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March-Hopes Dreams Wishes Plans

March has arrived!  March . . . just the sound of it gives a slight indication of spring . . .


What are some of your hopes and dreams, wishes and plans, projects and undertakings this brand new month of March?


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It will be a year ago this month that I started having health issues.  My hopes, my dreams, my wishes . . . are that I would be well!  I'm not sure this is going to totally happen.  While I have seen some improvement, I am not what I would call well or healed.  I will persevere (despite my weariness in all this) and will do all I can to get well.  I am hoping that this month shows signs and evidence that I am well on my way to restored health.  I had a better day yesterday, but today is not as good . . .


Good news is that I have gained 5 pounds.  I was down to 98 just before Christmas and my last weighin was 103.  This is good news as it shows to me that I am absorbing nutrients.


Projects and Undertakings . . . I started walking on the treadmill again after Christmas.  This month I hope to start doing some small weights again - I was doing this in the summer, but let it go by the wayside in the late fall.  I have lots of church projects and personal projects to do.  I hope to get some spring organizing in my home done (not spring cleaning as I cleaned just before Christmas).


Mentally, I hope to become more positive and gratitude filled.  Intellectually I hope to do some reading.  Spiritually I hope to grow through the season of Lent.


March is not one of my favorite months - never has been.  I plug along through March . . . with my eyes set on April and the coming of spring.



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