revjohn's picture



Oakville Youth Service

Hi All,

Noticing that we have some who are younger than the target demographic of this particular endeavour (I'm not complaining). I thought that in the spirit of being open, welcoming and inviting. I would direct you to the following web-site:

Not only are we hoping that you will look around and see what is going on at St. John's in Oakville we are hoping you might have the evening of Saturday, November 25th free to pop in and participate in our next "youth" service.

We won't be carding anyone so if you are just youthful or looking for a fountain of youth we would welcome you to worship with us.

If you read the blurb on the upcoming service you will find (possibly to your discomfort) that I have been asked to be the guest speaker. That may just be because the youth were just trying to make me feel welcome and useful.

At any rate. The Youth put the service together, pick the music, pick the scriptures, pick the theme and they have done all of that this time around as well.

If you are in the area and can resist the temptation to throw things at me while I talk we'd love to have you join us.

It would also be frowned upon if you came to throw things at the youth.


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RevMatt's picture



OH!! There is, of course, an actual Bible story about wrestling. When Abraham (?) wrestles with God! Going off the top of my head here, have to look it up. I think it was Abraham, though.

RevMatt's picture



Well, depending on the gospel in question, "Mark-a-mania" (fill in appropriate name). But then, your youth wouldn't be old enough to remember Hulkamania, would they?

Maybe something more subtle. Rename all the characters in the story with wrestling names. John the Headless Baptist! Peter dumb questions the Rock! Or somesuch.

I don't know, I think Mad may have out done me on this one :)

MadMonk's picture



An ex-wrestler preaching?

I'm trying to picture sermon topics on the sign outside your church:

"Body Slam the Devil!"

"Against the Ropes of Despair? Get a choke-hold on life!"

"Full Nelsoned or the Father Nelsoned?"

"Headlocked in Life? Try Jesus!"

I'm sure there are lots of other good titles, and I hope RevMatt helps me here!

Seriously though, RevJohn, sounds like a good night you have planned.

revjohn's picture




Those are good ideas. Big change from the old 'gird thy loins' standby.


MadMonk's picture



Possibilities are endless.

John you can read these sermon titles to the youth and let them pick which topic they want!

revjohn's picture





It is actually Jacob that wrestles the angel by the ford of Jabbok


RevMatt's picture



ah, thanks. Hence the ? I couldn't find it off the top of my head.

revjohn's picture



RevMatt & MadMonk,

Thanks for all the ideas. I probably will run them by the Youth at a future point and let them pick one for me to do.

For the 25th they have asked me to talk about trust.

So that's the way that sermon will go.


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