bro - sounds like things are improving. I know it will keeping going in that direction.
Whenever you find yourself here - you know you have an online "home" - yes - as long as WC lasts

somegalfromcan's picture



Hi Jon - it's really good to "see" you again. It sounds like there's been a lot of stress in your life, but also some good things - I hope you can focus on the good stuff!

Wolfie's picture



I remember you Jon...  It is nice to see you again. I took a break from WC for about 2 years. Enjoying reading all the discussions i've missed over the years and the new ones that are taking place. There will always be a place for you on Wonder Cafe.


(>-.-)> *Peace* ~ Beyond ~ *Peace* <(-.-<)


Steven A. Breeze

kaythecurler's picture



Good to see you again Jon.  Sorry to hear that your life has glitches in it - hope they all get resolved in a positive way - and soon.


Looking forward to your voice in some of the other threads, as you find time/computer to post.

Tabitha's picture



Hi again Jon,

Sounds like your physical health is getting better. Glad to hear you are getting out of the house more. That has to be good for you.

Take care wonderfriend!

chansen's picture



Jon, Dave Ramsey has a lot of good ideas. I don't like bow he mixes finances with faith, but he is one of the very few financial guys who mixes the two who is not a scam artist. I've battled Christian financial scam artists online before. Beware anyone who comes bearing a cross and an offer of financial salvation. People like that prey on Christians.

stardust's picture




Nice to see you again. I hope something really good is waiting down the road for you. Its time.


God bless you and yours.

seeler's picture



Good to see you again Jon.  Of course I remember you, and I'm glad that you choose to share something of what's been going on in your life.  Take care.

jon71's picture



Thank you all. I'm still at the library but homefully will have home internet again in a week or two. This week was a mess but I think next will be better. I'll keep checking in as I can.

As for the cafe closing I hate that. I'm not sure what ideas I have in a practical sense, just that I'd love for this to continue.

Hilary's picture



Hi jon!  I'm glad that you have some time to stop in amidst all the other things going on in your life.  May you find moments of quiet and comfort in your days.

Northwind's picture



Welcome back Jon. It is good to see you again.

jon71's picture



Thank you. I should have home internet by either the weekend or very early next week so I'll be a lot more regular then.

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