crazyheart's picture




Today in Regina it is -51 with wind.It is really dreadful but the snow has stopped and the shovelling is done to get to the car. How is everyone else faring?

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chemgal's picture



I haven't been out yet and didn't realize how cold it was until I saw this :(

I'm a bit surprised, I know yesterday it was in the -20s and it got really windy last night, but usually when it's this cold I end up turning the heat up.  I looked at the weather, and it's in the -30s, but at least the wind has died down so we're not hitting -40s (at least for now) with the windchill.  lol The heat has been kicking in more, I should have noticed, but we had a window open because Chemguy cleaned the bathrooms and the cleaners were affecting my asthma no matter where I was in the house even though the fans were on.  I guess I just got used to the heat kicking in frequently.

kaythecurler's picture



Wow Crazyheart, that is crazy cold.  I think I'd ignore it all and stay inside.  Actually that is what we decided when we saw the weather report on the computer.  Ours was 'only' -48 this morning, though it is a couple of degrees better now.


Take care out in the cold world everyone!

ninjafaery's picture



I watched on TV someone throwing boiling water in the air outside, and it turned to snow in midair.
We don't have quite those brutal temps, but it's bad enough with pipes freezing etc.
Bloody cold.

Mendalla's picture



Warmed up (relative to last week) here. Even a risk of freezing rain. Should be back to negative double digits by mid-week according to Environment Canada. Has not been as cold here as elsewhere though still well below normal.




Rowan's picture



With the wind it's -36 where I am. which is an improvement from the -43 it was when the folks in my building all got dragged out of our beds by a false fire alarm this morning.

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